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r5053 11-10-2007 20:01

N1G-TF2-RANK - TF2 Ranking with optional Webinterface
97 Attachment(s)
Plugin Name: N1G-TF2-RANK

This is a Stats Plugin for TF2 with optional MYSQL and optional webinterface

Servers Using this Plugin: or ingame with the sv_tag n1grank

If Somebody want to Contact the Author of this Plugin directly or want to get Plugin Update News on Steam join this Group:

how2install it:

without mysql and webinterface:
1. Copy the *.smx file into your plugin's folder.
2. Play

with mysql: (needed for the webinterface)

1. Enter the Database you would use into the source mod db config file
PHP Code:

"driver"            "mysql"
        "host"                ""
        "database"            "tf2_stats"
        "user"                "tf2st_usr"
        "pass"                "dbpassword"
//"timeout"            "0"
"port"            "3306"

Note: sourcemod needs a restart to read the new dbconfig

2. Copy the *.smx file into your plugin's folder.
3. Play

PHP Code:

////////////////  Settings /////////////////////

// enable disabling of the Ranking after roundwin
rank_disableafterroundwin "1"

// enable / disable the Extendedlogging
rank_extendetlogging "0"

// "Defines the time until a entry in the Kill log gets removed in hours 0 = disabled"
rank_extlogcleanuptime "72" 

// How many clients are needed to start ranking
rank_neededplayers "0"

// Enable Automatic Removing Maps who wasn't played a specific time on every Roundend
rank_removeoldmaps "1"

// The time in days after a map get removed, min 1 day
rank_removeoldmapsdays "14"

// Enable Automatic Removing Player who haven't conected a specific time on every Roundend
rank_removeoldplayers "1"

// The time in days after a player get removed if he havn't connected, min 1 day
rank_removeoldplayersdays "14"

// Show Rank on connect, 0=disabled, 1=clientchat, 2=allchat, 3=panel, 4=panel + all chat
rank_show "4"

// Show Top 10 on Roundend
rank_showrankonroundend "1"

// Enable/Disable Webrank
rank_webrank "0"

// Webrank url like
rank_webrankurl ""

// Display points add message 0 = disabled, 1 = all, 2 = only who earned
rank_pointmsg "2"

//Play a sound if a player connects? 1= Yes 0 = No
rank_connectsound "1" 

//Set the Soundfile who get played if someone connects
rank_connectsoundfile "buttons/blip1.wav"

//show the rankchatcommands to every one 1 = yes 2= no
rank_showchatcommands "1"

//show rank to all players if someone type rank
rank_showranktoall "1"

//Set the Chattag
rank_chattag "RANK"
//////////////// Event points /////////////////////

// Set the points the blocker get
rank_blockcapturepoints "4"

// Set the points the capturing team get
rank_capturepoints "4"

// Set the points the capturing team get
rank_filecapturepoints "4"

// Set the points the medic get if he overcharge someone
rank_overchargepoints "1"

rank_stealsandvichpoints "1"

//////////////// Building destroy points /////////////////////

rank_killdisppoints "2"
rank_killsapperpoints "1"
rank_killsentrypoints "3"
rank_killteleinpoints "1"
rank_killteleoutpoints "1"

//////////////// Kill points /////////////////////

// Set the points a player lose on Death
rank_Scoutdiepoints "2"
rank_Soldierdiepoints "2"
rank_Pyrodiepoints "2"
rank_Medicdiepoints "2"
rank_Sniperdiepoints "2"
rank_Spydiepoints "2"
rank_Demomandiepoints "2"
rank_Heavydiepoints "2"
rank_Engineerdiepoints "2"

// Set the points the medic assister get on a kill
rank_killasimedicpoints "2"

// Set the points the assister get on a kill
rank_killasipoints "2"

// Set the points the extingushing get
rank_extingushingpoints "1"

//////////////// Weapon kill points /////////////////////

// Set the points the attacker get

rank_axtinguisherpoints "4"
rank_backburnerpoints "2"
rank_batpoints "4"
rank_bat_woodpoints "4"
rank_blutsaugerpoints "2"
rank_bonesawpoints "4"
rank_bottlepoints "4"
rank_clubpoints "4"
rank_deflect_promodepoints "2"
rank_deflect_rocketpoints "2"
rank_deflect_stickypoints "2"
rank_fireaxepoints "4"
rank_fistspoints "4"
rank_flamethrowerpoints "2"
rank_flaregunpoints "3"
rank_killingglovespoints "4"
rank_knifepoints "2"
rank_minigunpoints "1"
rank_nataschapoints "1"
rank_obj_sentrygunpoints "3"
rank_pistolpoints "3"
rank_revolverpoints "3"
rank_scattergunpoints "2"
rank_shotgunpoints "2"
rank_shovelpoints "4"
rank_smgpoints "3"
rank_sniperriflepoints "1"
rank_syringegun_medicpoints "2"
rank_taunt_heavypoints "6"
rank_taunt_pyropoints "6"
rank_tf_projectile_pipe_remotepoints "2"
rank_tf_projectile_pipepoints "2"
rank_tf_projectile_rocketpoints "2"
rank_ubersawpoints "4"
rank_worldpoints "4"
rank_wrenchpoints "4"
rank_tf_projectile_arrowpoints "1"
rank_taunt_spypoints "6"
rank_ambassadorpoints "2"
rank_taunt_sniperpoints "6" 
rank_force_a_naturepoints "2"
rank_sandmanpoints "3"
rank_compound_bowpoints "2"
rank_taunt_scoutpoints "6"
rank_deflect_arrowpoints "6" 


Type into Ingame chat:
"rank" to get your rank
"top10" to get the top 10
"players" to get a list of ingame players
"webrank" to get your webrank
"webtop" to get the webtop
"session" to get informations about your session
"hidepoints" to hide the points you get
"unhidepoints" to show the points you get

Webinterface Demos: <--demo

Webinterface: version 5.5.0

Webinterface Changes:
PHP Code:

*moved into the Zip file

Plugin: version 5.0

Plugin Changes:
PHP Code:

*moved into the Zip file

Planed Features:

Post feature requests and maybe i will add it

Plugin update is possible without restarting the gameserver in 2 simple steps:

1. replace the smx plugin file
2. rcon command: sm plugins reload n1g-tf2-stats

or get the Pluginmanager:

Development is now splitet :)

I (R_Hehl aka R5053) Code the Plugin
and : Smokestormx Code / Design the Webinterface (Thank You :))

imported_Anth0ny 11-11-2007 07:24

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
hmmm.. so interesting...
will look to this plugin closely.

r5053 11-13-2007 14:32

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
hm any idea what to implement into next version ?

imported_Anth0ny 11-14-2007 01:12

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
can u show a working stats page?

r5053 11-14-2007 02:22

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
you mean a script like hlstats for a website ?

imported_Anth0ny 11-14-2007 04:07

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
yes =)
u right...

because now HLStatsX's webface haven't support of TF2.

r5053 11-14-2007 07:26

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
this evening i will look @ this and create a litle webinteface
edit: I will do it tomorow evening

imported_Anth0ny 11-15-2007 01:07

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL

Originally Posted by r5053 (Post 552696)
this evening i will look @ this and create a litle webinteface
edit: I will do it tomorow evening

thanks! =)

r5053 11-15-2007 16:26

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
i'm sorry this evening 2 no time

r5053 11-18-2007 10:28

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
I woking on a complete redesign of the plugin supported with ideas and help on Testing by a Member of Krawall Gamin Network

imported_Anth0ny 11-18-2007 12:41

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL

Originally Posted by r5053 (Post 554262)
I woking on a complete redesign of the plugin supported with ideas and help on Testing by a Member of Krawall Gamin Network

nice news! =)

r5053 11-18-2007 16:25

Re: Simple TF2 Stats on MYSQL
new version will record events like point captured capture blocked and much more

you can preview it on my server type into chat "!rank2" (it's ,my rank command 4 debuging)

imported_Anth0ny 11-21-2007 15:27

Re: TF2 Stats
any news about web-stats-page? =)

r5053 11-22-2007 01:01

Re: TF2 Stats

Originally Posted by imported_Anth0ny (Post 555455)
any news about web-stats-page? =)

hi anthony i contacted you over icq but you don't answered me :)

imported_Anth0ny 11-22-2007 12:05

Re: TF2 Stats
oops... please send me info again...

SaintK 11-25-2007 05:39

Re: TF2 Stats
Someone has tried this yet?

cozmicshredder 11-26-2007 05:18

Re: TF2 Stats

Originally Posted by SaintK (Post 556546)
Someone has tried this yet?

I loaded on my TF2 server wouldn't start said Error...

I have the database set up and have been using it for admins and I loaded the user database info but it wouldn't load...

Solltex 11-26-2007 11:26

Re: TF2 Stats
this plugin work to lan servers, by name?

r5053 11-26-2007 11:40

Re: TF2 Stats
It work's on TF2 and MYSQL it's running on 2-3 server's with no problem's.
But tell me the error message

cozmicshredder 11-26-2007 13:40

Re: TF2 Stats
L 11/26/2007 - 03:48:44: [SM] Native "SQL_Query" reported: Invalid database Handle 0 (error: 4)
L 11/26/2007 - 03:48:44: [SM] Debug mode is not enabled for "TF2statsnew.smx"

r5053 11-27-2007 15:32

Re: TF2 Stats

Originally Posted by cozmicshredder (Post 557115)
L 11/26/2007 - 03:48:44: [SM] Native "SQL_Query" reported: Invalid database Handle 0 (error: 4)
L 11/26/2007 - 03:48:44: [SM] Debug mode is not enabled for "TF2statsnew.smx"

sm version ? database type ?

riuthamus 11-27-2007 17:35

Re: TF2 Stats
r5, if i have the knowhow of php cant i just access your values and create my own stats page? Also... if you could leak some of the user table to me so i can set up the tables proplery im already making my stats page so i can view and display the values. Thanks in advance!

SaintK 11-27-2007 19:07

Re: TF2 Stats

Can some one post a link to a working stats page from this plugin? I want to have a look what it looks like...

r5053 11-30-2007 15:05

Re: TF2 Stats

Originally Posted by riuthamus (Post 557577)
r5, if i have the knowhow of php cant i just access your values and create my own stats page? Also... if you could leak some of the user table to me so i can set up the tables proplery im already making my stats page so i can view and display the values. Thanks in advance!

if you wan't to create a stats page for this plugin please contact me i can support you and upload it as the official stats page for this plugin (i've too the know how but at the moment not enough time to create a good stats page)

imported_Anth0ny 12-01-2007 14:30

Re: TF2 Stats
we need stats page... =)

riuthamus 12-03-2007 13:04

Re: TF2 Stats
Send me an email at [email protected]

we can go over how best to do this and get a chat setup.... im more then willing to help you with this ranking system.

r5053 12-05-2007 17:52

Re: TF2 Stats

Originally Posted by riuthamus (Post 559496)
Send me an email at [email protected]

we can go over how best to do this and get a chat setup.... im more then willing to help you with this ranking system.

Please enter this steam communitygroup:

wildem 12-07-2007 04:03

Re: TF2 Stats
I installed the plugin . It worked beautifully. Thanks.
I noticed one thing, if this plugin is loaded on two server on same ip, but different ports and it connects to mysql on localhost, then stats from server 1 gameplay affect the ranking on server 2. This happens as there is a

Am i correct ? If this is true, and this plugin uses the "default" database in database config file , - is there a way to avoid this issue.

Gonz 12-08-2007 03:01

Re: TF2 Stats
itīs working, thx man!!!

r5053 12-09-2007 05:49

Re: TF2 Stats

Originally Posted by wildem (Post 560720)
I installed the plugin . It worked beautifully. Thanks.
I noticed one thing, if this plugin is loaded on two server on same ip, but different ports and it connects to mysql on localhost, then stats from server 1 gameplay affect the ranking on server 2. This happens as there is a

Am i correct ? If this is true, and this plugin uses the "default" database in database config file , - is there a way to avoid this issue.

yes in the next version this will bw fixed, but the next version will be released after valve updates the servers.

imported_Anth0ny 12-09-2007 10:04

Re: TF2 Stats
how about php stats page? =)
like HLStatsX but for TF only....

Fatal Cleric 12-12-2007 20:33

Re: TF2 Stats
I made a stats loader v0.3 hope it helps youguys get started, here it is XD:

Please Enjoy :)

Fatal Cleric 12-12-2007 21:35

Re: TF2 Stats

Originally Posted by Fatal Cleric (Post 562868)
I made a stats loader v0.3 hope it helps youguys get started, here it is XD:

Please Enjoy :)

this will load your stats in to a webpage, also when editing the pphstats in the database to find out how the rank listed the players, upon logging in to the server I noticed that 40 points dissapeared off of the score, this could be a major bug - if people are loging in to your server and loosing rank points, they wont be happy :cry:, soI call this a bug for now,ohyea was a linux server running mani and meta mods with no errors :)

Fatal Cleric 12-13-2007 13:59

Re: TF2 Stats
The bug that drops points is based on the plugin calculating 'points per hour' but it fails to retain the MAX points per hour earned by a given player - therefore if you log in and get 0 points in 1 hour then your rank will fall to the bottom of the list, as the rank is bassed o the 'points per hour' can this bug be fixed XD would be awsome :)

Fatal Cleric 12-14-2007 23:10

Re: TF2 Stats
can tell by the feedback your all in a rush LOL...

r5053 12-15-2007 08:12

Re: TF2 Stats
contact me over steam

Fatal Cleric 12-15-2007 23:49

Re: TF2 Stats
servers crashing with this:

L 12/15/2007 - 16:34:10: SourceMod error session started
L 12/15/2007 - 16:34:10: Info (map "ctf_2fort") (file "errors_20071215.log")
L 12/15/2007 - 16:34:10: [SM] Native "SQL_FetchRow" reported: Invalid query Handle 0 (error: 4)
L 12/15/2007 - 16:34:10: [SM] Debug mode is not enabled for "TF2statsnew.smx"
L 12/15/2007 - 16:34:10: [SM] To enable debug mode, edit plugin_settings.cfg, or type: sm plugins debug 1 on

nizoo 12-16-2007 14:33

Re: TF2 Stats
I need someone to help me settings this up, I don't understand db that much and idk what user.sql is :(

Fatal Cleric 12-17-2007 08:33

Re: TF2 Stats
Hi nizo
do you have a dtabase with access via PHPMyAdmin if so your going to need the details for that in order to set up the plugin, the bd.sql or user.sql is imported into phpmyadmin (helps adminyour database) for example to tell the database what tables and rows it needs to create, that the plugin can use.

heres the latest errors im getting for the plugin:

BrutalGoerge 12-23-2007 17:54

Re: TF2 Stats
how does it calculate rank?
it it just by points?

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