View Full Version : Variable Types

04-08-2008, 20:23
Can someone link me or give me a list of the variable types and how they would be used in commands such as client_print?

Like for example.

There is the variable type string, %s to use it with client_print.

Something like that, nothing special. I know the main variable types and I need and stuff just mostly need to learn to use it with client_print, such as a float because %f isnt it. And I couldnt find it on wiki.amxmodx.org on the scripting section. And couldnt find it on amxx functions (http://www.amxmodx.org/funcwiki.php). If someone could help me with this it would be much appreciated.

Silentt(new to programming, and need a bit of help. So ill be chillin here pretty often in search of help. Then hopefully to give help :D)

04-08-2008, 20:25
%f - float
%d - integer
%i - integer
%s - string
%c - character
%L - multilingual

04-08-2008, 20:32
%f isnt working for floats :(


LINE 53: client_print(0, print_chat, %f, test)

Error: Invalid expression, assumed zero on line 53
Error: Undefined symbol "f" on line 53
Warning: Expression has no effect on line 53
Error: Expected token: ";", but found ")" on line 53
Error: Too many error messages on one line on line 53

04-08-2008, 20:36
wait nvm it works i just made a mistake as you can see I forgot the ""

04-08-2008, 21:48
There is also %x and %X which result in hexadecimal representation of integer.

04-09-2008, 05:09
and %u for unsigned int