View Full Version : Phoneix

12-23-2006, 08:32
Phoenix says that I am in a wall or somethin' and kills me but I am not in a wall. (Phoenix should use Night Crawler's dedection system!)
2(with PoDBotmm):
If I die when "pb_autokill" is not "0" PoDBot kills all bot's and I respawn and there are nobody around me!

12-23-2006, 12:22
when you are in noclip mod from ANY HERO you are considered dead to podbot

12-23-2006, 15:29
Phoenix says that I am in a wall or somethin' and kills me but I am not in a wall. (Phoenix should use Night Crawler's dedection system!)Phoenix already does use Night Crawler's dedection system... Can't reproduce false positives so nothing to fix...

2(with PoDBotmm):
If I die when "pb_autokill" is not "0" PoDBot kills all bot's and I respawn and there are nobody around me!Not fixable, you died. Only thing to do is set pb_atuokill to 0.

Oh and please supply versions of everything you are running when posting in bug reports. Including the heroes version if it's about a hero like this one is. I'll have to make a post for this section I guess - http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=31346

12-23-2006, 17:12
Not fixable, you died. Only thing to do is set pb_atuokill to 0.

I thought the samething too; but PoDBot can add support for this right?

12-23-2006, 18:04
i dont really think they'll care

12-24-2006, 01:15
It's not their problem, it's just too bad they don't kill the bots faster after the last real player dies. I'll just have to add a check into the code against respawning if only bots are left. Will do this in chucky first since I have an update for that almost ready.

12-24-2006, 12:02
Phoenix can respawn you at closest "non-wall" place. So it will always work.

12-27-2006, 20:32
I will post an updated chucky soon, however I wasn't fully aware of the autokill feature as it is new with version 3 (a version I dislike to use). In the meantime you can combat the issue by setting pb_autokilldelay to 0. That way they will die instantly after last real player dies and blocking all respawning heroes that use end round to block being respawned.

Also, pb_autokill is not supposed to kill bots if bomb was planted and no human players are alive as of version 3B15a (i think?). So I made it so you can still respawn if bomb was planted. But if you have a version prior to this where pb_autokill is implemented you would need to set pb_autokilldelay to 0, to avoid being respawned. I could probably implement a version check also, but that would just be too annoying unless someone really wants it...

12-28-2006, 07:20
...but that would just be too annoying unless someone really wants it...
You can make it optional(on/off) :)

02-01-2007, 20:54
Update: I have not overlooked this hero's issue, I have just been very busy as of late. I have found another solution for the stuck problem, though I'm not fond of it since it has of good chance of not killing you if you have been killed because of a stuck in wall check... I may post it here soon so you can give me some feedback if the stuck issue you were having has been fixed.