View Full Version : map menu need help

08-29-2006, 10:14
Hi, I have over 100 maps, but when i use uaio vote maps, there only 50-60 maps in there.
can some one help to make it more than that?
thank you.

09-05-2006, 21:52
This is due to the amxx plugins, not the UAIO. You must modify mapchooser.sma and mapsmenu.sma to support more maps.

Change the line which reads:

#define MAX_MAPS 64
#define MAX_MAPS 128

to whatever number of maps you want to support, then recompile them and upload the resulting amxx files to the /addons/amxmodx/plugins folder on your server. Then restart your server.

I set both of mine to 300 maps which is what UAIO supports.

11-10-2006, 08:49
Thanks Ill try