View Full Version : 28 Weeks later Bot zombiemod Translation request!

purple nurple
11-22-2007, 00:40
I no longer need trasnslation

11-22-2007, 23:17
Heres my spanish version.


28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] This server is running 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] This mod is by [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL] Los Zombies estan en el nivel %d .
28_HUD_level = Los Zombies estan en el nivel %d
28_teamchange1 = [28WL] %s esta siendo movido porque el equipo humano esta lleno %d zombies, %d humanos.
28_joined_human = [28WL] Te has unido al equipo humano.
28_joined_zombie = [28WL] Te has unido al equipo zombie.
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS] Tu oportunidad de ser nemesis es alta porque no eres un bot!
28_human_team_full = [28WL] El equipo humano esta lleno.
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL] La vida de los zombies es %d Armadura es %d, Velocidad de los zombies es %d, Tu dinero
extra es $%d .
28_humans_win = [28WL] Los Humanos Ganan! %d Humanos Vivos.
28_zombies_win = [28WL] Los Zombies Ganan.
28_block_use = Tecla Bloqueada no seas un zombie intelijente...
28_nightvision_press = [28WL] Oprime tu boton de nightvision para apagar y prender tu nightvision.
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS] Ha sido derotado!
28_bomb_planted = La bomba ha sido plantada protejela!
28_bomb_defused = La bomba ha sido desactivada los zombies invaden el mundo.
28_bomb_explode = La bomba ha estallado los ZOMBIES MURIERON!
28_event_human_win = Los Humanos Ganan!
28_event_zombie_win = Los Zombies Invaden Nuestro Mundo!
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu] Estas Muerto.
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL] Eres un zombie. T.T Novato!
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu] Zonadecompra?
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL]
28_HUD_level =
28_teamchange1 = [28WL]
28_joined_human = [28WL]
28_joined_zombie = [28WL]
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]
28_human_team_full = [28WL]
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]
28_humans_win = [28WL]
28_zombies_win = [28WL]
28_block_use =
28_nightvision_press = [28WL]
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]
28_bomb_planted =
28_bomb_defused =
28_bomb_explode =
28_event_human_win =
28_event_zombie_win =
28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

11-23-2007, 18:31

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] This server is running 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] This mod is by [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL] Zombies are level %d .

28_HUD_level = The Zombies are level %d

28_teamchange1 = [28WL] %s is being move to zombie team becaues human is full %d zombies, %d humans.

28_joined_human = [28WL] You have joined the human team.

28_joined_zombie = [28WL] You have joined the zombie team.

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS] You chances are higher for being a nemesis because you are not a bot!

28_human_team_full = [28WL] The Human team is full.

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL] Zombie Health is %d Armor is %d, Zombies speed is %d, Your exstra money $%d .

28_humans_win = [28WL] Humans Win! %d Alive Humans.

28_zombies_win = [28WL] Zombies Win.

28_block_use = Key Blocked dont be a smart zombie please...

28_nightvision_press = [28WL] Press you nightvision button to turn nightvision off and on.

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS] Has Been Defeated!

28_bomb_planted = Bomb Has Been Planted Protect it!

28_bomb_defused = Bomb Has been defused Zombies take over the world.

28_bomb_explode = The Bomb has EXPLODED ZOMBIES ARE DEAD!

28_event_human_win = The Human's Win!

28_event_zombie_win = The Zombies's Take over OUR WORLD!

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu] Your Dead.

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL] You are a zombie. T.T NooB!

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu] BuyZone?


28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL] Zombies sind Level %d .

28_HUD_level = Die Zombies sind Level %d

28_teamchange1 = [28WL] %s wurde ins Zombie-Team verschoben, weil das Menschen-Team voll ist. %d Zombies, %d Menschen.

28_joined_human = [28WL] Du bist dem Menschen-Team beigetreten.

28_joined_zombie = [28WL] Du bist dem Zombie-Team beigetreten.

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS] Deine Chancen um Nemesis zu sein sind hoeher weil du kein Bot bist!

28_human_team_full = [28WL] Das Mensch-Team ist voll.

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL] Zombie Health ist %d Armor ist %d, Zombies speed ist %d, Deine extra Kohle $%d .

28_humans_win = [28WL] Die Menschen haben gewonnen! %d ueberlebende Menschen.

28_zombies_win = [28WL] Zombies haben gewonnen.

28_block_use = Taste geblockt, du schlauer Zombie...

28_nightvision_press = [28WL] Druecke deine Nachtsichtgeraet-Taste um es an und aus zu schalten

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS] Wurde bezwungen!

28_bomb_planted = Bombe wurde gelegt, beschuetze sie!

28_bomb_defused = Bombe wurde entschaerft. Die Zombies uebernehmen die Welt

28_bomb_explode = Die Bombe ist EXPLODIERT. ZOMBIES SIND TOT!

28_event_human_win = Die Menschen gewinnen!

28_event_zombie_win = Die Zombies UEBERNEHMEN UNSERE WELT!

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu] Dein Tod.

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL] Du bist ein Zombie. T.T NooB!!

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu] BuyZone?

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]


28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]


28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]


28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] This server is running 28 Weeks Later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] This mod is by [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL] Los Zombies estan en el nivel %d .

28_HUD_level = Los Zombies estan en el nivel %d

28_teamchange1 = [28WL] %s esta siendo movido porque el equipo humano esta lleno %d zombies, %d humanos.

28_joined_human = [28WL] Te has unido al equipo humano.

28_joined_zombie = [28WL] Te has unido al equipo zombie.

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS] Tu oportunidad de ser nemesis es alta porque no eres un bot!

28_human_team_full = [28WL] El equipo humano esta lleno.

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL] La vida de los zombies es %d Armadura es %d, Velocidad de los zombies es %d, Tu dinero
extra es $%d .

28_humans_win = [28WL] Los Humanos Ganan! %d Humanos Vivos.

28_zombies_win = [28WL] Los Zombies Ganan.

28_block_use = Tecla Bloqueada no seas un zombie intelijente...

28_nightvision_press = [28WL] Oprime tu boton de nightvison para apagar y prender tu nightvision.

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS] Ha sido derotado!

28_bomb_planted = La bomba ha sido plantada protejela!

28_bomb_defused = La bomba ha sido desactivada los zombies invaden el mundo.

28_bomb_explode = La bomba ha estallado los ZOMBIES MURIERON!

28_event_human_win = Los Humanos Ganan!

28_event_zombie_win = Los Zombies Invaden Nuestro Mundo!

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu] Estas Muerto.

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL] Eres un zombie. T.T Novato!

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu] Zonadecompra?


28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]


28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL]

28_HUD_level =

28_teamchange1 = [28WL]

28_joined_human = [28WL]

28_joined_zombie = [28WL]

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS]

28_human_team_full = [28WL]

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL]

28_humans_win = [28WL]

28_zombies_win = [28WL]

28_block_use =

28_nightvision_press = [28WL]

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS]

28_bomb_planted =

28_bomb_defused =

28_bomb_explode =

28_event_human_win =

28_event_zombie_win =

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu]

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL]

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu]

sp portet to list [es]

[de] added

purple nurple
11-23-2007, 20:05

11-23-2007, 20:14

28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] Na serwerze zainstalowane jest 28 Weeks later Zombie mod VERSION [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] Modyfikacja napisana przez [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)

28_zombie_level = [28WL] zombie maja poziom %d.

28_HUD_level = Zombie maja %d poziom

28_teamchange1 = [28WL] %s zostal przeniesiony do druzyny zombie poniewaz druzyna ludzi jest pelna ( %d zombies, %d ludzi).

28_joined_human = [28WL] Dolaczyles do druzyny ludzi.

28_joined_zombie = [28WL] Dolaczyles do druzyny zombie.

28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS] You chances are higher for being a nemesis because you are not a bot!

28_human_team_full = [28WL] Druzyna ludzi jest pelna.

28_zombie_level2 = [28WL] HP zombie jest: %d, kamizelka: %d, predkosc: %d, Twoje dodatkowe pieniadze: $%d .

28_humans_win = [28WL] Ludzie wygrali! %d zywych ludzi.

28_zombies_win = [28WL] ZOMBIE wygraly.

28_block_use = Klawisz zablokowany, nie badz zbyt madrym zombie...

28_nightvision_press = [28WL] Wcisnij przycisk nightvision'a (domyslnie N) aby go wlaczyc.

28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS] Has Been Defeated!

28_bomb_planted = Bomba podlozona, zabezpiecz ja!

28_bomb_defused = Bomba rozbrojona, zombie zyja

28_bomb_explode = Bomba wybuchla, ZOMBIE SA NIEZYWE!

28_event_human_win = Ludzie wygrali!

28_event_zombie_win = Zombie wygraly!

28_buymenu_dead = [BuyMenu] Twoja smierc.

28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL] Jestes ZOMBIE

28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu] BuyZone?

purple nurple
11-24-2007, 17:51
Thanks +karma

12-03-2007, 15:17
Corrected Espaņol/Spanish Translation
28_welcome_1 = [AMXX] El servidor esta ejecutando: [28WL] 28 Weeks later Zombie Mod, Version [%s] (c)
28_welcome_2 = [28WL] Mod creado por [28WL] Purple Nurple (Jesse)
28_zombie_level = [28WL] Los Zombies son nivel %d.
28_HUD_level = Los Zombies son nivel %d.
28_teamchange1 = [28WL] Transfiriendo a %s al equipo Zombie, Equipo Humano completo. Zombies: %d, Humanos: %d.
28_joined_human = [28WL] Te has unido al equipo Humano.
28_joined_zombie = [28WL] Te has unido al equipo Zombie.
28_nemesis_change = [NEMESIS] Tienes muchas chances de convertirte en un Nemesis ya que no eres un Bot!
28_human_team_full = [28WL] Equipo Humano Completo.
28_zombie_level2 = [28WL] Zombie: Vida: %d, Armadura: %d, Velocidad: %d, Dinero Extra: $%d.
28_humans_win = [28WL] Ganan los Humanos! %d Humanos Vivos.
28_zombies_win = [28WL] Ganan los Zombies!.
28_block_use = Tecla Bloqueada, Intenta no ser un Zombie inteligente por favor...
28_nightvision_press = [28WL] Presiona la tecla de nightvision (Predet.: N) para Activarla/Desactivarla.
28_defeat_nemesis = [NEMESIS] Ha Sido Derrotado!
28_bomb_planted = La Bomba Ha Sido Activada, Protejela!
28_bomb_defused = La Bomba Ha Sido Desactivada, Los Zombies se apoderan del mundo.
28_event_human_win = Ganan los Humanos!
28_event_zombie_win = Los Zombies se apoderaron de NUESTRO MUNDO!
28_buymenu_dead = Estas Muerto.
28_buymenu_zombie = [28WL] Sos un Zombie, NooB!
28_buymenu_buyzone = [BuyMenu] Zona de Compra?
Hope this Helps.
[B]Atte. Kylix Mynx AltoLAG