View Full Version : Zombie Master Roundrestart Through Chat

08-25-2007, 17:06
Current Version: 1.1


Zombie Master mod offers built-in round restart capabilities by having the zombie master type 'roundrestart' in the console. Unfortunately not everyone has the console enabled, especially new players. This little plugin therefore allows a Zombie Master to restart the round by typing the same 'roundrestart' command into chat or team chat.

Features to come:



1.0: Initial Release
1.0: Removed most of the parsing of the chat commands.

08-25-2007, 17:11

I have 2 comments:
1. Do you really need all that checking for the say command?
2. I like the PHP-like substr command

08-25-2007, 17:18
1) Haha yes I'm a pretty defensive coder. The code is trying to detect and avoid the use of quotes, it is actually a copy of some lines of code I used in a different plugin. You're right, I'll change it.

2) I actually didn't find a substring in the include files, so I made this one. I think that what you mean is: the last parameter is an index, not a length? Imho various languages implement substr differently, and to be honest I like this version better. But anyway, when I adjust #1, then the substr will disappear.

08-27-2007, 02:22
Basic yet effective, another reason SourceMod rules. Approved.

05-05-2009, 04:45
does this work on dod:s ?? i need a round restart for my realism server please help thank u