View Full Version : FF Skill Utility

10-10-2007, 20:32
This plugin allows players to use various commands that help them with mostly skill type maps.

- Place the skillutility.smx file inside of the addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder.

+admin commands+
/goto <PlayerName>: Lets an admin teleport to the specified players location.

+client commands+
saveme: Lets a player save their position they are standing at.
posme: Lets a player return to the position they saved at using 'saveme'.
/clipon: Lets a player gain noclip for a time in seconds specified by a cvar. After the time runs out the player is teleported back to where they started noclip at.
/clipoff: If the player is using '/clipon' then this will return them back to where they started it if the time hasn't ran out yet.

sv_cliptime <seconds>: The number of seconds to allow noclip when a user types '/clipon'.
sv_helpmsg <0 or 1>: 0 Turns help messages off, 1 turns them on.
sv_helpmsgtime <seconds>: The number of seconds in between each help message that displays.
sv_skillutility <0 or 1>: 0 Turns plugin off, 1 turns plugin on.

+change log+
Version 1.0 ( 10-10-2007 )
-- Initial release.

Version 2.0 ( 09-09-2008 )
-- Rewrote a lot of code for better optimization and compatibility with FF and SM versions.
-- Removed blocking of +attack and +use as this is no longer possible at the moment.
-- Added checks if player is on ground and not ducking before using saveme.
-- Added blocking interaction with some entities when using /clipon.
-- Added help message displaying to use /clipoff for turning noclip off.
-- Added sv_skillutility cvar to enable/disable the plugin.
-- Fixed a for statement that would leave off the last player.
-- Changed MAX_PLAYERS from 32 down to 22 (max FF player limit).

Version 2.1 ( 11-29-2008 )
-- Resets players saved position on spawn (thanks Lt. Llama).

Version 2.2 ( 01-27-2009 )
-- No longer removes clients saved position on spawn unless they changed class.
-- Fixed a problem with clients collision value when turning clip off.
-- When using posme/clipoff the clients velocity is set to 0.
-- When using saveme/clipon the clients angles are now saved.

Version 2.3 ( 02-02-2009 )
-- Added color to the messages when using the commands.
-- Fixed the error when someone chats via server console (thanks PartialSchism).

Version 2.4 ( 02-06-2009 )
-- Added a new client command for admins (say /goto <PlayerName>).
-- Fixed the message beep when using commands.

Version 2.5 ( 03-05-2009 )
-- Fixed the SayText function.

Version 2.6 ( 03-09-2009 )
-- Fixed a bug on users clip reset.

Version 2.7 ( 12-17-2011 )
-- Fixed crashing servers in the latest FF version (GetClientEyeAngles() seems to have wrong offset).
-- Updated to use MaxClients variable instead of GetMaxClients().

Lt Llama
10-18-2007, 14:07
So much agonies on FF because people get stuck, and have to kill themselves, and cant get back. You solved all that. Next generation /clipon :).

As FF has a problem with the teles currently, you think it's possible to implement unstuck in this? Maybe another plugin, and hopefully they will patch it.

Is it intentional that you can change class and still use posme and get back to the previous position? It looks like you can now.

I think you should add
g_savedPos[client] = Float:{0.0,0.0,0.0}
g_savedPosClip[client] = Float:{0.0,0.0,0.0}

to public hook_death

and tell the player that he lost his previous /saveme coord because he changed class.

Very gj Hlstriker


Ok, tested it

1. You can touch entities when using /clipon. Is it possible to make the player not able to do that. Now you can noclip to any secret or go and get points for finishing the map.

2. Add to the message "type /clipoff to turn it off".

3. Now you can use /clipon or saveme & posme of you are in mid air and use it just to retry a jump from a position in mid air. Possible to change? Can only be used while standing still on ground?

4. Hide the messages to other users.

5. Sometimes you get stuck if you use posme or /clipon while crouching.

02-14-2008, 14:53
I would definately like to be able to turn saveme posme off/on. Depending on type of map in play.

Lt Llama
02-14-2008, 17:22
Obsolete after last update

Lt Llama
11-07-2008, 03:33
Still possible to use saveme, switch team, and use posme.
Add something like

HookEvent("player_spawn", hook_death, EventHookMode_Post);

K thx

11-29-2008, 11:07
Updated. Thanks Llama :)

04-09-2014, 02:38
This plugin seems to not be working on a map-specific basis anymore. Before, it would work for any map that had this code in the lua file:

SetConvar( "sv_skillutility", 1 )

If I have the sv_skillutility disabled in my server.cfg file, it does not work. But as soon as I enable it in the cfg file, it works, but for all maps including non-skill maps. If I disable it again, restart the server and make sure it is off, then remove the sv_skillutility command completely from my server.cfg file and restart the server again, it works for every map. So I have to have it turned off in my server.cfg file so I make sure the maps that can't have that plugin turned on don't get effected.