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paulo_crash 05-18-2018 21:27

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]

Originally Posted by Papero (Post 2592715)
Update 1.30
  • Added Rainbow chat color.
  • Added Random chat color.

This update is already in effect, I accessed the GitHub plugin and update is not yet, or would it be wrong?

mrkos9i4ok 05-22-2018 02:21

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]

Originally Posted by paulo_crash (Post 2592727)
This update is already in effect, I accessed the GitHub plugin and update is not yet, or would it be wrong?

Hexer10 replied 2 days ago
Actually at the moment it's working only for the chat color, I'm woking to add them for every "param"

alinF 06-12-2018 14:54

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]
Does this plugin have the function for giving a specific tag to a specific SteamID and not a group?
Edit: It does, I just don't know how to configure it.

Obyboby 06-12-2018 16:00

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]

Originally Posted by alinF (Post 2596591)
Does this plugin have the function for giving a specific tag to a specific SteamID and not a group?
Edit: It does, I just don't know how to configure it.

All the info you need is HERE :wink:

alinF 06-13-2018 13:42

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]

"ChatTag" "{grey}[{gold}whatever{grey}] "
"ChatColor" "{grey}"
Doesn't work.

jenZ 07-08-2018 05:11

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]
Hello i like this plugin alot so i went ahead and made some small bad modifications to suit my own needs however i caused myself some problems and hope you could help me pinpoint what im doing wrong.

Its about KeyValues and KeyValues.JumpToKey failing for me on random ocassions while working on others.

i have a file called playerprefs.ChatColors.txt which content is:

"color" "orchid"
on OnClientPostAdminCheck i do the following:


static char sAuth[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth));

if (g_hChatColor.JumpToKey(sAuth, false))
g_hChatColor.GetString("Color", ChatTagColor[client], sizeof(ChatTagColor));
Format(ChatTagColor[client], sizeof(ChatTagColor), "default");
With this i read the value from the .txt file to assign a color to each player on connect if they have an stored entry.

CP_OnChatMessage then has the following:

Format(sNewName, MAXLENGTH_NAME, "{%s}[%s] %s%s{default}", ChatTagColor[i], ChatTagchat[i], sTags[author][NameColor], name);
Format(sNewMessage, MAXLENGTH_MESSAGE, "%s%s", sTags[author][ChatColor], message);
on average in 4/5 reconnects that i do to the server the keyvalue suceeds with jumptokey (i tested around 3 hours yesterday). But the one other time the jumptokey method fails on me while entry is still untouched.

I feel rather confused about the jumptokey method appearing inconsistent to me right now.

Welp, thanks for reading.

Edit: ohwell nevermind it seems consistent now with jumptokey when values exist. I added ImportFromFile for the keyvalue on OnClientPostAdminCheck and now it seems to work correct everytime.

ElTioRata 07-26-2018 16:15

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]
The colors and the tag doesn't work in the chat, but apparently in the scoreboard it's working.
I have this in the .cfg (I skipped the "tutorial")

"ScoreTag" "[OWNER]" //The scoreboard-tag
"ChatTag" "{purple}[OWNER]" //The chat-tag with the colors
"ChatColor" "{darkblue}" //The chat color
"NameColor" "{blue}" //The name color

What I did wrong lol

Kamizun 07-30-2018 09:37

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]
Could you please just block every other tag that is not in the plugin? Im talking about scoreboard grouptags on CS:GO

Lodar 08-10-2018 14:03

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]
I have problem.

"ScoreTag" "Head Admin"
"ChatTag" "{orchid}Head Admin "
"ChatColor" ""
"NameColor" ""
"ScoreTag" "Admin"
"ChatTag" "{darkblue}Admin "
"ChatColor" ""
"NameColor" ""
"ScoreTag" "VIP"
"ChatTag" "{green}VIP "
"ChatColor" "{green}"
"NameColor" ""
If Head Admin (Admin too) have "fo" flag, then on chat display VIP, not Head Admin.

I know "3. ADMIN FLAGS --> They are selected starting from the last (ztsrqponmlkjihgfedcba). If a client has both 'a' and 'b' flags, the tags of 'b' will be selected.", but i need change this, how?
I want to display VIP if player have only "o" / "ao" flag, and always display Admin/Head Admin if he has "f" or "fo". it is possible?

I solved the problem by using @group

thegunter24 08-13-2018 12:05

Re: [ANY]HexTags[Chat/Score Colors][08/02/18]
so far this is working pretty good,
but i have a problem with the "color chat tag".
whatever i set in ""ChatTag" "{grey}[Player]"" it will show in default color.

- is there a way to "fix" this ?
- or is it because the new panorama ui from csgo ?


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