View Full Version : Ads

07-04-2007, 14:48
This plugin is ad script. It allows messages to be disaplyed to all users depending on what they are and how long it takes them to show.

Post all bug reports/ideas here (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?project=9&do=index) and view current status here (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/?do=roadmap&project=9). Bug reports/ideas posted on the forums will not be taken. If you do not report bugs, I will not be able to fix it. Use your forums username and password to login to the system!

BAILOPAN - Sourcemod/Help/Issue List And SVN Hosting
Wiebbe - Dynamic Replacement FunctionREQUIREMENTS:

Min. Sourcemod Version: (Ads will FAIL to load if you do not have this version or above.)CVARS:

sm_ads_version - Used for stats tracking only.
sm_ads_status - Used to turn off/on ads.
1 = on
0 = off DEFAULTS:

To change the defaults: configs/ads/plugin.ads.cfg


All Development Files API:

* Add an ad message to the system. You can use the stock (Format_Add_Ad) for more advance formating options.
* @param Message The message to add to the ad system
* @return True if the message was added; false if not
native bool:Add_Ads_Message(const String:message[]);

stock bool:Format_Add_Ad(const String:text[], any:...);
CHANGELOG: (11/04/07)
Set Chat Ads Color (FS#1108 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1108))
Ad msg capability in upper left-hand corner w/ color options (FS#1054 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1054))
Array index is out of bounds (FS#1021 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1021)) (08/09/07)
Memory Leak Fix (07/31/07)
"Messages" to "AdMessages" in plugin.ads.cfg (Requires you make changes to your config file.) (FS#586 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/?do=details&task_id=586))
Ads API Included (FS#529 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/?do=details&task_id=529))
Using HintMessage native for the hint area (FS#547 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/?do=details&task_id=574)) (07/05/07)
Linux server cannot find "plugin.Ads.cfg" (FS#544 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/?do=details&task_id=544)) (07/03/07)
Public Release DOWNLOAD:
This plugin is released under the Steamfriends.com (http://www.steamfriends.com/) brand name. Download it by going to the website here (http://www.steamfriends.com/downloads/p13_sectionid/2/p13_fileid/49) or here. :)

07-04-2007, 15:40
if you tried to credit me atleast try to spell my name correctly :P

But what does this exactly do? It allows me to show ads based on location, is that country? or something else?

And i am not gonna download it, it sucks having to register just because i need to download 1 thing :/

07-04-2007, 15:58
Wiebbe what are you complaining? he created an advertisement plugin to display ads on specific PLACES like hintbox or chat or top left like MANI did.

And if you dont wanna register, then dont but stop complaining you can now also download without registering.

07-04-2007, 16:00
Which will change shortly... :) It was just because of the released of INS that it was locked down.

07-04-2007, 17:59
Wiebbe what are you complaining? he created an advertisement plugin to display ads on specific PLACES like hintbox or chat or top left like MANI did.

And if you dont wanna register, then dont but stop complaining you can now also download without registering.

No, i just wanted to know what it did, i didnt really understand it. Basicly i created the same ;)

The complaning part was because i wanted to download it but it said i had to register.. which sucks!

i dont mind competition at all, if its better, ill just use this one :P

07-04-2007, 18:02
I got the code working for Insurgency and the API are about all the differences made. Maybe the coding style, because I am keeping everything the same for all my plugins. Just need to create the API file. However, one bug in Sourcemod keeps me from supporting it. :)

07-04-2007, 18:06
i just took a look at the code (yey for no registration :P) and its VERY neat. It doesnt have the dynamics yet, but if thats in ill go over to yours. Mine has some filthy bugs due to the nature of the way its coded.

07-05-2007, 05:04
A sample screenshot would be nice.


07-05-2007, 17:48
oh very important. i noticed that your (actually i am not sure about that) add displays everything in the quickmessage.cfg

"0" "Watch your language please. Thank you."
"1" "CT's -- Complete the Objective (Resuce Hostages)."
"2" "CT's -- Complete the Objective (Resuce Hostages)."
"3" "T's -- Complete the Objective (Bomb)."
"4" "Please leave the spawn area or get kicked. Thank you."
"5" "Please join a team or get kicked. Thank you."
"6" "Please have all names appropriate or get kicked. Thank you."
"7" "Visit our forum at www.div2rm.com"
"8" "Psychostats at http://wscdiv.stats.nuclearfallout.net/"
"0" "Language"
"1" "CT Complete Obj (Hostages)"
"2" "CT Complete Obj (Defuse)"
"3" "T Complete Obj (Bomb)"
"4" "Spawn"
"5" "Spectators"
"6" "Bad Name"
"7" "DIV"
"8" "Psychostats"

it displays as an example key 1 'ct complete obj (hostage)'
look odd... maybe an error.

07-05-2007, 21:09
I'm not sure at what you were saying there, yester64, but are you saying that it lower cases all of the text?

07-05-2007, 23:13
Ah. I understand. Having both Quick Messages AND Ads process them both. gotta fix that. Post a bug report under "Quick Messages" and I will change the vars.

07-06-2007, 03:53
Im glad you did Insurgency support since it does a diff way of SAY..... :)

07-06-2007, 06:13
Aye. I gotta make Quick messages also Insurgency Support.

07-07-2007, 10:47
Hi BuGs!

Your plugin won't load at my server, any idea why?

Which logs etc. you need to investigate the reason?

] rcon sm plugins list
[SM] Listing 15 plugins:
01 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
03 "ATAC" (1.2.0) by FlyingMongoose
04 "Basic Chat" (1.5) by ferret
05 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
06 "HLstatsX Plugin" (1.1) by Tobi17
07 "Mapchooser" (1.3) by ferret
08 "Nextmap" (1.1) by pRED*, ferret
09 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
10 "rtv" (1.3.1) by ferret
11 "SM Super Commands" (0.2) by pRED*
12 "SM Super Menu" (0.11) by pRED*
13 "Timeleft" (1.0) by ferret
14 "Weapon Logging" (1.1) by Tobi17
15 <Error> "Ads" ( by Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel


07-07-2007, 10:50
Install and get back to me. There was an error with filename structure for linux system and without the other required information I can't do much. Go here (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/?project=9&do=index)to file a report with the required information that I need after you try if it fails again.

07-07-2007, 11:32
Works fine now!

Sry i didn't realise that there was a new version.

07-11-2007, 10:14
Could you add the possibility to colorize the ads in the top left, e.g. by adding color flags in the config? MAP allows an RGB value there which IMHO is very handy.

07-11-2007, 14:28
I will do it in the config. Please post a request in my issue's request so I can keep track of it.

07-12-2007, 16:34
Hm plugin compiling, bad in the code are not used symbols?

ads.sp(80) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "g_adsB
ads.sp(79) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "g_adsV
ads.sp(111) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "g_hAd

07-12-2007, 17:35
Those are just warning. The code still compiles and works. I just don't use those variables yet anywhere in the code. :)

07-12-2007, 18:04
no, mistake. wrong board. totally forgot about that.

07-31-2007, 08:48
Updated to

08-03-2007, 14:36
Can make {timeleft}, {nextmap} and others a chat cvars? Simply that would be in {} worked as in a chat. And still please will be cool if there will be a possibility to work advertising in a death mode. In advance thanks.

08-03-2007, 15:00
Yes. This is added to the next version, after SourceMod official release.

08-03-2007, 15:10
What would be cool is if we had the ability to place ads in different areas the top/left box (near radar) the hint text area and in a menu panel.

It would be excellent if; based on whether a player is allowed to see the ads or not, three cvars could be toggled between 0/1/2

Something Like:
sm_adverts_msgtype_1 1 // display top/left box advert to dead players and spectators only
sm_adverts_msgtype_2 2 // display hint text advert to all clients
sm_adverts_msgtype_3 0 // never display adverts in the "menupanels"
{borrowed CVAR names from Adverts system plugin}

This request isn't to block users from seeing the adverts at all but to configure where they can see them.

In the example I gave, a living player would see only adverts that appear as hint text but not ones which would obscure his view of the radar.

Dead players or spectators would see adverts in the top left panel as well as the hint text adverts.

08-03-2007, 17:22
What would be cool is if we had the ability to place ads in different areas the top/left box (near radar) the hint text area and in a menu panel.

It would be excellent if; based on whether a player is allowed to see the ads or not, three cvars could be toggled between 0/1/2

Something Like:
sm_adverts_msgtype_1 1 // display top/left box advert to dead players and spectators only
sm_adverts_msgtype_2 2 // display hint text advert to all clients
sm_adverts_msgtype_3 0 // never display adverts in the "menupanels"
{borrowed CVAR names from Adverts system plugin}

This request isn't to block users from seeing the adverts at all but to configure where they can see them.

In the example I gave, a living player would see only adverts that appear as hint text but not ones which would obscure his view of the radar.

Dead players or spectators would see adverts in the top left panel as well as the hint text adverts.

Damn man! Right on the button! I've thought that so many times when it's down to 2v2 and I'm trying to sneak around and an advert covers my radar!

08-03-2007, 21:36
If a server installed "ads" in wanting to show ads to all in the server, why would they want you to have the ability to remove the ads in the first place. That said -- client ability to shut off ads will not be coded in -- ever.

I might have mentioned this already in the issue tracker, I will not be adding ads to the upper left corner (above the radar) as most mods do not support this. Only CS:S does.

This has already been updated for the server to config if they want the ads to show in a hint box. Menu panels will not be coded due to different styles in all mods. Plus you have limited space and they can be closed with any key. However, I will consider "dead vs. alive" display options for the server to decide where they would be placed. (hint: place a feature request in the issue tracker)

08-07-2007, 11:34
Hi, I added messages to the sourcemod/configs/ads/plugin.ads.cfg under the default three that came with. Only the default three showed in game. I removed those and now have no ads at all. Where might I have gone wrong? Thank you.

08-14-2007, 05:30
^BuGs^ have you looked into Source TV adverts

"hltv_message" // a HLTV message send by moderators
"text" "string"

I think firing that event will display the adverts for the Source TV specs - remembered AMX used to do something like that ages ago

08-14-2007, 08:53
Hi, I added messages to the sourcemod/configs/ads/plugin.ads.cfg under the default three that came with. Only the default three showed in game. I removed those and now have no ads at all. Where might I have gone wrong? Thank you.
You need to re-add messages to the cfg file..

"0" "Message 1"
"1" "Message 2"

Havn't looked at SourceTV. I guess I will have to take a look at that. :)

09-01-2007, 20:12
Ok, I am missing something here...what file do you open up to change the ads displayed? plugins.ads.cfg looks to be a compiled file, not a standard cfg file that you enter your own stuff...what am I missing?



09-09-2007, 08:46
two new offesr:

1. colored messages
2. server variables

explanation: "server variables" i mean "nextmap", "current map", "tickrate".
is it possible to use at ADS? like Mani advertising module...

Lt Llama
09-19-2007, 12:40
Gj on this, i have always used the imessages on amxmodx.
Testing now on Fortress Forever.

The centered messages are huge, thats what they look like? It also disappears to fast.

The hint box isnt supported for FF.

That leaves me with chat messages but thats fine for now :).

09-20-2007, 04:57
The centered messages are huge, thats what they look like? It also disappears to fast.

That leaves me with chat messages but thats fine for now :).

I'm not worried about huge center text, however you are right, it disappears WAY too fast; and to some degree I would like to see it 'refresh' twice more in two other different colors for a nice effect -- or at least have that optional.

Running on my FF server too.

09-27-2007, 10:18
I also have this installed on my Fortress-Forever server. Everything loads and works error free, however as mentioned before the ads disappear way to fast. I can't even finish reading the ads I have before they disappear.

10-08-2007, 19:37
This plugin has a memory leak:

ads.config.sp::ReadConfig() leaks a Handle from SMC_CreateParser()

Please PM me when you've patched this and I'll re-approve.

10-09-2007, 13:06
Fixed. I will upload once I finish the rest of the new features.

10-10-2007, 02:15
thanks! =)
but how about new version (colored messages and server cvars like tickrate, nextmap, timeleft)?

10-10-2007, 05:00
Which version has the memory leak, I am running but the date on doesn't match yesterdays date so which version should I be using?

10-10-2007, 07:59
Version is the updated and fixed version.

10-10-2007, 08:35
Ok thank you I will go update mine now :up:

10-10-2007, 13:31
thanks! =)
but how about new version (colored messages and server cvars like tickrate, nextmap, timeleft)?

Witht he cvars I am looking to do something like: {cvar name} and it automatically replace it. However, to do it right now would make the system slow so I requested a regex function search & replace.

10-17-2007, 07:23
FYI - just tested this on TF2 using the latest versions of metamod and sourcemod (r1607) - works just fine as far as I can tell. The hintbox text is an orange-yellow, which is sometimes hard to see.

Hope ya keep workin on this Bugs, great plugin.

10-17-2007, 08:11
Working fine for me too. Didn't test hint box but the chat works fine.

FYI - just tested this on TF2 using the latest versions of metamod and sourcemod (r1607) - works just fine as far as I can tell. The hintbox text is an orange-yellow, which is sometimes hard to see.

Hope ya keep workin on this Bugs, great plugin.

10-17-2007, 19:48
I tried it on my TF2 server and it seems that only the the ads will show in the chat box area and no where else.

10-18-2007, 19:35
Can you make the config file easier to add adverts and settings instead of 1 blotchy paragraph. Make each setting its own line etc.

10-18-2007, 19:48
open the file in wordpad instead of notepad i find them unreadable if i use notepad

10-18-2007, 19:55
ah thats better. maybe I should use wordpad more often.

10-18-2007, 20:50
i'm using this on a TF2 server with the hint box setting and i get a null box that sits behind the first letter of each message. Any way of removing that?

10-18-2007, 21:05
Ya use chat messages. lol.

10-20-2007, 13:35
How do I get this to load on my TF2 server? I keep getting 'elf header fault'meta load addons/sourcemod/plugins/ads.smxor is this wrong ?thanks in advance.

10-20-2007, 19:08
"0" Welcome to Apex Gaming Comunity
"1" Visit us at http://apexgaming.xippy.us
"2" Come and join us on Vent. Host:apexgaming.clanvent.com, Port:8375
"3" For Psychostats visit http://apexgaming.stats2.nuclearfallout.net/
"4" No hacking/cheating report all to website.
"5" Admins needed, apply online!
"6" Add this server to you favorites.
"7" Have Fun, Enjoy playing at Apex Gaming.

The prob, im having is the two messages with http:// , in them it doesnt display those it just says "Visit us at http:" and cuts off at the colon. , any way to fix this?

Enable/Disable Debuger */ what does the debuger do?

10-20-2007, 19:54
get rid of http://

in a console command : and ; are interrupters for new lines.

10-20-2007, 20:09
The prob, im having is the two messages with http:// , in them it doesnt display those it just says "Visit us at http:" and cuts off at the colon. , any way to fix this?

You gotta wrap your ads in quotation marks. Here's mine as an example...

"0" "Welcome to Hardfought II - Team Fortress 2"
"1" "Visit http://www.hardfought.org for news, downloads, and forums"
"2" "Join us on IRC - #hardfought on irc.gamesurge.net"
"3" "Client commands: rockthevote, nextmap, timeleft, thetime, and listmaps"
"4" "Racism in any form will get you permanently banned, so please don't do it"


I can use http:// comments in my ads all day long.

10-23-2007, 16:51
Hey, we're running this on our TF2 server along with meta mod source and source mod and the ads don't seem to show up after the time I put in the "plugin.ads" file. The mod reports to be running and it successfully loads but no ads show.

10-24-2007, 07:42
Have you restarted the server? When I updated my ads file they stopped showing until I restarted my server.

10-24-2007, 07:58
I keep getting squares on top of the first char in the message. Doesnt matter if there is more messages.

10-25-2007, 14:47
i'm using this on a TF2 server with the hint box setting and i get a null box that sits behind the first letter of each message. Any way of removing that?

I'm also getting this and even though I could use the chat box to display these messages, I like how the hint box pops up and makes a slight sound to get attention.

This was mentioned last week and I'm sure ^BuGs^ will update Ads as soon as he can. I believe he has many plugins and admin duties he is taking care of but I sure it will be fixed shortly (http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time).

10-25-2007, 15:24
is it possible to have this installed w/o sourcemod?

I am currently using a different admin mod and just need sourcemod for this ads program.

Or do i just leave sourcemod and my other admin plugin on the server and running at the same time? Or will this eat up resources?


10-25-2007, 15:52
Yes - Ads needs Sourcemod.

Sourcemod and your other admin program should be able to run side by side. The Sourcemod Authors did everything they could to make it play nice with any other addon.

When you have SourceMod installed, just move everything that you don't need into the disabled directory (or delete them). As it stands, Sourcemod takes way less resources than Mani does so I think they did a good job of coding it.

10-26-2007, 03:55
I have been on a few servers that have messages popping up in the top left, the center of the screen, the chat box, and a box thats in the lower center of the screen (not how to describe it)

I know this plugin can do the first 3 out of 4 listed, but can it do the 4th option? Also, is there anyway to seperate where ads are displayed? Like can I have 5 ads showing up in chatbox while having one display in the center of the screen periodically as well?

10-26-2007, 04:54
This plugin does not display in the top-left of the screeen. However, it will display in the lower center (hint box). Requests have been made for this plugin to add displays to the top-left in future versions.

10-26-2007, 07:09
I have been on a few servers that have messages popping up in the top left, the center of the screen, the chat box, and a box thats in the lower center of the screen (not how to describe it)

I know this plugin can do the first 3 out of 4 listed, but can it do the 4th option? Also, is there anyway to seperate where ads are displayed? Like can I have 5 ads showing up in chatbox while having one display in the center of the screen periodically as well?
No. That is not a current option.

10-26-2007, 07:53
For those who were having problems, there is a new version of the smx file here: http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1021

10-26-2007, 22:40
Is there a way to have different ads display in different locations?

10-27-2007, 19:20
not really, there are 4 options:
center say
bottom middle menu
top left

but this plugin only allows chat line.

10-28-2007, 01:48
Top Left is the in the next version. :)

So options for different locations... Could request it.

10-29-2007, 23:14
Is there a way i can get this to work utilizing a cfg directory, instead of the configs folder as made for the plugin. My server and a standard tf2 structure uses a cfg folder. Just to make it work without an extra folder just for this plugin? Could i get a modified .smx file or can you tell me how to get it to work with a cfg directory?

Many thanks in advance

10-29-2007, 23:28
^scratch that, spoke too soon.

11-01-2007, 11:57
Is there a way i can get this to work utilizing a cfg directory, instead of the configs folder as made for the plugin. My server and a standard tf2 structure uses a cfg folder. Just to make it work without an extra folder just for this plugin? Could i get a modified .smx file or can you tell me how to get it to work with a cfg directory?

Many thanks in advance

isn't the config file just in sourcemod/configs/ads ?

only difference between this and others is it has it's own directory

John Ford
11-02-2007, 09:32
The ads plugin works very well. Even with TF2.

11-02-2007, 10:09
I would LOVE it if, when you add the use of top left panel, we could allow ads that are in the top left to only show up for dead players (it obscures the radar for living players in CS:S)

sm_ads_topleft_showliving 0 (FTW) :up:

I'm also hoping that we'll be able to have each ad line appear in multiple places?

11-02-2007, 17:11
Top left ads will be in the next version. Check out Bugs' bug-tracker.

Heh, say 'bugs' bug-tracker' really fast 10 times in a row... ;)

11-02-2007, 19:20
Top left ads will be in the next version. Check out Bugs' bug-tracker.

I know it will :)

I was adding a request for when it's added ;)

11-02-2007, 22:08
Ah my bad... next time I wont skim so much ;)

11-03-2007, 05:49
1.4.0 is now available for download from here: here (http://www.steamfriends.com/downloads/p13_sectionid/2/p13_fileid/49)

Make sure you all copy the new config file to /sourcemod/config/ads since the structure has changed and now includes way more options then before.

We have been testing this version both CSS,DODS, PVKII and TF2 and it's running very stable for days now.

11-03-2007, 14:26
tcviper do you have the changelog for 1.4.0?

11-04-2007, 11:42
Just added the change log to the first post...

Updated to

11-04-2007, 15:51
I'm having one issue with the latest version, i want to use the chat text option and it will only display the first char in the hex value segment:

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "0x04"

All messages display the 0 and then the message, if i change the 0 to a 1 it displays the 1, etc. etc. i even tried just x04, x02 etc, then it just displays the x. Although i'm glad i can have white text, anything other than green in a tf2 server, i'd like to have the ability to vary the color.

For now i have made the following changes:

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "-"

So it wil display in game as: -My Message. Looks a little better than a single letter or number. Any ideas?

I'm running tf2 with the following plugins on a linux box:

Hlstats 1.0.7
AutoBan Bad Name
Web shortcuts

11-04-2007, 16:37
Question about the top-left ad msgs - is the max number of characters allowed for a message a plugin limitation, or one imposed by Valve? Reason I ask, is that some of my ads that were in the hint area get cut off when being displayed up on the top-left.

11-04-2007, 18:15
I experience the same issue as Kernel. I am running HL2MP.

11-04-2007, 23:39
Any news on the {Commands}?

11-04-2007, 23:54
Question about the top-left ad msgs - is the max number of characters allowed for a message a plugin limitation, or one imposed by Valve? Reason I ask, is that some of my ads that were in the hint area get cut off when being displayed up on the top-left.
Valve, for top left. Sorry. Nothing I can do about that.

Now the hex color been a problem. I will have to check it out tomorrow night (monday night) when I get back from work then.

11-13-2007, 11:10
Experiencing a display problem with the addition of color choices.

All messages are white, and begin with "0 ". If it is replaced with any other character it displays them. I am using "-" right now because it looks funny otherwise :(

11-14-2007, 02:08
Yeah! You're not alone!:wink:

As you can see here, some other user - and me too - have exactly the same problem:
I'm having one issue with the latest version, i want to use the chat text option and it will only display the first char in the hex value segment:

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "0x04"

All messages display the 0 and then the message, if i change the 0 to a 1 it displays the 1, etc. etc. i even tried just x04, x02 etc, then it just displays the x. Although i'm glad i can have white text, anything other than green in a tf2 server, i'd like to have the ability to vary the color.

For now i have made the following changes:

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "-"

So it wil display in game as: -My Message. Looks a little better than a single letter or number. Any ideas?

I'm running tf2 with the following plugins on a linux box:

Hlstats 1.0.7
AutoBan Bad Name
Web shortcuts

But i guess we have to wait until ^BuGs^ has enough time to fix this...

11-14-2007, 17:09
If source was posted I could take a look and make a quick hack

11-14-2007, 22:38
If source was posted I could take a look and make a quick hack


11-15-2007, 17:45
// Ads
// Configuration File
// By Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel
// Do not change the variable names or the script will fail!

/* Enables/Disables Ads */
"EnableAds" "1"

/* Enables/Disables that other plugins can register their Ads Messages */
"EnableOutsideAds" "0"

/* Time between the messages. */
"TimeBetweenMsg" "60.0"

/* Allow the use of the default magic words. (not working yet) */
"AllowDyanmicReplace" "0"

For the Insurgency Mod, there is no setting. It will goto everyone by default.

For most source games.. the spot where you want the messages to show.

0 = Chat Messages
1 = Hint Box
2 = Center Messages
3 = Top Menu (Set Colors Below)
"LocationOfAds" "0"

/* This is the color of the ads. */
"AdsRedAlpha" "255"
"AdsBlueAlpha" "255"
"AdsGreenAlpha" "255"
"AdsAlpha" "255"

/* If this plugin is being installed For the Insurgency Mod, make this enabled. */
"InsurgencyAds" "0"

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "0x04"

"0" "Add to your favorites!"
"1" "Visit our website at www.JoinPGN.com, thanks!"
"2" "Use the /voteban command if there's a cheater!"

However messages appear prefixed with 0? 0 Use the /voteban command if there's a cheater! And they're colored in the regular color not 0x04.

11-16-2007, 09:04
We are also getting the "0" in front of ads if used in chat area. Changed location to hint box and "0" is gone.

11-16-2007, 18:58
Is hint box the grey bottom center message?

11-16-2007, 21:04
Yes. That is correct.

11-17-2007, 03:32
How hard would it be to add a way of retrieving a handle to each ad a plugin adds? With the intent of being able to change/remove said ad, of course :P

11-17-2007, 14:51
Thanks, that worked great.

11-20-2007, 18:57
This plugin needs to be either unapproved, updated, or rolled back to a working version.

The color doesn't work, it just prints the first character of the color string in the ads.

"0 My ad here"

We shouldn't have to resort to hacks like replacing the color string with hyphen to get it to still not display right but atleast less wierd looking.

Figuring maybe the top ads worked without this bug, I tried that out and it crashed my server....

Nothing about this version of the plugin is good. Please either fix it, or roll back to a previous stable version

11-21-2007, 00:04
this crashes srcds with a core fault under linux on todays update

I had the 0 problem previous to this but upgraded to latest sourcemod and it went away - crashes it now though

11-21-2007, 08:42
The plugin works 100% fine for me mate.

11-21-2007, 11:55
The plugin works 100% fine for me mate.

Hrm I'll have to check it out, I added it multiple times and it would core fault every time - I figured this was due to the update as valve updated the hint chat box position I believe and that was where I had it posting

11-21-2007, 12:44
This plugin needs to be either unapproved, updated, or rolled back to a working version.

The color doesn't work, it just prints the first character of the color string in the ads.

We shouldn't have to resort to hacks like replacing the color string with hyphen to get it to still not display right but atleast less wierd looking.

Figuring maybe the top ads worked without this bug, I tried that out and it crashed my server....

Nothing about this version of the plugin is good. Please either fix it, or roll back to a previous stable version

The colour codes only work in a handful of mods. In Gmod for example, I have the same problem.

I'm going to edit this plugin so it doesn't attach the colour.

11-21-2007, 15:53
Hrm I'll have to check it out, I added it multiple times and it would core fault every time - I figured this was due to the update as valve updated the hint chat box position I believe and that was where I had it posting

Well, after a fresh install of tf2, and sourcemod with only this and or the cd_announcer plugin - it corefaults - removing and even adding other plugins in works fine

I think it is a bug within the last update and tf2 perhaps with the chat box/hint box as I know something changed last update - might be only apparent in linux.

11-22-2007, 01:11
well todays update fixed both the ads bug and the cd_annouce plugin bug

11-26-2007, 20:54
i still get the 0 instead of the color...
this is cs:s on win, latest sourcemod and dedicated server

11-27-2007, 19:31
I think this plugin should go under unapproved, it hasn't been updated despite a bug that basically disables its functionality

11-27-2007, 20:06
It works for me under both TF2 (hint) and CSS (chat)
sm_ads_version ""
sourcemod_version ""

11-27-2007, 20:11
It works for me under both TF2 (hint) and CSS (chat)
sm_ads_version ""
sourcemod_version ""

You're not getting the ads in chat to have a "0" at the start of each and the colors work? PLEASE TELL US HOW.

11-28-2007, 23:57
I just gave up on chat and use hint messages instead, which don't use color. I actually like it better because they are more visible in the hint text

11-29-2007, 01:18
TF2 hint text is much improved over css hint text thats why i use it. Valve added a pretty neat effect with sound.

11-29-2007, 21:07
Hint text is covered up in maps like CTF_2fort. Chat messages dont work for me in DODS, TF2 or CSS

11-30-2007, 04:19
To bad the Chatcolors arn't working. :(

11-30-2007, 14:05
you all made sure to have updated to the newest SM version right? cuz the fix was made to SM not ads.

12-01-2007, 19:24
The fix was done to HINT text, not chat text...

12-01-2007, 20:19
i took a look at hint text in 2fort and it doesnt get covered. sometimes the arrows barely go over the text but it doesnt affect readability.

Chaos Llama
12-05-2007, 17:48
When ads rotate, i see the number of the ad before the message.

Eg. 0 This is a message

12-05-2007, 20:13
When ads rotate, i see the number of the ad before the message.

Eg. 0 This is a message

Yes this has already been discussed and I've added it to the bug report tracker. We just have to wait for bugs to return.

12-08-2007, 12:53
are they displayed in random order?
Or all together?

12-08-2007, 12:59
are they displayed in random order?
Or all together?

They print one at a time at set intervals. Like the adverts in mani.

12-08-2007, 13:00
and is it like: 1st #1, then #2 or is it in a random order?

12-08-2007, 13:05
yeah it goes: "1" "This is my server" and then "2" "This runs CS:S" etc...

12-08-2007, 13:47
I still dont get any probs with this plugin so I will post all my information and see if it helps you all.

SourceMod Version:
"sm_ads_version" = ""

Config (plugin.ads.cfg):
// Ads
// Configuration File
// By Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel
// Do not change the variable names or the script will fail!

/* Enables/Disables Ads */
"EnableAds" "1"

/* Enables/Disables Ads IRC Control (not working yet) */
"EnableIRCAds" "0"

/* Enables/Disables that other plugins can register their Ads Messages */
"EnableOutsideAds" "1"

/* Time between the messages. */
"TimeBetweenMsg" "40.0"

/* Allow the use of the default magic words. (not working yet) */
"AllowDyanmicReplace" "0"

For the Insurgency Mod, there is no setting. It will goto everyone by default.

For most source games.. the spot where you want the messages to show.

0 = Chat Messages
1 = Hint Box
2 = Center Messages

"LocationOfAds" "0"

/* If this plugin is being installed For the Insurgency Mod, make this enabled. */
"InsurgencyAds" "0"

/* Enable/Disable Debuger */
"EnableAdsDebug" "0"
"0" "This server is using SourceMod!"
"1" "Now Recruiting."
"2" "Visit www.TeamuE.com"
"3" "User Commands: /quake /killstatsoptions /bounty /irc /bank /rtv /nominate"
"4" "DO NOT shoot your own team FF is ON"
"5" "You're in a high quality NFo Hyperaccelerated Server"
"6" "Apply for uE at www.TeamuE.com"
"7" "User Commands: rank, top10, place, next, statsme, lastupdate"
"8" "Join us at #TeamuE on Gamesurge!"
"9" "Tip: Use 'bind <key> bank' to access your bank faster."
"10" "Thanks for choosing Team uE."
"11" "Team uE TF2 @ uetf2.nuclearfallout.net:27015"

SourceMod Version:
"sm_ads_version" = ""

// Ads
// Configuration File
// By Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel
// Do not change the variable names or the script will fail!

/* Enables/Disables Ads */
"EnableAds" "1"

/* Enables/Disables that other plugins can register their Ads Messages */
"EnableOutsideAds" "0"

/* Time between the messages. */
"TimeBetweenMsg" "50.0"

/* Allow the use of the default magic words. (not working yet) */
"AllowDyanmicReplace" "0"

For the Insurgency Mod, there is no setting. It will goto everyone by default.

For most source games.. the spot where you want the messages to show.

0 = Chat Messages
1 = Hint Box
2 = Center Messages
3 = Top Menu (Set Colors Below)
"LocationOfAds" "1"

/* This is the color of the ads. */
"AdsRedAlpha" "255"
"AdsBlueAlpha" "255"
"AdsGreenAlpha" "255"
"AdsAlpha" "255"

/* If this plugin is being installed For the Insurgency Mod, make this enabled. */
"InsurgencyAds" "0"

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "0x04"

"0" "This server is using SourceMod!"
"1" "Team uE CS:Source @ ue.nuclearfallout.net:27015"
"2" "Thanks for choosing Team uE!"
"3" "www.TeamuE.com"
"4" "We are recruiting, visit www.TeamuE.com for more info."
"5" "User Commands: /rtv /nominate"

12-08-2007, 14:26
With TF2 you are using hint text, not chat. Which is why you don't see the problem.

12-08-2007, 14:47
just use hint then u wont have problems, switch back when its fixed. There is nothing wrong with hint text, it doesnt get covered by the arrows, dont be stubborn.

12-08-2007, 16:24
Requesting an update on {Commands}.

12-12-2007, 07:20
instead of just having the ad come up on one thing. can you allow it to make it allow in multi section. for say hint and chat box

12-19-2007, 02:37
I am currently using since doesn't seem work right the them hex color codes for the chat-area ads.
Great plugin though. :)

12-29-2007, 11:30
Ads plugin (by Bugs) and HLstasX interfere with each other.


The ads plugin has a bug, where the 0x04 hex color code is interpreted faulty. This causes the ads to be prefixed with a 0. If i write x04 in the color code, an x is displayed instead a 0 before every ad line. This would be acceptable.
But in this case, the bug displayed above comes. Some 0-s of the hlstasx messages are colored?

12-29-2007, 12:05
Ads plugin (by Bugs) and HLstasX interfere with each other...

Ads plugin (by Bugs) and Quick Messages (by Bugs) also interfere with each other.

The quick messages and sometimes the menu items for the quick messages are often displayed as Ads.

I've submitted a Bug Report (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1322&project=9)

12-31-2007, 09:36
Could someone provide me with the previous version of this plugin v1.0.3.0?

12-31-2007, 11:55
Could someone provide me with the previous version of this plugin v1.0.3.0?
there you go

12-31-2007, 12:51
I think the Ads and QuickMessages interfere with each other because he creates the same Global Forwards in both to handle the configuration.

You can find the same code in both ads.sp & quickmsg.sp:
FwdNewSection = CreateGlobalForward("_ConfigNewSection", ET_Ignore, Param_String);
FwdKeyValue = CreateGlobalForward("_ConfigKeyValue", ET_Ignore, Param_String, Param_String);
FwdEnd = CreateGlobalForward("_ConfigEnd", ET_Ignore);

He should probably make them Private (use CreateForward() instead) or at least give them different names.

I am not sure that ads.sp is interfering with hlstatsx, check to make sure the hlstatx is configured (using thier web panel control thing) to send message to sourcemod, not beetlesmod. There also seem to be some bugs in the hlstatsx code. We had problems with huge lag on the messages when using it and had to go back to using beetlesmod for hlstatsx. We also had weird coloring of the messages (and we did NOT have ads loaded at all).

12-31-2007, 13:26
there you go

In what terms is this better than ?

12-31-2007, 20:32
In what terms is this better than ? (11/04/07)
Set Chat Ads Color (FS#1108 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1108))
Ad msg capability in upper left-hand corner w/ color options (FS#1054 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1054))
Array index is out of bounds (FS#1021 (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1021)) (08/09/07)
Memory Leak FixBased on that, i assume ppl like 1030 better bcuz in 1040 the Chat Ads Color is messed up and shows "0" in front of every ad message (i replaced 0 with > to look cooler lol)

my server runs 1040, im not bugged with that > sign, at least ppl can tell its an ad then.

01-02-2008, 13:42
that's a good idea, i didn't think of that.

Still, it'd be nice if the plugin worked right. :(

01-12-2008, 11:25
Doesn't work at all on my TF2-Server :-(

Here's my config:

// Ads
// Configuration File
// By Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel
// Do not change the variable names or the script will fail!

/* Enables/Disables Ads */
"EnableAds" "1"

/* Enables/Disables that other plugins can register their Ads Messages */
"EnableOutsideAds" "1"

/* Time between the messages. */
"TimeBetweenMsg" "60.0"

/* Allow the use of the default magic words. (not working yet) */
"AllowDyanmicReplace" "0"

For the Insurgency Mod, there is no setting. It will goto everyone by default.

For most source games.. the spot where you want the messages to show.

0 = Chat Messages
1 = Hint Box
2 = Center Messages
3 = Top Menu (Set Colors Below)
"LocationOfAds" "0"

/* This is the color of the ads. */
"AdsRedAlpha" "0"
"AdsBlueAlpha" "255"
"AdsGreenAlpha" "0"
"AdsAlpha" "255"

/* If this plugin is being installed For the Insurgency Mod, make this enabled. */
"InsurgencyAds" "0"

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "0x04"

"0" "Quakesounds: "!quake" Saysounds: "!sounds" Soundmenu: "!soundmenu""
"1" "HLStatsX: type "help" for commands"
"2" "Mappack and Soundlist on our Page www.scarysucker.net"
"3" "rtv, votemap, votekick, voteban available!"

The Plugin is running, but no messages!!

01-12-2008, 12:16
"0" "Quakesounds: "!quake" Saysounds: "!sounds" Soundmenu: "!soundmenu""Might be all those additional quotation marks.

Try this

"0" "Quakesounds: '!quake' Saysounds: '!sounds' Soundmenu: '!soundmenu'"

01-12-2008, 14:01
<= Noob ;)

Thanks a lot!

01-21-2008, 21:29
"0" "FF is ON!"
"1" "Global Gaming Community"
"2" "Next Map is sm_nextmap"

How do I display next map command with Ads?

01-22-2008, 00:03
Any development on the coloured chat ads? Still getting the "0" prefixing all ads :(

- Twelve-60

01-26-2008, 21:06
The messages are not showing up :(
Just a 0 every time :<

01-27-2008, 14:53
This seems to be broken with the latest sourcemod updates -

I'm trying to figure out how to compile it all, but it includes .inc includes files - and I've only compiled things through the website compiler

there are alot of .sp files with this one also

01-28-2008, 02:22
really? mine still seems to work fine. I am using the latest. 1870 i believe.

01-28-2008, 06:48
I am currently using since doesn't seem work right.
This is a usefull Plugin, but i think it can be moved to Unapproved Plugins (http://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=109) !!!!!

01-28-2008, 20:12
really? mine still seems to work fine. I am using the latest. 1870 i believe.

have you compiled a new one against the new 1870? or are you just using the zip

also what version of ads are you running

01-29-2008, 14:51
havent compiled at all. I am using the latest ads version. 4 I think it is.
the one with that chat area hex color bug where you replace that "0x..."
with "-" or something.

01-30-2008, 08:52
I really hope you guys can get this ironed out. I really need an ad system for my server.

01-30-2008, 17:49
it all works, just the colors are not, you can easily replace the 0 with any other sign or space, read a few posts up to have the answer

01-31-2008, 15:24
Can make {timeleft}, {nextmap} and others a chat cvars? Simply that would be in {} worked as in a chat.


01-31-2008, 18:26

timeleft and nextmap is build in with the latest sourcemod, there is a nextmap.smx , not sure where timeleft is build into which plugin tho

02-01-2008, 03:53
Can make {timeleft}, {nextmap} and others a chat cvars? Simply that would be in {} worked as in a chat. And still please will be cool if there will be a possibility to work advertising in a death mode. In advance thanks.

timeleft and nextmap is build in with the latest sourcemod, there is a nextmap.smx , not sure where timeleft is build into which plugin tho

Kaschenko is asking whether the info stored as timeleft and nextmap can be incorprated in adverts.

So an advert would go something like:

"3" "Timeleft : {timeleft}"
"4" "Current map : {currentmap} | Next map : {nextmap}"

etc etc

Me? I just want a fix for conflict between this plugin and the quickmessages plugin (http://bugs.alliedmods.net/index.php?do=details&task_id=1322&project=9) :|

Seems like Bugs is no longer supporting his plugins :cry:

02-02-2008, 03:08
seems like bugs has disappeared.
Last Activity: 11-21-07 01:58 PM

02-07-2008, 09:50
yeah it's to bad tbh as he made some nice plugins. Doesn't work all chat msg's get an 0 infront of it, i tought it was the HEX color code but even when i comment it away all chat msg's get an 0 infront.

Isn't anybody able to look into the source code and fix some issues of the plugin? As BuGs isn't here anymore ?

02-07-2008, 13:17
if you take out the hex code out of the config file for the plugin, it will use the default value for the hex code.
All you can do is replace it with "-" or something

02-08-2008, 03:05
Hi, I am running this mod on my TF2 servers, I am getting a 0 in the start of every message. The centersay doesn't work, only chat msgs work..

Is there going to be an update or ??

02-08-2008, 19:37
If you would have read the last couple of pages, you would have seen that the 0 is an error with the color tags, so just change the zero to something like ">" or "-" or whatever you want to display instead.

The author of the plugin has been out sometime now, so it doesn't look like a fix is coming soon.

BTW, all the message modes work on my server.

02-09-2008, 00:32
I think I use a version of the plugin that someone made to take away the 0 so theres a few spaces before the ad in chat.

02-09-2008, 04:23
Yes, I replaced the Hex code for the colour, and just replaced it with -

it actually looks better than just regular chat, thanks

Also, your centersays and everything work?

so I can use the codes

"2" and
"3" ??

02-09-2008, 08:01
Correct. They all work. The only problem with the ones other than chat is that you are limited to the number of characters and it isn't very many.

02-09-2008, 11:26
Hi, I'm posting back because I'm trying to use only the chat and centersay of this mod,

All my chat was working when I had no numbers before the adverts, but now since I added "2" before some of the adverts, I don't get all my adverts, none of the centersay shows, and actually, now I only see one message:

which is

Join Gib$Ru$ Guild just by gibbing on our battlegrounds!

that's the only advert that pops up, and it pops up in chat instead of centersay which is "2" right?

Here is my code, copied and pasted .

// Ads
// Configuration File
// By Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel
// Do not change the variable names or the script will fail!

/* Enables/Disables Ads */
"EnableAds" "1"

/* Enables/Disables that other plugins can register their Ads Messages */
"EnableOutsideAds" "0"

/* Time between the messages. */
"TimeBetweenMsg" "50.0"

/* Allow the use of the default magic words. (not working yet) */
"AllowDyanmicReplace" "0"

For the Insurgency Mod, there is no setting. It will goto everyone by default.

For most source games.. the spot where you want the messages to show.

0 = Chat Messages
1 = Hint Box
2 = Center Messages
3 = Top Menu (Set Colors Below)
"LocationOfAds" "0"

/* This is the color of the ads. */
"AdsRedAlpha" "255"
"AdsBlueAlpha" "255"
"AdsGreenAlpha" "255"
"AdsAlpha" "255"

/* If this plugin is being installed For the Insurgency Mod, make this enabled. */
"InsurgencyAds" "0"

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "-"

"2" "Join Gib$Ru$ Guild just by gibbing on our battlegrounds!"
"You think you got what it takes to gib?"
"2" "Say votekick or voteban to get cheaters/assholes off the server!"
"Just ask Mrhyde or Tony Montana to join Gib$Ru$"
"2" "Type 'place' to see your current HLstatsX."
"2" "Server Located in Downtown Toronto, that's gibbin'!!"
"If you find your own pile of gibs, you've been NuberCharged!"
"You Are In Gib$Ru$ - Stock Map Vote -HLstatsX-INSTANT|Gibfest!!"
"Say votekick or voteban to get cheaters/assholes off the server!"
"2" "Register @ Gibsrus.com to keep up to date."
"2" "All your gibs are belong to us!!
"2" "say !servers to redirect to another Gib$Ru$ Server"
"Gib$Ru$ is part of the HazardGaming.com Community"
"2" "www.gibsrus.com to check your hlstatsx."
"2" "All Members have reserve slots on all servers."
"All Members have reserve slots on all servers."
"say !servers to redirect to another Gib$Ru$ Server"
"2" "Say votekick or voteban to get cheaters/assholes off the server!"
"Be sure to add all 4 of our public servers for maximum gibbage!"
"2" "Be sure to add all 4 of our public servers for maximum gibbage!"
"2" "Rightclick with wrench or medi-charger to drop ammo/medi-packs"
"Rightclick with wrench or medi-charger to drop ammo/medi-packs"
"2" "Gib$Ru$ also recruits people that are in Clans Already!"
"Say votekick or voteban to get cheaters/assholes off the server!"
"Gib$Ru$ also recruits people that are in Clans Already!"
"2" "Follow our Rules, and you will not be kicked/banned."
"Follow our Rules, and you will not be kicked/banned."
"2" "Gib$Ru$ is Recruiting, Go To www.gibsrus.com"
"Gib$Ru$ is Recruiting, Go To www.gibsrus.com"

might look messy, but doesn't mean it shouldn't work?

02-09-2008, 13:46
This is mine. I dont use 2 everytime, your suppose to count up.

// Ads
// Configuration File
// By Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel
// Do not change the variable names or the script will fail!

/* Enables/Disables Ads */
"EnableAds" "1"

/* Enables/Disables that other plugins can register their Ads Messages */
"EnableOutsideAds" "1"

/* Time between the messages. */
"TimeBetweenMsg" "50.0"

/* Allow the use of the default magic words. (not working yet) */
"AllowDyanmicReplace" "0"

For the Insurgency Mod, there is no setting. It will goto everyone by default.

For most source games.. the spot where you want the messages to show.

0 = Chat Messages
1 = Hint Box
2 = Center Messages
3 = Top Menu (Set Colors Below)
"LocationOfAds" "0"

/* This is the color of the ads. */
"AdsRedAlpha" "0"
"AdsBlueAlpha" "255"
"AdsGreenAlpha" "0"
"AdsAlpha" "0"

/* If this plugin is being installed For the Insurgency Mod, make this enabled. */
"InsurgencyAds" "0"

/* Hex value of the chat ads color. */
"AdsChatColor" "0x04"

"0" "www.TopNotchClan.com"
"1" "This server runs on donations, donate today at www.TopNotchClan.com"
"2" "We are always recruiting, apply at www.TopNotchClan.com"
"3" "Hlstatsx is enabled, type 'Rank' or 'Place' to see your stats"
"4" "Enjoy the server? Donate to keep it running at www.TopNotchClan.com"
"5" "Type 'Voteban' to start a ban vote"
"6" "Report hackers with proof at www.TopNotchClan.com"
"7" "Register on our forums today at www.TopNotchClan.com"
"8" "Type 'Music' to listen to Source Tunes"
"9" "Type 'Stats' to view our stats page"
"10" "Add our server to your favorites!"
"11" "Join our Steam Community, ask (-TN-) members for an invite!"
"12" "Visit our GunGame Server at"
"13" "Support the server, buy a reserved slot for $5/Month!"
"14" "Buy admin for $15/Month, membership is required!"
"15" "Like the server? Play here often? Then join our community!"
"16" "This map may become a rotation server, voice your opinion on forums!"

02-09-2008, 13:53
Im using version which was posted earlier in this topic. I would suggest everyone change to it if you are having the 0 problem. Dont forget to recompile it before using.

02-23-2008, 12:34
i have css...the newest version of sourcemod and just the chat way is workin but there is the error that it is not green. All other ways to show the messages are not working... how can i recompile the version 1.03? i tried to use the compiler on sopurcemod.net with the ads.sp but there are many errors and no compiled file

02-23-2008, 14:30
It needs some edits to the SP, I think they are simple edits but I dont code... Maybe someone can fix it up for the latest release as its one of the most important addons for sourcemod.

02-25-2008, 16:52
This is the only one Adverts Script i found.. can nobody fix it? or recode it?

02-25-2008, 17:12
there you go

From page 13 of this thread

That one works

03-28-2008, 18:32
I have installed and it works but is there any way to make it so they don't come out green?

03-28-2008, 19:06
I have installed and it works but is there any way to make it so they don't come out green?

show me your cfg file

03-31-2008, 02:19
// Ads
// Configuration File
// By Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel
// Do not change the variable names or the script will fail!
/* Enables/Disables Ads */
"EnableAds" "1"

/* Enables/Disables Ads IRC Control (not working yet) */
"EnableIRCAds" "0"
/* Enables/Disables that other plugins can register their Ads Messages */
"EnableOutsideAds" "0"

/* Time between the messages. */
"TimeBetweenMsg" "160.0"
/* Allow the use of the default magic words. (not working yet) */
"AllowDyanmicReplace" "0"
For the Insurgency Mod, there is no setting. It will goto everyone by default.

For most source games.. the spot where you want the messages to show.

0 = Chat Messages
1 = Hint Box
2 = Center Messages

"LocationOfAds" "0"

/* If this plugin is being installed For the Insurgency Mod, make this enabled. */
"InsurgencyAds" "0"

/* Enable/Disable Debuger */
"EnableAdsDebug" "0"
"0" "Thanks for visiting Sanctuary Gaming."
"1" "Visit our forum and join our community: http://www.sanctuarygaming.org""
"2" "Please respect other players and don't be offensive."
"3" "http://www.sanctuarygaming.org"

07-19-2008, 23:20
Thx alot.. working great on DOD:S on
v1.0.0.11 (Windows, Dedicated, Protocol 14)

MetaMod:Source v1.6.1.671, SourceMod v1.1.0.2410

Great work..

DJ Tsunami
07-20-2008, 07:46
Wow, this still works? I figured everyone would be using mine :wink:

07-20-2008, 15:53
yours is mo betta.

08-02-2008, 07:42

May i ask you about convert this plugin: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=50560&highlight=spectator+banner

for sourcemode ?

DJ Tsunami
08-02-2008, 07:57
I don't think that's possible in Source games.

08-03-2008, 04:58
Polish translation. / Polskie tłumaczenie.

08-19-2008, 05:58
line 52 in ads.privatefunctions.sp uses the color variable erroneously, that's the source of the leading "0" people are seeing. Changing it to the following fixes it while disregarding the users cfg file setting for the color value:

PrintToChatAll("\x03%s", sentad); // light green

here's an smx of that with the light-green color being forced, figured someone else might want it

09-02-2008, 01:27
Wow, this still works? I figured everyone would be using mine :wink:

I can't get yours to work in my server :(

09-02-2008, 08:14
What is the number for green color? And why does it have 0 infront of every message?

09-02-2008, 14:36
Cause you should be using Tsunamis plugin http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=67885

DJ Tsunami
09-04-2008, 06:46
I can't get yours to work in my server :(Then you should post in my topic so I can help you out.

12-17-2008, 22:16
Perhaps this plugin should be unapproved? Tsunamis worked perfectly and this one is harder for some people to setup and is quite old and basic as far as functionality. Tsunamis is the same plus more. Plus, I dont think there is any support from Bugs anymore.

02-17-2009, 13:37
But this one works in AoC & Dystopia & ZPS Tsunamis doesnt and I have yet to have any reply from anyone on his thread :(