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Sup_R_m@N 08-07-2007 08:12

Re: Basic Admin Plugin
Hy, I'm back:)

While testing 1.5.0b8, I found some bug. That's from HLSW console (without time):

L 08/07/2007 - 13:36:15: rcon from "(myip)": command "admin_addadmin "
08/07/2007 - 13:36:15 - Error: Error trying to find translation for CmdLoadRanomLevelHow
        [BAT] CmdLoadRanomLevelHow
L 08/07/2007 - 13:36:15: rcon from "(myip)": command "admin_addadmin "

So I mean, that altough I typed admin_addadmin it tries to write out the help of Load Random Level.

There's maybe a Source:MM bug also. If I write ANY of the listed cvars from "meta cvars n", it crashes and restart.

/home/gamesrv/SC3/css//srcds_run: line 426: 24942 Segmentation fault      $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the /home/gamesrv/SC3/css//srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Tue Aug  7 13:57:22 CEST 2007: Server restart in 10 seconds

As it said, I tried to start the server with -debug command, so here's what the verrry usefull debug.log contains:

gamesrv@server:~/SC3/css$ cat debug.log
CRASH: Tue Aug  7 14:03:48 CEST 2007
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -console -game cstrike +maxplayers 12 +map de_dust2 -port 27015 -tickrate 67 -ip -rcon_port 27015 +mm_pluginsfile addons/metamod/metaplugins27015.ini +exec server27015.cfg -debug
End of Source crash report

The other problem is, that the Hungarian translation is out-of-date, but I'm working on it.

Sup_R_m@N 08-07-2007 10:50

Re: Basic Admin Plugin
Here's the hot new Hungarian translation! EKS, pls update it!

// From Menu
MenuRoot = BAT - Fomenu:
MenuKick = Kick
MenuBan = Ban
MenuSlap = Slap
MenuName = Nev valtas
MenuTeam = Csapat valtas
MenuVoteMap = Palyaszavazas
MenuChangeMap = Palyavaltas
MenuEscSeeMenu = Meg kell nyomnod az ESC-et, hogy lassad a menut
MenuTitleKick = BAT - Kick menu:
MenuTitleBan = BAT - Ban menu:
MenuTitleSlap = BAT - Slap/Megoles menu:
MenuTitleName = BAT - Nev menu:
MenuTitleTeam = BAT - Csapatvaltas menu:
MenuTitleMapVote = BAT - Palyaszavazas:
MenuTitleMapChange = BAT - Palyavaltas:

MenuExit = Kilepes
MenuNext = Kovetkezo
MenuBack = Elozo

MenuStartCustomMapVote = [BAT] Custom palyara szavazas kezdese a kovetkezokkel: %s
MenuMapAdded = [BAT] %s hozzaadva a szavazashoz (%d/%d)
MenuMapCannotAdd = [BAT] Nem adhatsz hozza tobb palyat"
MenuMapStart = Szavazas kezdete (%d palyak)
MenuMapChangeAfter = Palyavaltas szavazas utan
MenuMapChangeNow = Palyavaltas most
MenuMapChangeNextmap = Beallitas kovetkezo palyanak

MenuBanPerm = Ban veglegesen
MenuBan5 = Ban 5 percre
MenuBan60 = Ban 60 percre

MenuSlapNoDmg = Serules nelkul
MenuSlap1Dmg = 1 HP sebzes
MenuSlap25Dmg = 25 HP sebzes
MenuSlapTo1 = Lesebzes 1 hp-ra
MenuSlay = Megoles
MenuSlayRules = Megoles + Szabalyok mutatasa

ToManyTargets = [BAT] A celzas amit hasznaltal tobb mint egy jatekosra igaz, nem hasznalhato
CmdMoveTypeHow = admin_noclip helyes hasznalata: admin_noclip <nev/userid/steamid>
CmdMoveTypeDisc = Ezzel a paranccsal az adminok atmehetnek a targyakon
CmdMoveTypeOn = [BAT] %s bekapcsolta a NO CLIP-et sajat magan
CmdMoveTypeOff = [BAT] %s kikapcsolta a NO CLIP-et sajat magan
MapChangeCountDown = [BAT] Palyavaltas: %s - %.0f masodperc
CmdpSayHow = admin_psay helyes hasznalata: admin_psay <nev/steamid/#userid> <uzenet>
CmdpSayDisc = Ezzel az paranccsal privat uzeneteket kuldhetsz masik jatekosnak
CmdpSayTheMsg = Privat uzenet erkezett! Kuldoje: %s - %s
CmdNoAccess = [BAT] nincs jogod ehhez: %s
CmdHelpHow = Megmutatja hogy milyen parancsokhoz van jogod es hogyan hasznold oket
CmdHelpDisc = Megmutatja hogy milyen admin parancsokhoz van jogod
CmdCSayHow = admin_csay helyes hasznalata: admin_csay <uzenet>
CmdCSayDisc = Kiirja az uzenetet minden jatekosnak a kepernyo kozepere
CmdSayHow = admin_say helyes hasznalata: admin_say <uzenet>
CmdSayDisc = Kiirja az uzenetet minden jatekosnak, ahol a normalis chatet is
CmdChatHow = admin_chat helyes hasznalata: admin_chat <uzenet>
CmdChatDisc = Kiirja az uzenetet minden adminnak a szerveren
CmdNameHow = admin_name helyes hasznalata: admin_name <nev/#userid>
CmdNameDisc = Megvaltoztatja a nevet az adott jatekosnak
CmdKickHow = admin_kick helyes hasznalata: admin_kick <nev/#userid> [kick oka]
CmdKickDisc = Kirugja az adott jatekost a szerverrol es kiirja neki hogy miert, ha meg lett adva
CmdBanHow = admin_ban helyes hasznalata: admin_ban <Ban ideje> <nev/#userid> [ban oka]
CmdBanDisc = Kitiltja az adott jatekos a szerverrol es kiirja neki hogy miert, ha meg lett adva
CmdUnBanHow = admin_unban helyes hasznalata: admin_unban <nev/#userid>
CmdUnBanDisc = Eltavolitja az adott jatekosra vonatkozo bant
CmdSlayHow = admin_slay helyes hasznalata: admin_slay <nev/#userid>
CmdSlayDisc = Megoli az adott jatekost
CmdSlapHow = admin_slap helyes hasznalata: admin_slap <nev/#userid> <sebzes (1-99 | -1)>
CmdSlapDisc = Lesebzi az adott jatekost megfelelo HP-val, -1 eseten 1 hp-ja marad

CmdTeamHow = admin_team helyes hasznalata: admin_team <nev/#userid> <csapat szama>
CmdTeamDisc = Atteszi az adott jatekos a megfelelo csapatba
CmdRulesHow = admin_rules helyes hasznalata: admin_rules <nev/#userid>
CmdRulesDisc = Megmutatja az adott jatekosnak a szerver szabalyait
CmdMapHow = admin_map helyes hasznalata: admin_map <palya_neve>
CmdMapDisc = Atvaltja a szervert az adott palyara
CmdRconHow = admin_rcon helyes hasznalata: admin_rcon <parancs>
CmdRconDisc = Lefuttat egy parancsot a szerver konzoljan
CmdMenuHow = Megnyitja a BAT admin menut
CmdMenuDisc = Megnyitja az admin menut
CmdStartMapVoteHow = admin_startmapvote a konzolba
CmdStartMapVoteDisc = Szavazes inditesa veletlenszeru palyakkal
CmdListHow = admin_list a konzolba
CmdListDisc = Kiirja a szerveren levo jatekosokat
CmdReloadHow = admin_reload a konzolba
CmdReloadDisc = BAT beallitesainak es configjinak ujratoltese
CmdNextMapHow = admin_nextmap helyes hasznalata: admin_nextmap <palya_neve>
CmdNextMapDisc = Beallitja a kovetkezo palyat a szerveren (Egyben leallitja a palya vegi szavazast is)
CmdVoteHow = admin_vote helyes hasznalata: admin_vote <kerdes> <szerver_parancs>
CmdVoteDisc = Ez a parancs mindenkinek mutatja a szavazast
CmdEjectHow = admin_eject helyes hasznalata: admin_eject <nev/#userid>
CmdEjectDisc = Kidobja a jatekost a jarmubol
CmdGagHow = admin_gag helyes hasznalata: admin_gag <nev/#userid>
CmdGagDisc = Le lehet tiltani, hogy hasznalja a say/say_team parancsokat (vagyis a chatet)
CmdUnGagHow = admin_ungag helyes hasznalata: admin_ungag <nev/#userid>
CmdUnGagDisc = Ujra engedi a jatekosnak, hogy hasznalja a chatet
GagedWarrning = Az admin letiltotta, hogy hasznald a chatet.
CmdLoadRanomLevelDisc = Palyavaltas veletlenszeru palyara
CmdVoteKickDisc = Szavazast indit egy jatekos kirugasarol
CmdVoteKickHow = admin_votekick helyes hasznalata: admin_votekick <nev/#userid>

// Console commands, or the actual function that does the admin action
GagPlayer = [BAT] %s lenemitotta: %s
UnGagPlayer = [BAT] %s visszaadta a hangjat: %s
MenuRconCmds = [BAT] %s lefuttatta az alabbi parancsot a szerveren: %s
MapChangeCountDown = [BAT] Palyavaltas ( %s ) %.0f mesodperc mulva
CannotFindTarget = [BAT] Nem talalom: %s
SlapDmg = [BAT] %s megutotte %s -t %d sebzessel
NotValidMap = [BAT] %s ervenytelen palya vagy nincs benne a palyaciklusban
SlapIncorrectDmg = [BAT] %d ervenytelen sebzes, hasznald a \"-1\"-et ( sebzes 1 hp-ra ) vagy egy 0 feletti szamot
RconExec = [BAT] %s lefuttatva '%s' a szerver console-ban
CannotBan = [BAT] Nem bannolhato: %s
ReloadConfig = [BAT] A BAT beallitesainak es config fajljainak az ujratoltese
PlayerListAdmin = Jatekosok a szerveren: %d (Connecting: %d) Adminok: %d Szabad helyek: %d
PlayerList = Jatekosok a szerveren: %d (Csatlakozik: %s)
ChangeName = [BAT] %s figyelmezteti %s -t hogy valtson neve
Changelevel = [BAT] %s palyat valtott erre: %s
ChangeTeam = [BAT] %s Attette %s -t a %s csapatba
SlayedUser = [BAT] %s megolte %s -t
SlappedToHp = [BAT] %s lesebezte %s -t 1 hp-ra
KickedUser = [BAT] %s kickelte %s -t
KickedUserReason = [BAT] %s kickelte %s -t (Oka: %s )
BannedUser = [BAT] %s bannolta %s -t
BannedUserReason = [BAT] %s bannolta %s -t (Oka: %s )
UnBannedUser = [BAT] %s levette %s banjat
SetNextmap = [BAT] %s beallitotta a kovetkezo palyat: %s
CannotRockTheVote = [BAT] Most nem tudsz rockthevote-olni
MapVoteSay = [BAT] Ha egy palyara szeretnel szavazni ird be hogy 'vote mapname' cs chat-be ( Pl: 'vote %s')

EmpiresCannotFindTarget = [BAT] Cant find target %s\n\"be\" will target the Brenodi Empire team commander\n\"nf\" will target the Northern Faction team commander
EmpiresEjectCommNF = [BAT] %s eltavolitotta Northern Faction commandert, a commanderi jarmubol
EmpiresEjectCommBE = [BAT] %s eltavolitotta Brenodi Empire commander, a commanderi jarmubol

1695 08-07-2007 11:36

Re: Basic Admin Plugin
hi !

Nice plugin !
I have a bug with nextmap : when a map win a vote, it seems that it is not ocrrecly set to nextmap, since on changelevel it is anothmer which is loaded... why ?

PureSpider 08-07-2007 15:08

Re: Basic Admin Plugin

Originally Posted by XG1|AleX (Post 510722)
At the Adverts, u have follwing options:

// 0 = System Disabled | 1 = Enabled via normal chat messages | 2 = Enabled via Hint messages

when set to 1, the Adverts are shown as "rcon say" text...
when set to 2 the Adverts are shown in a small grey field, in the bottom center of the screen

it would be nice when option 1 shows the text in the source engine text color green, or maybe lightgreen or so...

the Adverts are saved in the publicmessages.txt and i want to know if i can edit the lines there, that the messages shown green or lightgreen

just use the bytes in the advert messages as well...
the \x01 thing and so on... u know?

1695 08-07-2007 16:16

Re: Basic Admin Plugin
another problem : In the changemap section of admin_menu, map name and real map sometime doesn't match ! ex : I choose cs_office, it display "[BAT] will change map for cs_office in 10 sec..." then there is a changemap to... aim_47th_v2... -_-'

help ^^

XG1|AleX 08-07-2007 18:09

Re: Basic Admin Plugin

Originally Posted by PureSpider (Post 513911)
just use the bytes in the advert messages as well...
the \x01 thing and so on... u know?

maybe like this?


\x04 Advert: \x03 Time left on map is #timeleft#
\x04 Advert: \x03 Current map is #currentmap#, a mapvote will happen when its 3 minute left of the map
\x04 Advert: \x03 If you dont like this map, try 'say rockthevote' to start a mapvote
\x04 Advert: \x03 This server uses Basic Admin Tool
\x04 Advert: \x03 Want someone kicked or banned? say #votekick or #voteban

Advert: Time left in map is *****

so the word Advert is green, and the text behind is lightgreen? right this way?

EKS 08-08-2007 01:37

Re: Basic Admin Plugin

Originally Posted by 1695 (Post 513948)
another problem : In the changemap section of admin_menu, map name and real map sometime doesn't match ! ex : I choose cs_office, it display "[BAT] will change map for cs_office in 10 sec..." then there is a changemap to... aim_47th_v2... -_-'

help ^^

I saw Viper report this on irc to, it seems to be "random" , so not that easy to fix. More information is allways usefull :)


Originally Posted by XG1|AleX (Post 514022)
maybe like this?


\x04 Advert: \x03 Time left on map is #timeleft#
\x04 Advert: \x03 Current map is #currentmap#, a mapvote will happen when its 3 minute left of the map
\x04 Advert: \x03 If you dont like this map, try 'say rockthevote' to start a mapvote
\x04 Advert: \x03 This server uses Basic Admin Tool
\x04 Advert: \x03 Want someone kicked or banned? say #votekick or #voteban

Advert: Time left in map is *****

so the word Advert is green, and the text behind is lightgreen? right this way?

Next version of BAT will support:
#green#Advert#lgreen# -#normal# Time left on map is #timeleft#

EKS 08-08-2007 01:39

Re: Basic Admin Plugin

Originally Posted by Sup_R_m@N (Post 513720)
Hy, I'm back:)

While testing 1.5.0b8, I found some bug. That's from HLSW console (without time):

L 08/07/2007 - 13:36:15: rcon from "(myip)": command "admin_addadmin "
08/07/2007 - 13:36:15 - Error: Error trying to find translation for CmdLoadRanomLevelHow
        [BAT] CmdLoadRanomLevelHow
L 08/07/2007 - 13:36:15: rcon from "(myip)": command "admin_addadmin "

So I mean, that altough I typed admin_addadmin it tries to write out the help of Load Random Level.

There's maybe a Source:MM bug also. If I write ANY of the listed cvars from "meta cvars n", it crashes and restart.

/home/gamesrv/SC3/css//srcds_run: line 426: 24942 Segmentation fault      $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the /home/gamesrv/SC3/css//srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Tue Aug  7 13:57:22 CEST 2007: Server restart in 10 seconds

As it said, I tried to start the server with -debug command, so here's what the verrry usefull debug.log contains:

gamesrv@server:~/SC3/css$ cat debug.log
CRASH: Tue Aug  7 14:03:48 CEST 2007
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -console -game cstrike +maxplayers 12 +map de_dust2 -port 27015 -tickrate 67 -ip -rcon_port 27015 +mm_pluginsfile addons/metamod/metaplugins27015.ini +exec server27015.cfg -debug
End of Source crash report

The other problem is, that the Hungarian translation is out-of-date, but I'm working on it.

this seems to be related to linux. i was able to reproduce it when i tested on nix. Its has nothing to do with hlsw , but cvars in server console on nix seems to have issues.

Sup_R_m@N 08-08-2007 06:49

Re: Basic Admin Plugin

Originally Posted by EKS (Post 514239)
this seems to be related to linux. i was able to reproduce it when i tested on nix. Its has nothing to do with hlsw , but cvars in server console on nix seems to have issues.

I've reported it to the SourceMM team as bug, they're looking after, what makes the crashes.

XG1|AleX 08-08-2007 08:56

Re: Basic Admin Plugin

Originally Posted by EKS (Post 514238)
I saw Viper report this on irc to, it seems to be "random" , so not that easy to fix. More information is allways usefull :)

Next version of BAT will support:
#green#Advert#lgreen# -#normal# Time left on map is #timeleft#

very nice...

but is my way, for now, working?

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