View Full Version : Three things we miss

03-27-2005, 22:42
If anyone knows where to find these for CSS pls let me know!

1. a good map manager. We were using bugblatter's map manager which gives nominations and tracks less-played maps to suggest them. I hear something about a deagle amxmod plugin is similar. Need something for CSS.

2. grenade enhance. we used an old plugin requiring adminmod/logd that gives anyone damaged by a grenade a shove (slap, I think). Adds a lot to grenades when people are in precarious spots on a cliff or such and you can try to knock them off.

3. damage slowdown. damaged players shouldn't move at full speed. we had a plugin to mod this and we miss it!

We really enjoy the PTB plugin. Had been using it in CS16 and the recent CSS port works great!


03-30-2005, 16:21
2. grenade enhance. we used an old plugin requiring adminmod/logd that gives anyone damaged by a grenade a shove (slap, I think). Adds a lot to grenades when people are in precarious spots on a cliff or such and you can try to knock them off.
You could actually probably write this part using my EventScripts plugin combined with a plugin that slaps (e.g. Mani's or BeetleFart's). You might just right a cfg file that runs everytime a player is hurt by an hegrenade:

player_hurt.cfg:// EventScripts v0.5.5
if (event_var(weapon) equalto "hegrenade") then ma_slap event_var(userid) 0
I haven't tested it, and it probably says something like "ADMIN slapped Mattie". But the raw effect would probably be there.

Anyway, just my $.02. Take a look at EventScripts in my forum if you're interested:


03-30-2005, 20:43
player_hurt.cfg:// EventScripts v0.5.5
if (event_var(weapon) equalto "hegrenade") then ma_slap event_var(userid) 0

Why did you chose to do with equalto and now == or just = ?
Also, if (event_var(weapon) == "hegrenade") { ma_slap event_var(userid) }

And from there you could do this :
if (event_var(weapon) == "hegrenade") { ma_slap event_var(userid) } else { ma_ban event_var(userid) }

What stage did you decide this? And I would like to see an config var that you could allow the change the operators to what you want. Such as 'operators_worded = 0' would then make it like my way, the == and {}. As you are compileing on run time, why not make this like a php file? And allow all of the things like PHP.


function uber_ban($userid)
mani_player_cheat_punishment 3;
ma_ban event_var(userid);
ma_exec event_var(userid) kill;
ma_exec event_var(userid) name "I'm a cheater";
ma_exec event_var(userid) disconnect;
ma_exec event_var(userid) bind mouse1 "say I'm a hacker"";


03-30-2005, 21:18
player_hurt.cfg:// EventScripts v0.5.5
if (event_var(weapon) equalto "hegrenade") then ma_slap event_var(userid) 0

Why did you chose to do with equalto and now == or just = ?
Also, if (event_var(weapon) == "hegrenade") { ma_slap event_var(userid) }

And from there you could do this :
if (event_var(weapon) == "hegrenade") { ma_slap event_var(userid) } else { ma_ban event_var(userid) }

What stage did you decide this? And I would like to see an config var that you could allow the change the operators to what you want. Such as 'operators_worded = 0' would then make it like my way, the == and {}.

Lots of reasons for this, but it's definitely by design. The operators are that way because I'm not writing a scripting language-- I'm trying to write it so people envision ES more as a lot of powerful console commands rather than learning a whole new language. EventScripts is not for programmers really, they can use Isis or some other plugin that allows JavaScript or somesuch.

Technically, the primary reason it's like that is because I want a very clearly identifiable token that's both unlikely to be in traditional cfg files and is rather readable by humans. If I start going with operators like == then programmers expect "!=" which is non-intuitive to everyday admins. As is "<>". (Even the double equals is a little random when you think about it in that context.) "notequalto" is a good bit better, though it is very "English" and I have to live with that for now.

If you understand logic well enough, it's not difficult to construct elses or whatever else you wish from the simple console commands I provide. If you're not a programmer, though, I don't want people to get lost in all the in-line constructs. "if" by itself is pushing that envelope, but I couldn't come up with a more readable conditional synax that I could cleanly parse (with Valve's tokenizing) on a single line. Else's, of course, are easy for the time-being:
if (event_var(weapon) equalto "hegrenade") then bar
if (event_var(weapon) notequalto "hegrenade") then foo

Or's and And's are simple, too.

Regardless, you have good suggestions. Why don't you post them over in my forum where some of my regular users can chime in on what they prefer? If enough people like the idea of making things more script-like, I'll consider it. For now, though, the whole idea of EventScripts is to avoid being a scripting language and try to be a little more like creating "extended' config files.

Thanks for your suggestions,

03-30-2005, 22:12
Yea, I would like to see a real scriping language used. Such as PHP, as that is an on the fly language with no compilation necessary for it to be ran. But the same is true with Small, you do not need to compile it to be ran. Small as an interpreted language runs very slowly tho, compilation would be the best way to go. So PHP would seem to rain supreme as a strictly interpreted language in this.

03-30-2005, 23:35
Yea, I would like to see a real scriping language used. Such as PHP, as that is an on the fly language with no compilation necessary for it to be ran. But the same is true with Small, you do not need to compile it to be ran. Small as an interpreted language runs very slowly tho, compilation would be the best way to go. So PHP would seem to rain supreme as a strictly interpreted language in this.
I'm honestly more of a Python fan myself.


03-31-2005, 00:50
Yea, I would like to see a real scriping language used. Such as PHP, as that is an on the fly language with no compilation necessary for it to be ran. But the same is true with Small, you do not need to compile it to be ran. Small as an interpreted language runs very slowly tho, compilation would be the best way to go. So PHP would seem to rain supreme as a strictly interpreted language in this.
I'm honestly more of a Python fan myself.


Ah, Python is notorious for being a one linerer. But I like that with PHP is just so open, and it has many practical implementations. Where I don't know Python so I can't really pass jugement. Never the less, I have a predilection to PHP over Python.

04-11-2005, 14:06
Zend is horrible :/

I recommend lua - easy as fuck to impliment. Or even javascript, if it's only gonna be js you can do full oop implimentations painfully easily.

As for slapping, remember that's in a random damn direction - retarded. Gotta punch away from gren

04-11-2005, 15:11

function uber_ban($userid)
mani_player_cheat_punishment 3;
ma_ban event_var(userid);
ma_exec event_var(userid) kill;
ma_exec event_var(userid) name "I'm a cheater";
ma_exec event_var(userid) disconnect;
ma_exec event_var(userid) bind mouse1 "say I'm a hacker"";

"uber_ban" {
desc "uber_ban <name|#userid|steam-ID> : uber ban"
argmin 1
argmax 1
cmd "mani_player_cheat_punishment 3"
cmd "ma_ban event_var(%i);ma_exec event_var(%i) kill"
cmd "ma_exec event_var(%i) name 'I'm a cheater'"
cmd "ma_exec event_var(%i) disconnect"
cmd "ma_exec event_var(%i) bind mouse1 'say I'm a hacker'"
access "e"

:wink: (but you should rebind before disconnecting)

04-11-2005, 17:42
Zend is horrible :/

I recommend lua - easy as fuck to impliment. Or even javascript, if it's only gonna be js you can do full oop implimentations painfully easily.

As for slapping, remember that's in a random damn direction - retarded. Gotta punch away from gren

you can do oop in php as well ;o

04-11-2005, 20:12
fuck lua

plain and simple.

Blizzard uses it for this WoW interface, hate it soo much.