View Full Version : Question in scripting

08-08-2007, 20:11
Is there a way to only select non-admins
so u could get a command to work for players but not admins

08-08-2007, 20:31
yeah, ill code a quick example how to do it using a console command

#include <sourcemod>

#pragma semicolon 1

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "No Admins Command",
author = "dubbeh",
description = "Fake command will only run for clients with no admin",
version = "",
url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/"

public OnPluginStart ()
/* register the console command */
RegConsoleCmd ("sm_cmd", Command);

public Action:Command (client, args)
if (client == 0)

new AdminId:AdminID = GetUserAdmin (client);

ReplyToCommand(client, "This command will work on no admin users only");
/* else allow the command for the none admin client */
ReplyToCommand(client, "Welcome none admin user");

hope that helps :)

08-08-2007, 22:10
gonna try it out thanks :)

edit: just edited the script works great so far havent fully tested it but i edited basechat so people could see wat there typing to admins and made it to work into normal chat with a @ to so far so good but server kinda empty now xD so thats havent fully tested it
thanks man :)