View Full Version : [REQ] CSS kind of gametracker for hamachi network

05-04-2009, 17:29
Hello. I have private ip, so i need to use hamachi to play with my friends. I cant use gametracker, or any of it kind, so i need a plugin for server, which can update database(MySql) which contains informations like: numbers of players on server, map played right now, nextmap, timeleft etc... And(if it possible) a script(php, html nvm.)for website. I know that is a big request, but i hope that someone will try to make it happen :)
PS. Sorry for my bad english...

@EDIT If it was already requested, or the plugin already exist, then sorry, my mistake, i didnt see it...

05-04-2009, 23:23
This looks wayyyy too much like nonsteam stuff for anyone here to be interested.

05-05-2009, 01:44
It's really a steam server, i even don know how to make a nonsteam... For now i need to have private ip, cause my isp want much money for giving me a public ip...