View Full Version : thirdperson ?

07-23-2007, 18:20
I've installed sourcemod a few days ago and there are a few questions already ..
1)Is there a way to set the thirdperson on a client without sv_cheats 1 ?
2)Is it possible to rotate player model or camera in thirdperson mode?
Thanks in advance.

07-24-2007, 08:05
I'm looking the same. A way to set the thirdperson on a client without sv_cheats 1
And if it is possible, better View in thirdperson

07-24-2007, 08:28
* Returns the bitstring of flags on a console variable.
* @param convar Handle to the convar.
* @return A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags that are enabled.
* @error Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native GetConVarFlags(Handle:convar);
* Sets the bitstring of flags on a console variable.
* @param convar Handle to the convar.
* @param flags A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags to enable.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native SetConVarFlags(Handle:convar, flags);

Could turn off the FCVAR_CHEATS flag for the thirdperson cvar. Should work.

07-25-2007, 06:44
I will prove this ;)
Thank you +++

07-25-2007, 13:21

07-25-2007, 13:55
Thanks guys, but this doesn't work, because if you look at thirdperson flags with cvarlist thirdperson it looks like this :
thirdperson : cmd : : Switch to thirdperson camera.
but r_skybox for example :
r_skybox : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable the rendering of sky boxes
It's a cmd.. or is there a var for it ?

07-25-2007, 14:06

That only works on cvars.
Thirdperson is not a cvar, it's a command, so I don't think there is any way around it :/

07-25-2007, 14:11
There's a
static ConVar cam_command( "cam_command", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); // tells camera to go to thirdperson
in hl2dm code, but :

// If cheats have been disabled, pull us back out of third-person view.
if ( sv_cheats && !sv_cheats->GetBool() )

07-25-2007, 14:27
Give me till later tonight, I'll add a way to do it for commands as well.

07-25-2007, 14:33
I don't think it's possible with exactly this command but would be a cool feature for everyone :D