View Full Version : meta pause / unpause doesn't work

08-24-2005, 11:10
i'm trying to set up css:dm for our surf-server.
to solve the problem with the neverending rounds, i wrote a little eventscript. the eventscript is counting down the time, when it reaches 0 it changes to the next map in cycle. it all works fine.

to make it even better i changed the script a little. now, wehn time is over it does the rcon command "meta pause 1" (to pause cssdm), then everyody will stay dead and the round can end ass normal.

but the problem is: "meta unpause 1" doesnt realy work. the command "meta list" says, that css:dm is running, but in game it doesnt work anymore. even a map change can't fix it and i need to restart the server to make it work again.

am i doing something wrong, or should it work anyway :wink:

maybe this is a thing to look at when adding "cssdm_disable" and "cssdm_enable"

08-26-2005, 01:39
This is most likely a bug in CS:S DM. I'll add it to the list of things I have to fix.

09-06-2005, 18:22
Yes, a csdm_enable (1 or 0) would be GREAT. I'd like to use it for the surf maps (and possibly KZ) .. and some regular DM of course. Just don't necessarily want it for ALL maps (gets pretty crazy on iceworld).

I'll be glad to fully test this if implemented.

