View Full Version : Display

06-05-2009, 12:59
I was on a server the other day, and on the bottom left on the screen there was the website of there clan. It was right under the class and health you have (btw, this is tf2) Is there a plugin for that?

06-05-2009, 16:06
Also, can you make one on the top left?

06-05-2009, 17:29
Most likely either using Mani or customized the adverts system. What clan was this?

Also, greetings from iR| haha

It's iR| GodFather ;)

06-05-2009, 18:00
lol wow. Small tf2 world.

I think it was tf2newbs

So i can do it in mani mod? Ill check it out. (btw, lets scrim next week)

06-05-2009, 19:06
Bottom left sounds like HUD text. Can you post a screenshot of it?

06-05-2009, 19:33
ya. i think it is HUD. ill try to find the server again

06-05-2009, 19:48
It most likely is. Amulon is using the old ^BuGs^ Advert system.

I linked him to Advertisements by Tsunami

Maybe he'll use that instead and see if he can get the same thing again.