View Full Version : [REQ] No Information on Screen

05-10-2009, 19:29
I was wondering if it's possible to get a mod for my Day of Defeat: Source server to remove everything off the screen for the people in the server. This means no HUD, no showing of who died in the top right corner of the screen, no minimap, and no crosshair. I heard it was possible through LUA coding. Any takers?

05-11-2009, 00:58
Disabling the death messages by a plugin is easy,
but i've never tried to get rid of the hud, minimap and crosshair.

To be honest I don't think it's possible with a SM lugin at all
as that's all handled clientside.

You could still enable cheats and ask everyone use cl_drawhud 0
and kick players that still use the value 1 after X seconds.

As for LUA, I don't think so.

05-11-2009, 06:12
Okay, I'll figure out something else.