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06-28-2004, 16:08
Will it be multithreaded... to prevent crashes??

06-28-2004, 16:15
how does Multithreaded prevent crashes?

it's the opposite, the reason I haven't multithreaded it yet is because most people don't know how to handle MT so I didn't do it.

If I do end up doing it, it will be a separate DBI (DBImt) and a separate set of SQL modules

06-28-2004, 16:36
ok.. just wondering...

because i have a plugins which SELECTs/UPDATEs alot of info on CONNECT/DISCONNECT of clients... and it keeps crashing for some reason. I think it is overflow of SQL requests :-/

06-28-2004, 18:39
that should be fixed in 0.20, the old mysql module didn't like rapid-fire querying or nested querying