View Full Version : how to Spawn something under a player

MTS Steel DrAgoN
11-06-2004, 22:31
k :?
can you tell me how to spawn a model under a player?

11-06-2004, 22:34
uhh.... that just gets two different origins, it doesn't spawn anything

11-06-2004, 23:10
I believe you would have to make a whole new model with the thing under it

11-07-2004, 01:04
Well, First thing you need to do is create an entity, then you use the "get_user_orgin" and modify it so it spawns lower

new origin[3] = get_user_origin(id)
origin[0] -= 50

that should set "origin" to be the point below you, i dont know if its 0 1 or 2 though, i forget which controls which axis and 50 is a rough estimate

Edit: can someone tell me why this small is adding random charachters at the end of the code? it should end after 50, so ignore all the >? ##### stuff

11-07-2004, 10:00
its a new mod on the boards.... guess I gotta work some kinks out of it :-p
thats part of it tricking the php syntax highlighter into thinking its php code, its supposed to remove that stuff but didn't for some reason on yours. I'll fix it.