View Full Version : [REQ] Ban Steam Groups

09-25-2008, 11:11
It would be nice to be able to ban whole steam groups from your server, voogru has already posted about this and provided the code to convert a players friend ID into what groups they belong to and be able to ban the whole group. all we need is someone to make a plugin :)

I figured I would share this little snippet, this will convert a STEAMID to the a players friendID which is used for steam community.

What could potentially be done with this, is to fetch data on a player, see what groups he is in, and basically gives you the flexibility to ban whole groups from your server without knowing all of their steamids.



09-25-2008, 15:29
Yep. I've had groups that will suddenly just pour in and start talking trash to everyone. Trying to force them to leave.
What i usually do , is just gag and mute them.
Then they cant say anything or type anything

10-16-2008, 17:50
Wanted to give this a bump, I think it would be a cool stand alone plugin but I might submit this as a suggestion for sourcebans as well. It could be yet another amazing feature that proves how amazing sourcebans is!

10-16-2008, 17:56
While you can convert a steam id into a friend id, and a friend id, into a steam id, you cannot convert a friend id or steam id into a group id.

There is no relation to those numbers. You would have to be able to query steam with a friend id and get a response with the groups that the member is a member of. To my knowledge that is not possible.

10-16-2008, 18:20
What I am suggesting is making the user provide the address of the steam group and having the program take it from there. I know it can be done becasue I remember some one posting how they moded an older version of sourcebans to automatically ban anyone in the same group as any of there perma baned users.

10-17-2008, 20:01
On further investigation I have found that this is possible. Would take a whole lot of code and using the socket ext, but doable.

10-24-2008, 21:11
added group banning to sourcebans' webinterface. have a try and please post any issues on our tracker!

10-26-2008, 05:53
added group banning to sourcebans' webinterface. have a try and please post any issues on our tracker!

Interesting! Will this beat the crap out of the steam community servers with widespread use? Not that I'm worried about the steam community servers, I just hate to see them remove the xml support at some point.

PS OT. I'm on SB 1.1.3 still.. Is anything major busted in the current release that I should watch out for?

10-26-2008, 16:49
yes, i think so, but if they don't want to put down their sites, i don't see any problems with that. i don't think that this will have any affect on their xml support.

The current release 1.3.5 is stable, but you should use the svn version anyways, because there were some important fixes and new features as well. but 1.3.5 works as it is - only use the svn plugin to avoid problems with perma banning ;)

blue zebra
09-25-2011, 05:23
Any solution for this problem, without sourceban?