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DS 09-11-2013 19:25

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
Interesting, Counter-Strike Source still appears to work fine here. MazterQyou, what version of OS X are you running? And are you sure you downloaded the right package for other Orange Box games?

MazterQyou 09-12-2013 15:32

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
I am using OS X 10.8.4 Server. I have downloaded Orange Box package and trying to host Counter-Strike Source server. Steps I did:
1. I had a server where were absoultely no Mac binaries. I removed all binaries from bin and put Mac binaries from bin from my usual machine here.
2. I put Frameworks from /A/
3. I put a dylib from /A/
4. I run ./srcds_run -game cstrike
5. I get this.

DS 09-12-2013 18:10

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
So it sounds like you only copied some dylibs and the Frameworks directory? It's not completely clear to me if you've done this, but you basically need to copy the entire game directory to the other computer first. In this case I mean ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Counter-Strike Source.

On the other computer, you can then name this directory whatever you want. After that is when you would add the files from the srcds_osx package as well as copy the other dylibs and Frameworks from /A/ and /A/

Also note that you'd probably need to copy the game files again whenever there is an update to CS:S. You could look at the last modified dates to figure out which ones were actually changed or use rsync to copy them. I realize that's not ideal, but that's what you'd have to do since there is no steamcmd available for OS X.

In my opinion, it would be easiest to download and update the games directly using the regular Steam client. You don't need to actually run Steam or be logged into an account to run the server. That would only be necessary for updates.

MazterQyou 09-15-2013 12:25

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
Okay, I have downloaded a fresh copy of Counter-Strike: Source from Steam, copied it to my host, copied 5 dylibs, Framework directory, srcds_{osx,run} and bin/dedicated.dylib from Orange box/Source 2009. Still Bus Error: 10. :(

DS 09-16-2013 00:18

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
I just tried setting up a standalone CS:S server on a newly-created virtual machine and I still couldn't get it to crash like yours does.

MazterQyou, could you see if there's a crash report on the machine you're using to run this? Go to ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and look for one or more files that have a name starting with srcds_osx_. For example, I have one on my machine named srcds_osx_2013-06-15-034741_yahiko.crash. If you see one of these files, please attach the most recent one. Hopefully, I can figure out where this is going wrong.

DS 09-16-2013 19:45

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
I just wanted to note that today's Counter-Strike: Source update will break srcds_osx. If you're running a CS:S server, please now use the first package labeled Orange Box/Source 2009/Source 2013 Games. This is the same one that TF2 and DOD:S have required since July.

This version also supports the relatively new Half-Life Deathmatch: Source beta.

Edit: As of September 18, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch also requires the same package.

MazterQyou 09-17-2013 16:55

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by DS (Post 2035489)
I just tried setting up a standalone CS:S server on a newly-created virtual machine and I still couldn't get it to crash like yours does.

MazterQyou, could you see if there's a crash report on the machine you're using to run this? Go to ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and look for one or more files that have a name starting with srcds_osx_. For example, I have one on my machine named srcds_osx_2013-06-15-034741_yahiko.crash. If you see one of these files, please attach the most recent one. Hopefully, I can figure out where this is going wrong.

No, there is no such file.

DS 09-18-2013 02:23

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
2 Attachment(s)
Ok, MazterQyou, give one of these test versions of srcds_osx a try. It will still crash, but it will hopefully give me more information about what's going on.

If you've updated CS:S on your server since September 16, use If you haven't updated it yet and are using the older version of CS:S, then use

Please copy and paste the output you get when you try running this. It should look something like the following:


Edit: I almost forgot to mention that you need to add -nobreakpad to the command line. So this should be enough:

./srcds_run -game cstrike -nobreakpad

MrAwesome 09-29-2013 09:53

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by DS (Post 1479688)
Since Valve has decided not to release SrcDS for OS X, I took things into my own hands.

I noticed that a "dedicated.dylib" binary was included for most available Source engine games. This binary is what handles the logic for dedicated servers. I hoped that I could do something with it and I have -- but not without a lot of hacks.

My primary motivation for this was to make testing easier (for Metamod:Source and SourceMod). I find it nice to be able to develop and test without needing to run the full games on listen servers. This also has the advantage of being able to run inside a virtual machine that lacks the necessary hardware acceleration.

Hopefully someone else out there will find this useful. If you have any problems or questions, feel free to post them.

Source Code
Special Thanks
  • pRED: Created CDetour
  • psychonic: Checked dyld symbols on 10.5 and tested under virtual machine
  • Fyren: Pasted some vital output from srcds and gdb on Linux
  • Open Steamworks

General Guidelines

There are essentially two options for running a server. You could run it directly from the game's install directory in SteamApps (usually ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/<game>). Or you may opt to have a separate copy of the game by copying it either from the SteamApps/common directory or from a SteamCMD install on a Windows or Linux system (assuming Mac binaries are available from it).

Once you have downloaded the appropriate package for your game listed above, place the srcds_osx and srcds_run files from it into the server's root directory. If the package also includes a bin directory, copy the files from it to the bin directory of the server root as well.

Counter-Strike: Source Example

  • Note: The Library folder may be hidden in Finder by default on Lion (10.7) or later. To get there you can either use Finder's Go menu while holding the Option/Alt key or you can unhide it semi-permanently it by running the following Terminal command:

    You may have to reapply this nohidden flag after an OS X update.

  • Note 2: If you decide to drag and drop the bin folder in Finder, make sure to hold the Option/Alt key while doing so. On OS X Lion (10.7) and later, you should be offered the option to 'Merge' folders rather than replace. I repeat, you do NOT want to completely replace the bin folder.

Once the files from the appropriate package have been extracted/copied, you can run the server by navigating to the server root directory in Terminal:

Then you can start the server by running srcds_run with the game name, map, and any other options you'd like:

Note: It is recommended that you run a dedicated server on the same system that has the Steam client installed. Steam does NOT have to be running at the same time, however. But if you really want to run it on a computer that doesn't have the Steam client, see the Running Server Without Steam Client section at the bottom of this post.

Example Server Output

Note on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

The dedicated.dylib binary is not included in the OS X client download of the game, but this is still required to run a server. You may use the following download of dedicated.dylib as a starting point, but I can't guarantee that it will be kept up to date: dedicated.dylib (last updated: 12 September 2013)

It is instead recommended that the file be obtained from a dedicated server install (appid 740) via SteamCMD on Windows or Linux (or Wine on OS X). Alternatively, you could use Depot Downloader with Mono. Either way, the file should be located in the bin directory of the server's root directory.

You may even want to download the entire server via SteamCMD or Depot Downloader rather than the Steam client because all the Mac binaries are included. (The download package above is still required, of course).

Note on Insurgency

You may use the client install of the game to run a server, but Mac binaries are also included in the dedicated server install. You can download this in the Tools section of the Steam client. It's currently labeled Insurgency Beta Dedicated Server. Note that if you use the dedicated server install, you will be overwriting/replacing the srcds_osx binary with the one included in the srcds_osx download package above.

Running Server Without Steam Client

While it is recommended to run a dedicated server on a computer with the Steam client installed, it is possible to run one without it. However, you will need to copy a number of files from an OS X Steam client install.

First, from /Applications/, copy the Frameworks directory to your server's root directory (NOT bin).

Next, from the osx32 directory (full path: /Applications/, copy the following files into the bin directory of your server's root: crashhandler.dylib, libsteam.dylib, libtier0_s.dylib, libvstdlib_s.dylib, and steamclient.dylib.

After you've copied these files, you should be able to run the server as described above.

i did everything you told me to do and it keeps getting this Sun Sep 29 09:52:04 EDT 2013: Server restart in 10 seconds
Failed to find symbols for launcher.dylib
Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem

MrAwesome 09-29-2013 10:04

Re: Source Dedicated Server for Mac OS X
It says i need to add a debug to ./srcds_run help plz

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