View Full Version : Herp: New donator

08-01-2007, 10:20
// Hero: Donator
// version 1.0 - Created by Smoid


Cvars (put in your Shconfig.cfg file)

Donator_level 10 //OMG! could this be the level he is at! :O


#include <amxmodx>
#include <superheromod>

// Global stuff
new gHeroName[] ="Donator"
new bool:ghasDonatorPower[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]

public plugin_init()

register_plugin("SUPERHERO Donator", "1.0", "Smoid")

//register the cvars, do not edit these, edit in shconfig file
register_cvar("Donator_level", "10")

//Fire event to create the hero
shCreateHero(gHeroName, "Generosity", "Give some of your xp to others", true, "Donator_level" )

register_srvcmd("Donator_kd", "Donator_kd")
shRegKeyDown(gHeroName, "Donator_kd")


public Donator_kd()

// First Argument is an id
new temp[6]
new id=str_to_num(temp)

// Find who the donator is looking at
new targetid, body

get_user_aiming(id, targetid, body)

new targname[32]
new idname[32]

get_user_name(targetid, targname, 31)
get_user_name(id, idname, 31)

// Give away the xp :)

if ( is_user_alive(targetid)) {
shAddXP(targetid, id, 1)
client_print(id,print_chat, "[SHM Donator]You gave %s 1 kill's worth of XP", targname)
shAddXP(id, id, -1)
client_print(targetid,print_chat, "[SHM Donator]%s gave you XP", idname)

//resets target id so you dont give the same person xp even if your looking at noone

Plz help me with menu for adding xp!
I aiming to user and press key and i have menu,
Give 100xp
give 500,1000,2000,5000
and when you add xp menu don`t quit.
----------------Menu style-------------------------------------
Donator menu
1. send 100xp
2. send 500xp
3. send 1000xp
4. send 2000xp
5. send 5000xp
0. Exit

08-01-2007, 21:25
register a menu and when you handle the keys, recall the show menu function, because it will close when you select something but you can do your exp giving code, then just reshow the menu

08-02-2007, 07:00
yes but your good programmer than me i programmer in php and i learn pawn help me with this pls?

08-03-2007, 18:49
tut on menues: