View Full Version : Slay Camping

09-02-2008, 14:26
Im running a zombie riot server. People tend to glitch and croutch in a corner and camp and get 1000+ kills. I want a plugin that will slay them if camping for x amount of time. Slapping them doesn't really do much. Slay would be good since they are only allowed to die so many times before infection mode kicks in. Any ideas?

- sUiCiDeR

09-02-2008, 15:53
This maybe?

09-03-2008, 01:39
Well this one only slaps. I tried to increase the HP of the slap to slay to no avail. Any other assistance is appreciated.

- sUiCiDeR

09-04-2008, 14:54
Open the source code, look for sm_slap and replace it with sm_slay..compile.


Banjo Boy
09-05-2008, 12:53
how do you open the sourcecode?

09-05-2008, 13:54
find .sp file and open it with any text editor

09-08-2008, 00:38
Well I tried looking at the .sp file on this one and Im totally lost lol. Any chance someone can recompile this one for me? Again all Im looking for is a camp detection to slay after say 12 seconds. Dont need the beacon or slapping. Auto slaying is what Im looking for. Any help is appreciated.

- sUiCiDeR

09-08-2008, 06:29
Hy, i tried to modify the Slap to Saly but i could't do it so i thought about it a bit and found out that we could just slap the target with 150HP so he/she will bee slapped more HP than he/she had.
Sho here i it:
I only cahnged this lines:
g_CvarSlap = CreateConVar("sm_anticamp_slap", "5", "Amount of health decrease during camping every 2 sec.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 50.0);
g_CvarLowHealth = CreateConVar("sm_anticamp_health_level", "15", "Set to the health level below where camping is allowed", 0, true, 0.0, true, 100.0);to this:
g_CvarSlap = CreateConVar("sm_anticamp_slap", "150", "Amount of health decrease during camping every 2 sec.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 50.0);
g_CvarLowHealth = CreateConVar("sm_anticamp_health_level", "0", "Set to the health level below where camping is allowed", 0, true, 0.0, true, 100.0);And heres the plugin.

09-08-2008, 11:43
Awsome. Is there a way to change the HP to 350 that it slaps? My server has RPG and with vampire as an option, its possible to get up to that HP.

Thanks again.

- sUiCiDeR

09-08-2008, 12:08
Awsome. Is there a way to change the HP to 350 that it slaps? My server has RPG and with vampire as an option, its possible to get up to that HP.

Thanks again.

- sUiCiDeR

sm_anticamp_slap 350