View Full Version : Get Cvars Changes

05-25-2009, 02:31
Only have a little problem with Some Float Returns, Example you put 220.1 the plugin return 220.09999999


// #define USE_FAKEMETA

#include <amxmodx>

#if defined USE_FAKEMETA
#include <fakemeta>
#include <engine>

new Array:g_CvarHolds
new Array:g_CvarType
new Array:g_CvarFwd
new Array:g_CvarData

public plugin_precache()
register_plugin("Cvars Change", "1.0", "ReymonARG")

g_CvarHolds = ArrayCreate(1, 1)
g_CvarType = ArrayCreate(1, 1)
g_CvarData = ArrayCreate(128, 1)
g_CvarFwd = ArrayCreate(1, 1)

#if defined USE_FAKEMETA
register_forward(FM_StartFrame, "server_frame")

public plugin_natives()
register_native("register_cvar_change", "__cvar_change_add")
register_native("unregister_cvar_change", "__cvar_change_delete")

public __cvar_change_add( iPlugin, iParams )
if( iParams != 3 )
return log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid Params Nums %d", iParams)

static szCvar[64]; get_string(2, szCvar, 63)
if( !cvar_exists(szCvar) )
return log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Cvar: %s No Exists", szCvar)

static fwd_id, iType; iType = get_param(1)
static szCallBack[32]; get_string(3, szCallBack, 31)

switch( iType )
case 1: fwd_id = CreateOneForward(iPlugin, szCallBack, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)
case 2: fwd_id = CreateOneForward(iPlugin, szCallBack, FP_CELL, FP_FLOAT, FP_FLOAT)
case 3: fwd_id = CreateOneForward(iPlugin, szCallBack, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING)
default: return log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "%d Dont is a Correct Type Cvar", iType)

if( fwd_id < 0 )
return log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Correct the CallBack Funcion")

static pCvar; pCvar = get_cvar_pointer(szCvar)
ArrayPushCell(g_CvarHolds, pCvar)
ArrayPushCell(g_CvarType, iType)

switch( iType )
case 1:
static iResult; iResult = get_pcvar_num(pCvar)
ArrayPushCell(g_CvarData, iResult)
case 2:
static Float:fResult; fResult = get_pcvar_float(pCvar)
ArrayPushCell(g_CvarData, fResult)
case 3:
static szResult[128]; get_pcvar_string(pCvar, szResult, 127)
ArrayPushString(g_CvarData, szResult)

ArrayPushCell(g_CvarFwd, fwd_id)
return fwd_id

public __cvar_change_delete( iPlugin, iParams )
if( iParams != 1 )
return log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid Params Nums %d", iParams)

static i, fwd_id, len; len = ArraySize(g_CvarFwd)
fwd_id = get_param(1)

for( i = 0; i < len; i++)
if( ArrayGetCell(g_CvarFwd, i) == fwd_id )
ArrayDeleteItem(g_CvarHolds, i)
ArrayDeleteItem(g_CvarType, i)
ArrayDeleteItem(g_CvarData, i)
ArrayDeleteItem(g_CvarFwd, i)

return 1

return 0

public server_frame()
static i, type, idCvar, iReturn, len; len = ArraySize(g_CvarFwd)
static iResult[2], Float:fResult[2], szResult[2][128]

for( i = 0; i < len; i++)
type = ArrayGetCell(g_CvarType, i)
idCvar = ArrayGetCell(g_CvarHolds, i)
switch( type )
case 1:
iResult[0] = ArrayGetCell(g_CvarData, i)
iResult[1] = get_pcvar_num(idCvar)
if( iResult[0] != iResult[1] )
static id; id = ArrayGetCell(g_CvarFwd, i)
ExecuteForward(id, iReturn, id, iResult[0], iResult[1])

if( iReturn )
set_pcvar_num(idCvar, iResult[0])
iReturn = 0
ArraySetCell(g_CvarData, i, iResult[1])
case 2:
fResult[0] = ArrayGetCell(g_CvarData, i)
fResult[1] = get_pcvar_float(idCvar)
if( fResult[0] != fResult[1] )
static id; id = ArrayGetCell(g_CvarFwd, i)
ExecuteForward(id, iReturn, id, fResult[0], fResult[1])

if( iReturn )
set_pcvar_float(idCvar, fResult[0])
iReturn = 0
ArraySetCell(g_CvarData, i, fResult[1])
case 3:
ArrayGetString(g_CvarData, i, szResult[0], 127)
get_pcvar_string(idCvar, szResult[1], 127)
if( !equal(szResult[0], szResult[1]) )
static id; id = ArrayGetCell(g_CvarFwd, i)
ExecuteForward(id, iReturn, id, szResult[0], szResult[1])

if( iReturn )
set_pcvar_string(idCvar, szResult[0])
iReturn = 0
ArraySetString(g_CvarData, i, szResult[1])


#if defined _cvarchange_included
#define _cvarchange_included

#pragma reqlib ReymonARG_Cvars
#pragma loadlib ReymonARG_Cvars
#pragma library ReymonARG_Cvars

enum Type
cvarINT = 1,
cvarFL = 2,
cvarSZ = 3

native register_cvar_change(Type:type, const Cvar[], const CallBack[])
native unregister_cvar_change(fwd_id)

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cvarchange>

#define PLUGIN "Cvar xD"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "ReymonARG"

public plugin_init()
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)

register_cvar_change(cvarINT, "mp_friendlyfire", "ffback")
register_cvar_change(cvarFL, "kz_min_lj", "ljmin")
register_cvar_change(cvarSZ, "amx_nextmap", "nextmap")

public ffback( id, pre, post)
server_print("%d %d %d", id, pre, post)
return 1

public ljmin( id, Float:pre, Float:post)
server_print("%d %f %f", id, pre, post)

public nextmap(id, const pre[], const post[])
server_print("%d %s %s", id, pre, post)
Thanks, Correct me if I do something wrong

05-25-2009, 05:11
Using such forward which called very often + using dynamic array which are slow + comparing like that, it should eat a lot of cpu for nothing. I don't think it's a good solution, AntiBots. I still prefer to use directly a command if you want to detect a change.

05-25-2009, 08:07
arkshine is right!
I think that it is better to create a menu that allow you to manipulate cvars.
You can take a look at the code of this plugin.

Btw. Are these forwards good?

FM_CVarGetFloat, // float ) (const szCvar[])
FM_CVarGetString, // char ) (const szCvar[])
FM_CVarSetFloat, // void ) (const szCvar[], Float:fValue)
FM_CVarSetString, // void ) (const szCvar[], szValue[])

05-25-2009, 11:23
Only have a little problem with Some Float Returns, Example you put 220.1 the plugin return 220.09999999

Same problem =\

05-25-2009, 14:44
This is a solution for the problem but a bad one and I fear you won't find a better one. This is basically the one thing I'm so awesomely jealous of SourceMod - ConVar Handles.

05-25-2009, 14:50
This is a solution for the problem but a bad one and I fear you won't find a better one. This is basically the one thing I'm so awesomely jealous of SourceMod - ConVar Handles.

Yes, you can find a better one, but it has to be made.
Forwards can be made with a module, or with an update to the current amxmodx module.

05-26-2009, 07:48
arkshine is right!
I think that it is better to create a menu that allow you to manipulate cvars.
You can take a look at the code of this plugin.

Btw. Are these forwards good?

FM_CVarGetFloat, // float ) (const szCvar[])
FM_CVarGetString, // char ) (const szCvar[])
FM_CVarSetFloat, // void ) (const szCvar[], Float:fValue)
FM_CVarSetString, // void ) (const szCvar[], szValue[])

those forwards wont work, the CVarGet fwds are called when the engine tries to get a cvar (sv_clientrace and sv_aim will spam the console on debug) and the set forwards when the engine sets some cvar. they seem to do not support cvars which are created through amxx.

05-26-2009, 08:09
those forwards wont work, the CVarGet fwds are called when the engine tries to get a cvar (sv_clientrace and sv_aim will spam the console on debug) and the set forwards when the engine sets some cvar. they seem to do not support cvars which are created through amxx.

Ok :|

05-29-2009, 07:48
;834589']Yes, you can find a better one, but it has to be made.
Forwards can be made with a module, or with an update to the current amxmodx module.

I was thinking of this excerpt from the DevLog:

The other major difference is that HL2 engine passes ConVar changes through a callback. Thus, you can detect changes without making a secondary console command. This was not possible in HL1. Although you could hook SET_CVAR_FLOAT, it was not virtual, and thus internal or plugin usage of it would not be caught. Also, the change callbacks are per-ConVar; HL1’s is global, and thus a bit less optimized.http://www.sourcemod.net/devlog/?p=131

06-03-2009, 03:18
Only have a little problem with Some Float Returns, Example you put 220.1 the plugin return 220.09999999adding a 0 to the end should fix that, ie 220.10

08-11-2009, 19:18
;834589']Yes, you can find a better one, but it has to be made.
Forwards can be made with a module, or with an update to the current amxmodx module.

MODULE Version, More Faster.
