View Full Version : [REQ] [L4D] Different Hunter Melee

05-07-2009, 05:51
It annoys me so very much Survivors can send Hunters (KILLING MACHINES!) tumbling without any effort in close combat.

Is it possible to detect or intercept the 'melees a hunter' event? And instead of having the hunter stagger away for seconds, translate a survivor melee attack into something that resembles a swipe from another Special Infected - like, the hunter gets struck back, but without losing control, kind of like an admin slap in the face.

It would be even better if it were possible to distinguish mounted (pouncing) Hunters, which should stagger if meleed off all right.

05-07-2009, 09:45
Well. That's a idea.
Would turn a 40/50 minutes campaign into a 5 or 10.

05-07-2009, 11:11
Melee is supposed to be a breather for reloading times, not the awesome weapon of ultimate pwnage.

I can send two hunters stumbling, kill everything else in the room, slap them again, and again, and again, laughing, until they die.

Now if they were killing machines they'd SWIPE BACK, until i moron remember i have a sidearm.