View Full Version : Translation Request

01-27-2007, 05:49
*Edit i added some guys no recoil so if you can translate the folowing

MG12 = You are back to normal.
AMX_ACCESS_DENIED = [AMXX] You do not have access to that command
AMX_CLIENT_FAILED = [AMXX] Client with that part of name not found
AMX_TEAM_FAILED = [AMXX] No users in such team
HUD_NR_CLIENT_SET = Client "%s" has been given no recoil
HUD_NR_TEAM_SET = Team "%s" has been given no recoil
HUD_NR_ALL_SET = All clients have been given no recoil
HUD_R_CLIENT_SET = Client "%s" has been given normal recoil
HUD_R_TEAM_SET = Team "%s" has been given normal recoil
HUD_R_ALL_SET = All clients have been given normal recoil
AMX_NR_USAGE = Usage: amx_norecoil <nick, part nick, @TEAM or *ALL>^n
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET = [AMXX] Client "%s" has been given no recoil
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gave no recoil to %s
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gave no recoil to %s
AMX_NR_CLIENT_EXISTS = [AMXX] %s already has no recoil!
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET = [AMXX] Team "%s" has been given no recoil
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gave no recoil to all %s
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gave no recoil to all %s
AMX_NR_TEAM_EXISTS = [AMXX] "%s" already have no recoil!
AMX_NR_ALL_SET = [AMXX] All clients have been given no recoil
AMX_NR_ALL_EXISTS = [AMXX] All clients already have no recoil!
AMX_R_USAGE = Usage: amx_recoil <nick, part nick, @TEAM or *ALL>^n
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET = [AMXX] Client "%s" has been given normal recoil
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gave normal recoil to %s
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gave normal recoil to %s
AMX_R_CLIENT_EXISTS = [AMXX] %s already has normal recoil!
AMX_R_TEAM_SET = [AMXX] Team "%s" has been given normal recoil
AMX_R_TEAM_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gave normal recoil to all %s
AMX_R_TEAM_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gave normal recoil to all %s
AMX_R_TEAM_EXISTS = [AMXX] "%s" already have normal recoil!
AMX_R_ALL_SET = [AMXX] All clients have been given normal recoil
AMX_R_ALL_EXISTS = [AMXX] All clients already have normal recoil!
AMX_CHECK_DISABLED = Server has disabled recoil commands
NR_CHECK_TELL = [NR] Say /norecoil to buy no recoil
NR_CHECK_ALIVE = You must be alive to buy no recoil!
NR_CHECK_MONEY = You need $%d to buy no recoil!
NR_CHECK_EXISTS = You already have no recoil!
NR_CHECK_BUY = You have bought no recoil
R_CHECK_RETURN = Your recoil has returned to normal
R_CHECK_EXISTS = You already have normal recoil!

Please Translate this and also post in same format please.
red = You are now glowing red.
blue = You are now glowing blue.
green = You are now glowing green.
pink = You are now glowing pink.
yellow = You are now glowing yellow.
purple = You are now glowing purple.
bluea = You are now glowing blue2.
blueb = You are now glowing blue3.
bluec = You are now glowing blue4.
sky = You are now glowing Sky Blue.
turq = You are now glowing turquoise.
off = You are now normal.
god = You have been granted god mode.
noclip = you have been granted noclip.

[es] please post the [lang] for me thank you
red = rojo

D o o m
01-27-2007, 09:19
red = Du leuchtest jetzt rot.
blue = Du leuchtest jetzt blau.
green = Du leuchtest jetzt gruen.
pink = Du leuchtest jetzt rosa.
yellow = Du leuchtest jetzt gelb.
purple = Du leuchtest jetzt lila.
bluea = Du leuchtest jetzt blau2.
blueb = Du leuchtest jetzt blau3.
bluec = Du leuchtest jetzt blau4.
sky = Du leuchtest jetzt himmelsblau.
turq = Du leuchtest jetzt tuerkis.
off = Du bist jetzt normal.
god = Du hast God-Mode erhalten.
noclip = Du hast No-Clip erhalten.

MG12 = Du bist wieder normal.
AMX_ACCESS_DENIED = [AMXX] Du hast keine Berechtigung diesen Befehl auszufuehren
AMX_CLIENT_FAILED = [AMXX] Klient mit diesem Teil im Namen nicht gefunden
AMX_TEAM_FAILED = [AMXX] Keine Benutzer in solchem Team
HUD_NR_CLIENT_SET = Klient "%s" wurde kein Rueckstoss gegeben
HUD_NR_TEAM_SET = Team "%s" wurde kein Rueckstoss gegeben
HUD_NR_ALL_SET = Allen Klienten wurde kein Rueckstoss gegeben
HUD_R_CLIENT_SET = Klient "%s" wurde normaler Rueckstoss gegeben
HUD_R_TEAM_SET = Team "%s" wurde normaler Rueckstoss gegeben
HUD_R_ALL_SET = Allen Klienten wurde normaler Rueckstoss gegeben
AMX_NR_USAGE = Benutzung: amx_norecoil <Nick, Teil des Nicks, @TEAM oder *ALL>^n
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET = [AMXX] Klient "%s" wurde kein Rueckstoss gegeben
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gab keinen Rueckstoss an %s
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gab keinen Rueckstoss an %s
AMX_NR_CLIENT_EXISTS = [AMXX] %s hat bereits keinen Rueckstoss!
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET = [AMXX] Team "%s" wurde kein Rueckstoss gegeben
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gab keinen Rueckstoss an alle %s
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gab keinen Rueckstoss an alle %s
AMX_NR_TEAM_EXISTS = [AMXX] "%s" haben bereits keinen Rueckstoss!
AMX_NR_ALL_SET = [AMXX] Allen Klienten wurde kein Rueckstoss gegeben
AMX_NR_ALL_EXISTS = [AMXX] Alle Klienten haben bereits keinen Rueckstoss!
AMX_R_USAGE = Benutzung: amx_recoil <Nick, Teil des Nicks, @TEAM oder *ALL>^n
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET = [AMXX] Klient "%s" wurde normaler Rueckstoss gegeben
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gab normalen Rueckstoss an %s
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gab normalen Rueckstoss an %s
AMX_R_CLIENT_EXISTS = [AMXX] %s hat bereits normalen Rueckstoss!
AMX_R_TEAM_SET = [AMXX] Team "%s" wurde normaler Rueckstoss gegeben
AMX_R_TEAM_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Gab normalen Rueckstoss an alle %s
AMX_R_TEAM_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Gab normalen Rueckstoss an alle %s
AMX_R_TEAM_EXISTS = [AMXX] "%s" haben bereits normalen Rueckstoss!
AMX_R_ALL_SET = [AMXX] Allen Klienten wurde normaler Rueckstoss gegeben
AMX_R_ALL_EXISTS = [AMXX] Alle Klienten haben bereits normalen Rueckstoss!
AMX_CHECK_DISABLED = Server hat Rueckstossbefehle deaktiviert
NR_CHECK_TELL = [NR] Sag /norecoil um keinen Rueckstoss zu kaufen
NR_CHECK_ALIVE = Du musst am Leben sein, um keinen Rueckstoss zu kaufen!
NR_CHECK_MONEY = Du brauchst $%d um keinen Rueckstoss zu kaufen!
NR_CHECK_EXISTS = Du hast bereits keinen Rueckstoss!
NR_CHECK_BUY = Du hast keinen Rueckstoss gekauft
R_CHECK_RETURN = Dein Rueckstoss ist wieder normal
R_CHECK_EXISTS = Du hast bereits normalen Rueckstoss!

01-27-2007, 11:54
red = Swiecisz sie na czerwono.
blue = Swiecisz sie na niebiesko.
green = Swiecisz sie na zielono.
pink = Swiecisz sie na rozowo.
yellow = Swiecisz sie na zolto.
purple = Swiecisz sie na purporowo.
bluea = Swiecisz sie na niebiesko2.
blueb = Swiecisz sie na niebiesko3.
bluec = Swiecisz sie na niebiesko4.
sky = Swiecisz sie na blekotno.
turq = Swiecisz sie na turkusowo.
off = Nie masz zadnych bonusow.
god = Jestes niesmiertelny.
noclip = Mozesz przenikac przez sciany.

01-27-2007, 13:50
Awsome im adding your name to the code up at top under Multi Lang Support

keep them comeing guys spansih would be help full..
if only i was in a higher spansih then spanish 1 HAHA

01-28-2007, 01:26
ok guys hey i edited my first post check it out

02-09-2007, 09:47
Romanian Translation:

MG12 = Te-ai intors la normal.
AMX_ACCESS_DENIED = [AMXX] Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda
AMX_CLIENT_FAILED = [AMXX] Jucatorul cu acea parte din nume nu a fost gasit
AMX_TEAM_FAILED = [AMXX] Nu sunt jucatori in echipa aceia
HUD_NR_CLIENT_SET = Jucatorul "%s" a primit no recoil
HUD_NR_TEAM_SET = Echipa "%s" a primit no recol
HUD_NR_ALL_SET = Toti jucatorii au primit no recoil
HUD_R_CLIENT_SET = Jucatorul "%s" a primit recoilu la normal
HUD_R_TEAM_SET = Echipa "%s" a primit recoilu la normal
HUD_R_ALL_SET = Toti jucatorii au primit recoilu la normal
AMX_NR_USAGE = Foloseste: amx_norecoil <nick, part nick, @TEAM or *ALL>^n
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET = [AMXX] Jucatorull "%s" a primit no recoil
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: i-a dat no recoil lui %s
AMX_NR_CLIENT_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: i-a dat no recoil lui %s
AMX_NR_CLIENT_EXISTS = [AMXX] %s are deja no recoil
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET = [AMXX] Team "%s" a primit no recoil
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: a dat no recoil la toti %s
AMX_NR_TEAM_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: a dat no recoil la toti %s
AMX_NR_TEAM_EXISTS = [AMXX] "%s" are deja no recoil!
AMX_NR_ALL_SET = [AMXX] Toti jucatorii au deja no recoil
AMX_NR_ALL_EXISTS = [AMXX] Toti jucatorii au deja no recoil
AMX_R_USAGE = Foloseste: amx_recoil <nick, part nick, @TEAM or *ALL>^n
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET = [AMXX] Jucatorul "%s" a primit no recoilu la normal
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: ia pus no recoilu normal lu %s
AMX_R_CLIENT_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: ia pus no recoilu normal lu %s
AMX_R_CLIENT_EXISTS = [AMXX] %s are deja norecoil
AMX_R_TEAM_SET = [AMXX] Echipa "%s" a prmit no recoilu la normal
AMX_R_TEAM_SET1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: a dat no recoil la toti %s
AMX_R_TEAM_SET2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: a setat no recoilu normal la toti %s
AMX_R_TEAM_EXISTS = [AMXX] "%s" au deja norecoil
AMX_R_ALL_SET = [AMXX] Toti jucatorii au primit norecoilu la normal
AMX_R_ALL_EXISTS = [AMXX] Toti jucatorii au deja norecoilu la normal
AMX_CHECK_DISABLED = Serverul a dezactivat comenzile de no recoil
NR_CHECK_TELL = [NR] Scrie /norecoil pentru a cumpara no recoil
NR_CHECK_ALIVE = Trebuie sa fii in viata pentru a cumpara no recoil
NR_CHECK_MONEY = Iti trebuie $%d ca sa cumperi no recoil
NR_CHECK_EXISTS = Ai deja no recoil
NR_CHECK_BUY = Tu ai cumparat no recoil
R_CHECK_RETURN = No recoilu tau s-a intors la normal
R_CHECK_EXISTS = Tu ai deja no recoil


red = Acum esti colorat rosu
blue = Acum esti colorat albastru
green = Acum esti colorat verde
pink = Acum esti colorat roz
yellow = Acum esti colorat galben.
purple = Acum esti colorat purpuriu
bluea = Acum esti colorat albastru2
blueb = Acum esti colorat albastru3.
bluec = Acum esti colorat albastru4.
sky = Acum esti colorat albastru deschis
turq = Acum esti colorat turcoaz
off = Acum esti normal
god = Ai primit god mode
noclip = Ai primit no clip

10-17-2008, 07:32
here you go

10-18-2008, 07:45
[nl] (Translated by CrazY EffecT - visit www.crazyeffect.net (http://www.crazyeffect.net/))
red = Je bent nu rood gloeiend.
blue = Je bent nu blauw gloeiend.
green = Je bent nu groen gloeiend.
pink = Je bent nu roze gloeiend.
yellow = Je bent nu geel gloeiend.
purple = Je bent nu paars gloeiend.
bluea = Je bent nu blauw(2) gloeiend.
blueb = Je bent nu blauw(3) gloeiend.
bluec = Je bent nu blauw(4) gloeiend.
sky = Je bent nu lucht-blauw gloeiend.
turq = Je bent nu turquoise gloeiend.
off = Je bent nu normaal.
god = Je hebt god mode gekregen.
noclip = Je hebt noclip gekregen.

I need to translate the other thing too?

11-09-2008, 14:19
red = Du lyser nu rod.
blue = Du lyser nu bla.
green = Du lyser nu gron.
pink = Du lyser nu rosa.
yellow = Du lyser nu gul.
purple = Du lyser nu lila.
bluea = Du lyser nu bla2.
blueb = Du lyser nu bla3.
bluec = Du lyser nu bla4
Sky = Du lyser nu Himmel Bla.
turq = Du lyser nu turkos.
off = Du ar nu normal.
God = Du har beviljats Gud mod.
noclip = du har beviljats noclip

swedish by me! i see if i post the other part in a later post or i edit