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jgbc3d 07-10-2023 02:33

just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
Yes, ban? do it, dont care, world has enought with that LGBTQ(and any other stupid letter), most of these people just lose they respect by their own fault. BTW there is only male and female you dumbshits. here is some free of speech

Voltron 07-10-2023 05:39

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
Lol. I think that's the permanent logo now.

bigdaddy424 07-10-2023 18:35

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
it shouldve stopped at LGBT. the rest are pointless and madeup from bored members of their community. what made it worse are the pronouns. having someone say im gay is so much better and straightforward that saying that they indentify as wheel/chair is just plain nonsense
have a nice day

Black Rose 07-12-2023 15:16

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by jgbc3d (Post 2806989)
Yes, ban? do it, dont care, world has enought with that LGBTQ(and any other stupid letter), most of these people just lose they respect by their own fault. BTW there is only male and female you dumbshits. here is some free of speech

"They" are expressing their opinion, exactly like you did with this post. I'm guessing the irony in that went right over your head.

The big difference is that one opinion is about inclusion and one is about exclusion.

Jhob94 07-12-2023 20:20

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
Well since we are talking about this here we go.
As an old lgbt supporter i think this is up to the forum’s staff to decide what they support.

But yes, lgbt has lost their path at the moment they brought children into operations and medications.

I’m friend with 2 men that were born as women and i was the bestman at the wedding of one of them. They both criticize the current lgbt movement. One of them started to change the sex by the age of 28 and still was scared to make a mistake. My buddy that married lost the sensivity on his parts and doesn’t do anything with his wife anymore. I see now the current lgbt as a failed abusive organization who violate and disrespect children that aren’t mature enough to decide what they want to be. And a fact is that lgbt is losing members every single day. In a year or two it is going to be only karens and people that want to be treated as another gender without change their gender legally.

jgbc3d 07-13-2023 00:27

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Black Rose (Post 2807095)
"They" are expressing their opinion, exactly like you did with this post. I'm guessing the irony in that went right over your head.

The big difference is that one opinion is about inclusion and one is about exclusion.

Inclusion and exclusion no, it's not about that anymore. In fact, since they like to talk about non-binary things, this has become a conflict for those who don't understand the meanings of individuality, and I mean practically everyone. No one can claim that their delusional tastes and pleasures are simply taken and accepted by society for their own comfort. I repeat this applies to everyone.
It seems strange to me not to have been banned (yet) because I knew that my comment was going to hurt the delicate feelings of some, but I repeat and reaffirmed my first comment even knowing that both your symbols and my comment are part of the free of speech.

asherkin 07-13-2023 05:43

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by jgbc3d (Post 2806989)
BTW there is only male and female you dumbshits.

Jhob94 07-13-2023 09:38

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by asherkin (Post 2807120)

That’s just a theory. Just because the world health organization says so it doesn’t mean it is true.
Remember covid? My dad is sick for life because of the vaccine, he can only drink water and food without salt and sauces. He didn’t even smoke, went from healthy to unhealthy from one day to the other and can’t work anymore. Just because WHO has an agenda, it doesn’t mean they are correct.

It’s ok for the person socially construct his personality and feel like they are born in the wrong body, that’s why you are allowed to change it. But you can’t deny biology, it’s not about being advanced, it’s about being proven. If you are at the wrong body do the operations, change your name and go live your life.

As i said previously i was a lgbt supporter and i used to hang out with lgbt members. And there was one 20 years old woman that was nuts. She presented herself as woman even when she dressed like a man. She always said she was a woman. Than from one day to another she decided she was a man. And after that she started using pills ilegally to grow beard and since she couldn’t use public service (for her mental state) and couldn’t afford operations on private hospitals she started to say she was non-binary. And wanted to force everyone to call her by a male name even when her identification was still female.
My ex-women friends (that are now men) also don’t support non binary and all of those non sense the community is trying to imply.

DruGzOG 07-13-2023 10:46

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807131)
That’s just a theory. Just because the world health organization says so it doesn’t mean it is true.
Remember covid? My dad is sick for life because of the vaccine, he can only drink water and food without salt and sauces. He didn’t even smoke, went from healthy to unhealthy from one day to the other and can’t work anymore. Just because WHO has an agenda, it doesn’t mean they are correct.

It’s ok for the person socially construct his personality and feel like they are born in the wrong body, that’s why you are allowed to change it. But you can’t deny biology, it’s not about being advanced, it’s about being proven. If you are at the wrong body do the operations, change your name and go live your life.

As i said previously i was a lgbt supporter and i used to hang out with lgbt members. And there was one 20 years old woman that was nuts. She presented herself as woman even when she dressed like a man. She always said she was a woman. Than from one day to another she decided she was a man. And after that she started using pills ilegally to grow beard and since she couldn’t use public service (for her mental state) and couldn’t afford operations on private hospitals she started to say she was non-binary. And wanted to force everyone to call her by a male name even when her identification was still female.
My ex-women friends (that are now men) also don’t support non binary and all of those non sense the community is trying to imply.

I mean that is ultimately your experience and opinion. I work in healthcare and I provide the same level of care regardless of gender, gender identity, race, creed and so forth whereas someone else may not. Now the patients will be able to determine if I am providing that level of care by how satisfied they are by that care. But again, that is a matter of subjective data. The provided objective data shows clearly there are more gender identities.

You use covid as a means to say that the vaccination is the cause of his sickness, but I also can argue that a "healthy" individual does not go to multiple doctors a year to do annual check ups other than a physical and annual lab work. Also in my medical experience, healthy is a relative term. Can't prove the vaccination was the cause when it could have also been underlying causes and was exacerbated by covid. But I don't want to get into that cause this is all a matter of opinion and experience from two different perspectives. Children can identify as to whatever gender they want. There are many factors in this but also personal opinions. Some acknowledge and some deny. Its a part of life.

As for OP, gender and gender identity are two different terms. They may be born as male or female as that is their gender, but they identify as something else. Don't see anything wrong with the logo as the administrators here have the right to post whatever and regulate whatever they want and are not enforcing their views on you. If it really bothers you, you can tape a piece of paper over the logo :bee:

Jhob94 07-13-2023 12:06

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by DruGzOG (Post 2807133)
You use covid as a means to say that the vaccination is the cause of his sickness

It was the medic who claimed it was the vaccine. It was Janssen vaccine, the one they removed from market for causing problems to several people.

DruGzOG 07-13-2023 12:44

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807137)
It was the medic who claimed it was the vaccine. It was Janssen vaccine, the one they removed from market for causing problems to several people.

The effects of the Janseen vaccine causing ailments to people was revoked by the FDA whereas Johnson and Johnson still have it up on their website so from either or of our perspectives, it could of been or may not have been the cause. When you say medic, do you mean medical doctor or the paramedic? Terminology may mean something completely different.

Nonetheless I don't say this to argue. At the end of the day everyone will have a different perspective or opinion. Can't cater to everyone

Jhob94 07-13-2023 12:54

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

jgbc3d 07-13-2023 14:49

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
One thing I am sure about this whole topic is that it has become something completely subjective. I would like to ask without encouraging my example to be considered absolute and at the same time I am surely going to give an example of why I say that this is something subjective.
In your spectrum of identities related to this, if we put the masculine gender at one end and the feminine gender at the other end, what exists between those two? Someone spoke that they can be identified as "something else", I ask what are the ranges of possibilities of that "something else", I could start with non-binary, Now tell me what other possibilities exist.
Because in fact as humans we already have a gender assigned, technically we are "homo" But I'm talking about a taxonomic category, could what I say be included as one of the possible answers to my question?
Regarding the concern of some because of the title of the topic, it is purely advertising, it is easy to capture the attention of some and offend them when you give an opinion. Whether it bothers me or not is my problem, as is how you identify yourself. I think I made it clear in previous answers. Perhaps I identify myself as a "non-pro-LGBT flag" gender, since we are talking about self-perception, right?

Spirit_12 07-13-2023 17:17

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
I do think the logo need to be changed. I get the inclusion part, but never understood the parade and showmanship of this whole movement.

It used to be the ability to express yourself and be accepted, but it has turned into accept us at gunpoint or the whole would cancel you. The whole media presentation and flamboyance of the culture is really disgusting.

asherkin 07-13-2023 17:37

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807131)
That’s just a theory. […] But you can’t deny biology, it’s not about being advanced, it’s about being proven.


Originally Posted by jgbc3d (Post 2807147)
if we put the masculine gender at one end and the feminine gender at the other end, what exists between those two?

In terms of pure biological, well understood science, the diagram here does a fairly decent job of rounding up our current understanding and some the axes upon which “biological sex” is bimodal, not even getting into identity much:

Humans are complex, brains are complex, people should be welcomed for who they are intrinsically.

jgbc3d 07-13-2023 18:26

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

people should be welcomed for who they are intrinsically
And this is when the conflicts begin, and in this definition the term non-binary is applied very well, responding to that which has to be accepted just for the sake of it.

DruGzOG 07-13-2023 20:21

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by jgbc3d (Post 2807153)
And this is when the conflicts begin, and in this definition the term non-binary is applied very well, responding to that which has to be accepted just for the sake of it.

Does it have any sort of effect on you if a person is nonbinary or not?

jgbc3d 07-13-2023 22:10

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by DruGzOG (Post 2807156)
Does it have any sort of effect on you if a person is nonbinary or not?

And do you think considering the complexity of the whole thing is that I do care about someone considering themselves non-binary or not?

DruGzOG 07-14-2023 05:25

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by jgbc3d (Post 2807160)
And do you think considering the complexity of the whole thing is that I do care about someone considering themselves non-binary or not?

You're evading the question. Does it effect your day to day life that someone is non-binary or not? You're correlating things that aren't relevant to each other and making assumptions that are just :down:. Nonetheless going to unsubscribe from this thread cause it makes no sense to continue to discuss with someone who's focusing on all the wrong things about gender identity.

Mordekay 07-14-2023 05:30

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by DruGzOG (Post 2807167)
You're evading the question. Does it effect your day to day life that someone is non-binary or not? You're correlating things that aren't relevant to each other and making assumptions that are just :down:. Nonetheless going to unsubscribe from this thread cause it makes no sense to continue to discuss with someone who's focusing on all the wrong things about gender identity.

In general not. But once a normal woman is confronted with a biological male in a locker room, it does.
Or if a biological male want's to compete in a woman sports event, because he feels like a woman, it does.
The right to identify as whatever you want, does not include the right to press your feelings onto others.

Jhob94 07-14-2023 07:01

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by DruGzOG (Post 2807156)
Does it have any sort of effect on you if a person is nonbinary or not?

Lgbt affects when they bring children and teenagers to the equation. Do you think this is ok?

Do you think a child doing an operation that is irreversible is ok? They are kids, they don’t know what they want.

Do you think it is ok for a person who just says he identifies as a woman have the right to share a bathroom with a 5 years old girl?

You are missing the point here, no one here cares about what people do with on bed, people are concerned because lgbt is trying to enforce a failed ideology into kids. This isn’t about accepting or respecting because they were already accepted and respected. This is about converting society into their ideologies.

asherkin 07-14-2023 10:18

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807170)
Do you think this is ok?

I think it’s up to the parents of the children, who appear to be present at that event alongside them and perfectly fine with what’s going on there. I however don’t get why your issues with a performance art form are at all related to the “discussion” here.


Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807170)
Do you think a child doing an operation that is irreversible is ok?

I think that’s up to the child (if they’re Gillick competent) and their parents and medical professionals, not politicians or people on the internet.


Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807170)
Do you think it is ok for a person who just says he identifies as a woman have the right to share a bathroom with a 5 years old girl?

I think it’s beyond insane to attribute ill intent to someone just because of their identity.


Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807170)
lgbt is trying to enforce a failed ideology into kids.

Trans kids should get the opportunity to grow up into trans adults.

You seem quite focused on trying to debate a bunch of common talking points, but the reason folk need representation is about remembering the human, the fact there are other people out there like them, and not just people who want them hidden and away. That’s what the logo is all about, and there is a lot more to the community than just the segment currently being debated across the media (and sadly now here).

I understand being afraid of the unknown, I don’t understand the desire to listen to religious and political leaders thoughts on matters of human biology and sociology, rather than people’s lived experiences and medical professionals.

This isn’t the place to debate how you feel about LGBTQIA+ folk though, feel free to complain about the logo and AM’s support of them in our community, those posts will inform people of who you are - and I don’t know how you can be happy to put that out there into the world.

sapphonie 07-14-2023 11:00

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Voltron (Post 2806992)
Lol. I think that's the permanent logo now.

As it should be

Jhob94 07-14-2023 11:57

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by asherkin (Post 2807179)
I think that’s up to the child (if they’re Gillick competent) and their parents and medical professionals, not politicians or people on the internet.

So if a 13 years old kid wants to drink alchool or drive he should be allowed to if their parents allow it?
There is a reason why they are minors, they don’t have enough social experience to make decisions. Cutting a boy’s part is as bad as r*p*ng him, it’s not about consent. It’s a minor who has no idea about the consequences.

You all talk like it is a good thing but it aint. My friend’s wife once was crying and told me she was unhappy because since he became a man he stopped touching her and doesn’t have se* life anymore.

And lgbt want to do it to kids, who doesn’t even know what they really want. It’s insane, a person that supports it is either mentally ill or missinformed af

jgbc3d 07-14-2023 14:44

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
By themselves, examples continue to arrive of how some questions are formulated in such a simple and absurd way without taking into account the complexity of the matter. It is argued that someone is wrong simply because his answers are not to the liking of his ears, which is something that can be said by either perspective. In order not to take specific Comments from some of the answers (Because there are many) In this topic I am going to simply speak in general ways. For example, saying that I only consider the bad of the gender identity issue, ironically I see that at least it is recognized that there are wrong issues regarding that and in fact, I honestly do not see what is the good side of, for example, that you have freedom to perceive yourself as you want, I mean it should be something very normal, right? Both the free will of the rejection of something and its acceptance.
For example, if you also talk about having to argue from the perspective of experience, not politics and religion, personally I am very much against the points of view of these mentioned. And in fact, many of the arguments explained in this topic have been from people with the experience of knowing the points of view of various individuals.
Given all this, then to say that the judgment of a boy or a girl is correct without really having had any experience in their life with something that is just beginning to develop, such as their identity?
How do you assume that a boy or a girl is trans, because he or she tells you so considering the poorly developed judgment and experience they have or because someone specialized in the subject says so? If it's the latter, wouldn't it be what many are fighting for, the fact that you can't assign something to someone who is just beginning to live?
And yes, these issues can be brought up for discussion, because a sector of the Community now wants to make decisions and act on this.
I suppose that seeing the length of the text I imagine that very few are going to read it. It doesn't matter, I have the satisfaction that I am leaving my point of view. I have my freedom of will to reject what I want, for example, I do not see the need to feel identified with any color, flag, or set of letters, but it is in your freedom of will to do so, as I repeat my freedom to reject it, personally I do not need no symbol or color to identify me with something.

JocAnis 07-14-2023 15:18

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
@asherkin, do you have kids?

Black Rose 07-14-2023 15:56

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by jgbc3d (Post 2807189)
For example, if you also talk about having to argue from the perspective of experience, not politics and religion, personally I am very much against the points of view of these mentioned.

Exactly like FOX News told you to. Amazing.


Originally Posted by jgbc3d (Post 2807111)
I knew that my comment was going to hurt the delicate feelings of some

Just wait, they will probably start a thread about it... wait... but... you...?

jgbc3d 07-14-2023 16:29

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Black Rose (Post 2807192)
Exactly like FOX News told you to. Amazing.

Just wait, they will probably start a thread about it... wait... but... you...?

I stopped watching TV a long time ago. And in fact, American television is quite contaminated plus I add the fact that I'm not even from there, so the chances of having been indoctrinated by that culture is not that high.

And regarding the second. Absolutely correct, In fact I made a lot of emphasis in my rejection, Not only that but I said that they have the freedom to reject what I reject. Before all this, the same does not take away the fact that when presenting their arguments in favor of those who support this movement, none could present any virtue that benefits society, all are based on the fact that you have to accept it and that's it, that you can't say anything if it doesn't bother you, Or in an unsubstantiated argument like the one Fox News told me, In fact I even asked questions that in my complete ignorance no one could explain to me. But yes, my eyes hurt when I saw those colors and I took the liberty of expressing my opinion, or couldn't I? I never said that no one had the right to reply.

DruGzOG 07-15-2023 05:39

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807170)
Lgbt affects when they bring children and teenagers to the equation. Do you think this is ok?

Do you think a child doing an operation that is irreversible is ok? They are kids, they don’t know what they want.

Do you think it is ok for a person who just says he identifies as a woman have the right to share a bathroom with a 5 years old girl?

You are missing the point here, no one here cares about what people do with on bed, people are concerned because lgbt is trying to enforce a failed ideology into kids. This isn’t about accepting or respecting because they were already accepted and respected. This is about converting society into their ideologies.

I didn't state any of this nor do I have to agree with the points you're getting at. I spoke on gender identity. As a medical professional, I can say we as a whole will respect it and treat every individual the way the individual wants to be treated. That means if they identify as non-binary, trans, etc. that isn't up for debate.

As mentioned, there are MANY tests and diagnostic testing prior to someone being even qualified to have these procedures or choices. You guys are way too focused on the ill intent of some of the content posted whereas there is a lot more positivity in it.

Don't get what the video link is proving. A person dancing? Great video. You don't know the context of the content other than someone posting a video with a title proving nothing. What harm did that do to the kids?

Disappointing this is how much media influence has over individuals. Read into the intent of the community instead of diving into the opposition political views.

sapphonie 07-15-2023 06:51

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Jhob94 (Post 2807183)
So if a 13 years old kid wants to drink alchool or drive he should be allowed to if their parents allow it?
There is a reason why they are minors, they don’t have enough social experience to make decisions. Cutting a boy’s part is as bad as r*p*ng him, it’s not about consent. It’s a minor who has no idea about the consequences.

You all talk like it is a good thing but it aint. My friend’s wife once was crying and told me she was unhappy because since he became a man he stopped touching her and doesn’t have se* life anymore.

And lgbt want to do it to kids, who doesn’t even know what they really want. It’s insane, a person that supports it is either mentally ill or missinformed af

Nobody under the age of 16 (and in 99.999% of cases, 18) is getting gender reassignment surgery. That's not a thing that happens almost ever. It's also impressively telling that you talk about your trans man "friend" the way that you do. It's clear that you are set in your ways, but I encourage you to be more empathetic, and also understand that this culture war bullshit is a distraction pushed by the politicians in charge to distract you from the fact that global capitalist hegemony is declining, and our average quality of life is going down and not up as a result.

Perhaps get mad at them, at your boss, at your management, at your politicians, for paying you less and less every year with inflation, for gas prices going up, for the endless shittification of life, and not at random lgbtq people doing whatever.


Jhob94 07-15-2023 08:47

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
I don’t know about other countries but here at Portugal 146 ou of 500 gender operations were from minors.

jgbc3d 07-15-2023 17:37

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
I hope this is the last message that I write in this post and I say it like this because I think I have already made it more than clear that I do not retract what I said in the first comment. In fact, after reading several messages, it is clear to me that I do not have to retract of what I wrote I emphasize that I respect each person's tastes and "identities" (because it seems to me that perhaps it is not really a matter of gender but of tastes) But it does not hurt to continue asking for limits than to avoid entering the individuality of each person, much less take advantage of who are just taking experience in life With their ideological doctrines (That this has happened in much of the history of humanity).
I want to make an example in @Jhob94's comments, which I know are experience reports because I lived through something very similar. And I say that I want to set an example because sometimes they think that because someone rejects something it means that they want the worst. I mean that it is not my case. This that happens to his friends and also to many other people are situations that I and many others do not want to see because they are simply people who are suffering, but sometimes we are too rude to give an opinion and others end up believing which is to harm them. All of us sometimes find it very difficult to listen to truths.

IC3k1ng 07-19-2023 14:42

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
Also i think same as jgbc3d, they should remove it because it has been finished since 2 weeks ago. I don't really know what they want to search with that thing of the "Pride Month" because much people doesn't have any problem with gay people or other supporters. Also (in my opinion), since 2020 this generation is making pure "bullshit" with the theme of the vaccines and the other genders (that doesn't exist for me). They just want to put shit on your brain to get you controlled by that people.

Psyk0tik 07-19-2023 15:16

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about
man i like the logo/banner. it's so colorful and pleasing for my eyes. i'd be cool with it being the permanent one.

IC3k1ng 07-19-2023 16:08

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Psyk0tik (Post 2807416)
man i like the logo/banner. it's so colorful and pleasing for my eyes. i'd be cool with it being the permanent one.

There's no problem with that. In my opinion i just hate it but i can support it. Im just suggesting to quit it from the forum because it has been ended since +20 days ago.

Also @asherkin, the reason about what you put at my deleted post is not "Misinformation", because its just my own opinion and im not pretending to say something that it could be true or not for some people, but the biology and most people already defines that there exist only 2 genders (men and women). Like me, the post creator, etc. Also if you mean "Misinformation" due to my vocabulary, its because im currently practicing English since some years ago because my native language is Spanish, and for talk with most people of the world, i will need to practice that to understand other people.

If LGBT supporters wanna add more genders, there's no problem with it, but tecnically is not possible because the definition i said at the deleted post has been not modified since some years ago, and probably it will not get modified because there are no enough proofs for change the definition. I hope that you can respect this and thank you to take your time reading this.

Black Rose 07-19-2023 18:17

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by IC3k1ng (Post 2807414)
since 2020 this generation is making pure "bullshit" with the theme of the vaccines


IC3k1ng 07-19-2023 19:15

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Black Rose (Post 2807425)

It's the true. The russians from the "Sputnik" vaccine wanted to make all faster to give a cure but it just affected more to make you feel sick and alterate your genetic.

Black Rose 07-20-2023 02:00

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by IC3k1ng (Post 2807430)
It's the true. The russians from the "Sputnik" vaccine wanted to make all faster to give a cure but it just affected more to make you feel sick and alterate your genetic.

That's not what you said though. You said "vaccines", not "Russia". Clearly indicating your distrust of them.

I can't trust anything you say as "truth" as you clearly lack the function to tell real from fake. For example here when you have a full conversation with a bot thinking it's giving you compliments. Even when someone already told you it's a bot.

Originally Posted by kaka777 (Post 2801287)
The link isn't working mate, hope you have downloaded the desired plugin file by now.Thank you all for yours kind reminders.You can go with the YO WhatsApp Download on your Android device to use its premium features for free.


Originally Posted by IC3k1ng (Post 2801507)
Umm, why the advertise?


Originally Posted by Mordekay (Post 2801595)
Because it is a spambot, like 99% of all new users.


Originally Posted by kaka777 (Post 2801669)
I'm so sorry if I made you feel bad because I saw others posting the same way, so I assumed it was allowed.


Originally Posted by IC3k1ng (Post 2801671)
First of all, no problem, i was just asking why because its very rare to see that sometimes. And second, remember to read the rules of this forum. You can see it here:


Originally Posted by kaka777 (Post 2801703)
Wow, you're the one I'm learning from, very nice, how did you manage to insert the image! This is very advanced! Very cool!


Originally Posted by IC3k1ng (Post 2801831)
Just use BB Coding. Image hosting services like ImgBB has this function when you select an image to upload (it gives you a code to copy it at your signature later of get uploaded to the hosting).

IC3k1ng 07-20-2023 14:44

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

Originally Posted by Black Rose (Post 2807444)
That's not what you said though. You said "vaccines", not "Russia". Clearly indicating your distrust of them.

I can't trust anything you say as "truth" as you clearly lack the function to tell real from fake. For example here when you have a full conversation with a bot thinking it's giving you compliments. Even when someone already told you it's a bot.

Im just declaring, sir. Also who created one of the Covid-19 vaccines? Russia. Then, im mentioning it for give an example about how bad was the idea of make it all faster. Because "everything takes its time."

About that bot you mean, i was just asking about why there are spam in this forum, because i was thinking that is forum was secured to don't get spamming messages. I hope that you can understand my message, because english is very difficult for me. Cheers.

jgbc3d 07-20-2023 16:38

Re: just shut with that pride logo shit, thats not something to be proud about

I can't trust anything you say as "truth" as you clearly lack the function to tell real from fake.
It seems to me that ironically and without intending to name anyone specific I can say that Many Pro LGB(and whatever) people do not even have the morality To tell you what is real or fake Because arguably they also lack any foundation to say it. And if it is considered necessary, it is only necessary to browse the Internet a bit to take some references of why I say it, it will be up to you to determine if you consider it falke or real

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