View Full Version : [TF2] Autoupdate plugin request [PAID]

05-27-2009, 13:25
i was told by one of the sourcemod dev's that this is possible for windows servers but he doesn't have much time i think to complete it right now.

something about reading the the dos window and picking up on 'please shutdown your server and update it' it would shut it down start the update from a bat file and reboot after the update is complete.

anyone else have an idea how to do this for windows? i am willing to pay for the setup.

05-27-2009, 15:16
For part of this, you can make the batch file running the server run the update tool before running srcds after it's closed.

05-27-2009, 15:35
true, but i still need something to automatically trigger it to shutdown in the first place.