View Full Version : Bank Deposit (Phreak)

07-10-2004, 19:58
This plugin was originally made by Phreak for amx

You can save money to a bank account and retrieve it after mapchange.

-Make it so every round, the money will go up by how much there is in it.

/********************************************* ****
* Bank Deposit (c) Copyright 2003, Phreak
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
********************************************* *****
* Ported by Burnzy
* Visit www.burnsdesign.org
********************************************* *****
* You can save money to a bank account and retrieve it after mapchange.
* Usage:
* say savecash <amount> : put <amount>on your account
* say checkcash : check how many you have on your account
* say getcash <amount> : retrieve <amount> from your account
* Settings:
* There are two CVARs to control the plugin.
* - "amx_bank_maplimit" controls how many you can retrieve in one map
* (default 5000)
* - "amx_bank_minplayer" controls how many player must be playing on
* the server to be able to use the bank (default 2)
********************************************* ****/

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>

07-10-2004, 21:17
This would be a very good plugin to use sql on :)

07-10-2004, 21:18
yep yep

07-20-2004, 18:47
someone should port this to mysql!! :P HINT !!

07-20-2004, 20:26
why do u need it for that?

07-20-2004, 20:35
would this plugin clash with last man bets since if a server gets over 16000 they have extra lives, armour ect...

07-20-2004, 20:37
test it... i doubt it though...