View Full Version : Module to hook voicecomm

09-06-2006, 16:16
I'd like a simple module to hook whenever a client uses voicecomm!
That's one of the things I really miss.


09-07-2006, 13:14
Like in the other 1 millions or billions or 10 posts about hooking voicecomm. It all done client side. So a module won't be able to help.

09-07-2006, 16:16
It all done client side. So a module won't be able to help.
Not right,hl store voice on clientside in a function,and from serverside another fuction detect this status.
This Status is needed for scoreboard and the above player sprite and sending the voice to another players.
So hooking/hacking this function you can detect voice,but if i see it right there is no id of the player who use voice.
Its a little bit long since i know the fully way of voice,but this is using to store the voicestatus :m_bTalking
And more:
// Called when a player starts or stops talking.
// entindex is -1 to represent the local client talking (before the data comes back from the server).
// When the server acknowledges that the local client is talking, then entindex will be gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer().
// entindex is -2 to represent the local client's voice being acked by the server.
void UpdateSpeakerStatus(int entindex, qboolean bTalking);