View Full Version : SmallC

05-30-2005, 21:24
What kind of support for SmallC can we expect?
Are you going to use SmallC 2.7.3?
Are we looking at get_user_info type functions?
Could MetaEng, with a AMX style function set, replace SM?

05-30-2005, 21:39
1. Has nothing to do with SourceMM...
2. MetaEng is only a concept, and it's the concept behind SourceMod.
3. It's "Small", not "SmallC"

I don't plan on too much Small/AMX support for SM. The compiler is really poorly written, is difficult to maintain, and is full of bugs. Support for the machine is lackluster. Thiadmer does not have clear update schedules or any policy on fixing bugs. That's fine by me, because it's an open source project. But considering the huge amount of bugs in the software, it's not good. He does a good job fixing things, but it's not in a timely manner.

So while I like Thiadmer and I think Small was a good idea, I don't think it's "production ready" as something cross platform and easy to maintain.