View Full Version : Entitiy properties

09-13-2007, 07:04
If it's "m_bDucked" then it's probably boolean...
How about the others?
m_b -> bool:x (m_bDucked)
m_i -> integer:x (m_iAmmo)
m_fl -> float:x (m_flSimulationTime )
m_f -> ? (m_fEffects)
m_ -> ? (m_CollisionGroup)
m_clr -> ? (m_clrRender)
m_ang -> ? (m_angRotation)
m_us -> ? (m_usSolidFlags)
m_vec -> float:x[3] (m_vecOrigin)
m_n -> ? (m_nModelIndex)
m_h -> ? (m_hOwnerEntity)Are there other types and how can I get them from an entity?

09-13-2007, 07:26
float (m_f/m_fl), vectors, angles, etc aren't set using GetEntData, there are separate properties.

sizeof(bool) == 1
sizeof(int) == 4

m_n usually means integer. m_us probably means "unsigned short" (sizeof(short) == 2) and would use GetEntData that size.

m_h usually means "CBaseHandle" and you must use GetEntDataEnt().

When in doubt, check the SDK.