View Full Version : [Solved] Sprite request

06-28-2018, 13:17
Hi, could someone create or tell me where I can find a sprite that is similar to this image's little green icons, I need something similar to it to determine whether someone is my teammate or not.

It's not meant to be the exact same, anything similar would be appreciated, just it has to be small in size just so players can notice their teammates. It stays above player's head.

LINK (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AVPRLAwLgko/maxresdefault.jpg)


06-28-2018, 20:09

https://forums.alliedmods.net/image-proxy/8159f91c5791b5dedf30fb0ba3da7f1f4338a25e/687474703a2f2f70617261646f787465616d2e6f72672 f636f6d70657469746976652f666f72756d732f75706c 6f6164732f6d6f6e74686c795f323031385f30332f596 561322e4a50472e393364653039333363393738623062 39343839393039346132643361653130352e4a5047

06-29-2018, 05:09

https://forums.alliedmods.net/image-proxy/8159f91c5791b5dedf30fb0ba3da7f1f4338a25e/687474703a2f2f70617261646f787465616d2e6f72672 f636f6d70657469746976652f666f72756d732f75706c 6f6164732f6d6f6e74686c795f323031385f30332f596 561322e4a50472e393364653039333363393738623062 39343839393039346132643361653130352e4a5047


06-29-2018, 09:37
cant wait for the final result of your project :)

try this one, if you need to change size or color let me know


06-29-2018, 11:14
cant wait for the final result of your project :)

try this one, if you need to change size or color let me know


Hi, first thanks for the kind words, I can't wait to complete and share it here too!
It was perfect, if possible could you lower it down a little bit? Also is that the best texture quality CS 1.6 can handle?

Thanks a lot!

06-29-2018, 13:15
Hi, first thanks for the kind words, I can't wait to complete and share it here too!
It was perfect, if possible could you lower it down a little bit? Also is that the best texture quality CS 1.6 can handle?

Thanks a lot!

i think we can find a better version, this i got from a request i made, i will ask the author the same questions, i will also try to make one similar to the screenshot

i also have this kind of arrows