View Full Version : [Solved] [REQUEST][L4D2]Plugin Work will pay $ PayPal! To make it happen!

01-02-2021, 18:22
Drixevel got this work done for me, updated attachments with latest version, has a counter-strike esque weapon select menu for every l4d - l4d2 weapon in the game.
!spw in chat to select primary weapon !ssw in chat to select secondary weapon.
u can use it once a round.

JaguarXJR-15#4840 msg me on discord / add me to negotiate payment and / or Personal Message me here on Sourcemod or message me in this thread to negotiate your payment for completing this task.

Basically, for Infected_Weapon_Spawner I wanted work to be done like this similar to l4d2csm00:

limit on number of times u can use the commands:
"sm_spw" "Spawn Primary Weapon"
"sm_ssw" "Spawn Secondary Weapon"
to only allowed to be used 1 time per round, and to close the menu after 1 weapon is spawned, example: on map start u can use each command only 1 time, until round restart (example: Death) or until next map. then the number of times u can use each command is reset back to 1. Like Counter-Strike.

example in l4d2csm00 there is already code in there that does this thing, only limit is 9999 so a coder can get an example, / copy the code from there to make this work more easily. just go into the l4d2csm00.sp and look this up:

// Change Limit cvar
g_hChangeLimit = CreateConVar("l4d_csm_change_limit", "9999", "Sets the amount of times a client can change their character", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY);
HookConVarChange(g_hChangeLimit, ConVarChangeLimit);

I basically want something like that for the infected weapon spawner but only 1 time for primary and secondary weapon command per round. also if u can put in a print to chat announcing u can select your weapon every round, map reset, on death for example and on next map and on first map load.) that would be great too.

just those 2 things is all i need for this plugin

please anyone who is interested in doing the work PM me on sourcemod or discord or post in this thread i can pay if necessary.

Thank you!

01-05-2021, 05:31
Drixevel got it done for me.

Basically its a Counter-Strike esque primary and secondary weapon select menu that can be used once a round in l4d2 campaign to select any weapon in the L4D series. !spw in chat to select primary weapon, !ssw in chat to select secondary weapon.

I put the source code in a attachment on this post if anyone is interested in it later it will be featured in this mod me and my friends made in a future update for it. L4D2 Arcade Edition (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=314630)

Thank you.