View Full Version : *Help* Create Custom Weapon Shop

08-02-2009, 07:04
Okay i have searched everywhere and all i can find is this http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=56869&highlight=custom+weapon+market&page=2 but it is not exactly what i want. First i need it to have no extra damage, just regular damage for that specific weapon and second, what i really need is to have a player type in gunshop and 5 submenus come up with 1 as pistol 2 as shotgun 3 as sub-machine gun 4 as rifles and 5 as machine gun. when you hit a submenu it has all the weapons in game in their respective subgroups besides the awp and auto-sniper. Could you set it so each skin has a regular name and is in folder ex. "models/shopforu/v_usp" I will add the skins myself to the respective directory. I just want the plugin calling for v models no p or w. Thank you so much whoever could do this for me, ive spent ages looking and found this. Figured it wouldn't be to hard for one of you ubah dudes to just edit the menu. Took a look at it myself and it was way too far above me, but thats not saying much.

08-02-2009, 23:17
31! views and not one person could do this for me, i mean if its that hard i would be willing to pay for it. Just figured some1 could do it free

[ --<-@ ] Black Rose
08-03-2009, 07:28
People are not online 24/7. There are rules about bumping

31 views is nothing, and trust me... you DON'T want some noob coder for these things.

It doesn't sound that hard really... I could do it for free but I don't have the time. I don't have a CS client either so I can't test anything.

At least I took time reading your thread because I wanted to help. Now I realized I can't do that. I'm sorry for that, but you can't really expect anything from anyone here. This is what people do in their free time.

(Your thread should also be in the Suggestion/Requests forum)

08-03-2009, 14:22
Thank you for taking your time to post a comment, anything helps.