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Notifications 08-29-2020 13:47

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Any chance of making this support SQL Calladmins to check how many reports have been handled and by which SteamID?

ownage13 08-29-2020 21:28

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Maybe instead of it checking it every "x" second why not making it check on a map change? or map start haha or leave the option for both on map change and/or by "x" seconds! Looks like a great plugin will be checking this one out! (:

Edit: I can't seem to get sm_jansson to load.

"<FAILED> file "": /servers/teamwittest/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ invalid ELF header"

I don't understand why this isn't loading. I have tried multiple ways of getting this to load. I have done the smjansson.autoload file, I have pushed it in the folder and restarted the server and it still fails to load and I have even taken the plugins out with the extension shut down the server then booted it up and made sure they still weren't in the list and after seeing it wasn't in the list went and shut down server pushed plugins (discord_api and discord_utilities) and extension back into setup and started the server again and it still fails to load. Even loaded another map after all this just to be sure it didn't just need a map change and it still fails to load :/ What am I doing wrong lmao

Edit: Figured it out!

darkboy245 08-30-2020 15:58

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Getting this error, nothing seems to be working.

L 08/30/2020 - 19:56:00: [SM] Exception reported: Invalid <Object> handle 0 (error 4)
L 08/30/2020 - 19:56:00: [SM] Blaming: discord_api.smx
L 08/30/2020 - 19:56:00: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 08/30/2020 - 19:56:00: [SM]  [0] json_object_get
L 08/30/2020 - 19:56:00: [SM]  [1] Line 37, C:\Users\STARS\Desktop\sourcemod-discord-master\sourcemod-discord-master\scripting\include\discord/
L 08/30/2020 - 19:56:00: [SM]  [2] Line 7, discord/SendWebHook.sp::SendWebHook
L 08/30/2020 - 19:56:00: [SM]  [3] Line 73, discord/SendWebHook.sp::SendWebHookDelayed

Cruze 09-03-2020 15:12

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Plugin updated to 2.4-BETAfix.

It's recommended to upgrade because previous ones had a lots of memory leaks!

PandaDynasty 09-13-2020 01:02

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Recently the chat relay has messed up for me. I can still send chat discord => server but I dont see server => discord
Everything else works just fine

edit: It seems when I went back to 2.3 Beta the server => Discord started to work again

Ryuu1337 10-19-2020 08:48

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
nice work <3

gerenda110 12-02-2020 11:10

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Anyone can help me? Plugins are running on server, but i cant set to message.. call admin works...

ateszhun95 01-16-2021 06:06

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Very nice work! Everything works perfectly! Thank you so much! <3
I have an idea :D

Can you add a function that can give a player who made the link in discord, a chat and scoreboard name tag?

SSJG Goku 02-17-2021 09:56

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Works perfectly fine after figuring out how to set it up properly, one thing I would like is to have join notifications too =)

pedrotski 02-22-2021 01:13

Re: [ANY?] DU - Discord Utilities [2020/08/13]
Can this be used for logging in game chat to a discord channel? Does all in game chat get relayed?

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