View Full Version : Team v0.1

Johnny got his gun
03-19-2004, 07:36
Force a player to respawn in specified team.

1/t = terrorists
2/ct = counter-terrorists

amx_team <player name> <team (t/ct/#)>

03-19-2004, 16:05
couldnt you also call this amx_respawn ?

Johnny got his gun
03-19-2004, 16:44
You are free to call it whatever you want. :-)

03-20-2004, 21:47
hahaha ok nice respawn plugin :wink:

Johnny got his gun
03-20-2004, 22:10
Player will always spawn in the specified team, unlike older plugins where this relied on using menues, and if the player already had selected a team that round, it was impossible to change.

[vito] ASS |2APE|2 |PSK|
03-24-2004, 12:13
i like this plugin every time i die i can respawn my self


03-24-2004, 13:29
..., and if the player already had selected a team that round, it was impossible to change.
Ahhh, I wonder if that was the problem some people had with AMXmod Team Balancer... Thanks for the tips and I will probably also "borrow" some of you code :wink:

I will take a look at "my" (creations and modified) plugins and update them to use the new AMXmodX features as soon as I get my machine up again.... (were only supposed to changed HD but one HD required a couple of low-level formats and the other reported "Shock" damage :shock: :evil: )


03-24-2004, 23:56
Looks Like a winner jghg.. Looks pretty good.. :D
Nice Work...

03-29-2004, 17:17
could someone kindly point me to a general direction so I can learn what i need to do to make this work on DoD? Thank you kindly.

04-05-2004, 07:03
1/t = terrorists
2/ct = counter-terrorists

amx_team <player name> <team (t/ct/#)>
Ou great human please sacrifice some more time and convertit to anymod (like DOD)
by defining the first letter(s) of the team name

04-30-2004, 17:48
I am trying this with cz will it not load i have amxx and many other mods working this one won't

Commando: amx_plugins
Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
Admin Base 0.16 AMXX Dev Team admin.amx running
Admin Commands 0.16 AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amx running
Admin Help 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amx running
Slots Reservation 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminslots.amx running
Menus Front-End 0.16 AMXX Dev Team menufront.amx running
Commands Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amx running
Players Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amx running
Restrict Weapons 0.16 AMXX Dev Team restmenu.amx running
Teleport Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team telemenu.amx running
Maps Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amx running
Anti Flood 0.16 AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amx running
Admin Chat 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amx running
Admin Votes 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amx running
unknown unknown unknown cs_team.amx bad load
NextMap 0.16 AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amx running
TimeLeft 0.16 AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amx running
Nextmap Chooser 0.16 AMXX Dev Team mapchooser.amx running

thanx in advanc4e

04-30-2004, 19:20
what modules are u running

05-06-2004, 14:20
the amxx compiler does not tell me the three errors

05-26-2004, 07:58
I'm looking for a plugin that can move people to spectator. I prefer to move players that are afk to spectator instead of kicking them.

05-26-2004, 09:06
i dont like this plugin, i was looking for a amx_teamswitch one, but i found this... pooie

05-26-2004, 09:07

08-01-2004, 23:35
found this one from old amx. Seems to be working ok for me, but not totally sure yet. I would think one of you code masters could clean it up easy enough. I like this because you don't have to wait till they die, it waits till end of round and although it does slay them, it give the frag back.
/* Version 1.0.0 By Grygrx
Name: Smart Team Swap

File: amx_teamswap.sma

Commands added:
amx_t <authid or partial nick> [now]
amx_ct <authid or partial nick> [now]
Desire for teamchanger with a little more flexibilty.
Defaults to swapping a person at the end of the current round if they are still alive,
but can force a player to move instantly using the "now" flag. Players that are moved have
one frag subtracted during the current round, but it is corrected at the begining of the
next (see: user_kill(player, 1) ). Should ignore limitteams and make all swaps.

AMX 0.9.7
STEAM - 11/9/2003

Credits:Code theft, rearrangement, and tweakage by Grygrx
Based on Admin Teams, Copyright 2002, PsychoGuard.
and Bugblatter Team Change Extension - V3.4
Some code lifted from Olo and JustinHoMi
Thx: BMJ, FreeCode, XAD, WrG|IceMouse

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

new changecount = 0
new movetarget[32]
new movetype[32]
new cvar_team = 0

public admin_chteam(id, level, cid)
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
new cmd[32], arg[32], arg2[32]

new player = cmd_target(id,arg,1)
if (!player) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
if ( (containi(arg2, "now") >= 0) || (!is_user_alive(player)) )
new svgui[2]
new param[3]
cvar_team = get_cvar_num("mp_limitteams")
user_kill(player, 1)
get_user_info(player, "_vgui_menus", svgui, 1)
new bool:vgui = (equal(svgui, "1")) ? true : false
set_user_info(player, "_vgui_menus", "0")
param[0] = player
param[1] = (cmd[4]=='t') ? 1 : 2
param[2] = (vgui) ? 1 : 0
set_task(0.2, "teamswap", 0, param, 3)
client_print(player, print_notify, "Admin has transfered you to the other team")
else //player is alive, soft move
for (new i=0; i<changecount; i++)
//Someone has already tried to move the player
if ( movetarget[i] == player )
console_print(id,"A move has already been requested on that player")
movetarget[changecount] = player
movetype[changecount] = (cmd[4]=='t') ? 1 : 2
console_print(id,"Player will be switched at the end of the round")

public teamswap( param[] ) {
engclient_cmd(param[0], "chooseteam")
engclient_cmd(param[0], "menuselect", (param[1]==1) ? "1" : "2" )
engclient_cmd(param[0], "menuselect", "5")
client_cmd(param[0], "slot0");
set_user_info(param[0], "_vgui_menus", (param[3]==1) ? "1" : "0" )

public event_RoundEnd()
if (changecount)
cvar_team = get_cvar_num("mp_limitteams")
new svgui[2]
new param[3]
for (new i=0; i<changecount; i++)
get_user_info(movetarget[i], "_vgui_menus", svgui, 1)
new bool:vgui = (equal(svgui, "1")) ? true : false
set_user_info(movetarget[i], "_vgui_menus", "0")
user_kill(movetarget[i], 1)
param[0] = movetarget[i]
param[1] = movetype[i]
param[2] = (vgui) ? 1 : 0
set_task(0.2, "teamswap", 0, param, 3 )
client_print(movetarget[i], print_notify, "Admin has transfered you to the other team")

changecount = 0

public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Smart Team Swap", "1.0.0", "Grygrx")
register_concmd("amx_t", "admin_chteam", ADMIN_SLAY, "<authid or partial nick> [now]")
register_concmd("amx_ct", "admin_chteam", ADMIN_SLAY, "<authid or partial nick> [now]")
register_logevent("event_RoundEnd",2,"0=World triggered","1=Round_End")

08-07-2004, 15:37
is this a server-side or client-side plugin?

08-08-2004, 10:11
hmm, let me see...metamod runs server side, amxx is a server side metamod plugin, this plugin is for amxx...now i wonder where it runs???

server side just in case you didn't guess from the sarcasm :P

08-08-2004, 16:52
hey Johnny.. sometimes ppl lose their knife..

09-28-2004, 08:54
I am trying this with cz will it not load i have amxx and many other mods working this one won't

Commando: amx_plugins
Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
Admin Base 0.16 AMXX Dev Team admin.amx running
Admin Commands 0.16 AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amx running
Admin Help 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amx running
Slots Reservation 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminslots.amx running
Menus Front-End 0.16 AMXX Dev Team menufront.amx running
Commands Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amx running
Players Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amx running
Restrict Weapons 0.16 AMXX Dev Team restmenu.amx running
Teleport Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team telemenu.amx running
Maps Menu 0.16 AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amx running
Anti Flood 0.16 AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amx running
Admin Chat 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amx running
Admin Votes 0.16 AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amx running
unknown unknown unknown cs_team.amx bad load
NextMap 0.16 AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amx running
TimeLeft 0.16 AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amx running
Nextmap Chooser 0.16 AMXX Dev Team mapchooser.amx running

thanx in advanc4e

dont not use this just cuz it didnt work for this guy. tested on cz and works fine. I really like this plugin cuz if u change somone to another team they would get mad cuz it auto kills them, and they gotta wait. but with this they changeteams and respawn. GJ and ty i really needed this.

edit: im using newest .20 #6

12-03-2004, 18:46
Yeah this plugin works sweet on CZ :up:

But just wonderd if there was away of making this be able to swap the teams around as well :?:

Also to have a menu :?: As im very lazy :wink:


02-23-2005, 20:05
can u give me an example for amx_team. is it like amx_team L3I)Z 1
like that?

03-25-2005, 15:05
i was wondering.. can u limit people joinin the server to 1 team with this mod.. if not.. is there any mods about that can restrict the server to usin just 1 team... like what the kz maps do..

03-25-2005, 15:50
Have the issues/ideas mentioned on this thread been considered and applied to this plugin? I have also received the following warning during compile time.

cs_team.sma(70) : warning 213: tag mismatch

I would like to use this plugin, but has it been deprecated by another?

Johnny got his gun
03-25-2005, 17:08
Hmm this plugin is just old and a little pointless... should be a few plugins that do similar things around... I'm trashing this.