View Full Version : custom Model still standing after death

12-27-2004, 14:58
I am working on a few things and I came across a spiderman model, so I tried to add it to the existing spiderman, and it worked great. The reason how I know this is that when I died, the model was still standing there, so I could free look to see it standing there, lol

my question is, did I miss something in the code that makes the model die and disappear, or is that an animation that is missing in the model?

thanx, just curious

I added the code if anyone want's to look

12-27-2004, 15:08
models were changed from 1.5 -> 1.6, something with animations, if you use a model made for 1.5 it will do that.

12-27-2004, 15:14
oh, ok, thanx

you never know how much you don't know until you realize you don't know it
I appreciate the guidance