View Full Version : [REQ] Destroy Feature in Dispenser

12-22-2016, 05:25
I would request someone to add /destroy command to this plugin so that when ever we say /destroy dispenser gets destroyed with a client_print and if it is not build there comes client_print saying "you need to build one first". Also this above command should not lead to chat spam.

Thanks in Advance

Build Dispenser

Like in TFC or TF2 dispensers give you armor health and ammo
Every time you are near at a teammate dispenser, your health, amor, or ammo will refill to maximum!

By tuty;

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >

#include < fakemeta >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < cstrike >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >

#include < xs >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "#"

#define MAX_PLAYERS 32



enum _: iColorAndCoords
x_r = 0,

new const gDamageSounds[ ][ ] =

new const szBuildingMessages[ ][ ] =
"Building a Dispenser right here...",
"Directing a DISPENSER!",
"Dispenser coming now!",
"Dispenser coming right up ahead!"

new const gDispenserClassname[ ] = "NiceDispenser:D";

new const gDispenserActive[ ] = "buttons/button9.wav";
new const gDispenserMdl[ ] = "models/dispenser.mdl";
new const gMetalGibsMdl[ ] = "models/computergibs.mdl";
new const gHealingSprite[ ] = "sprites/laserbeam.spr";

new gHealingBeam;
new gMetalGibs;
new gMaxPlayers;
new gHudSync;

new gCvarEnabled;
new gDispenserCost;
new gCvarDispenserHealth;
new gCvarBuildTime;
new gCvarReplenishRadius;
new gCvarSpinDispenser;
new gCvarMaxHealth;
new gCvarMaxArmor;

new Float:gDispenserOrigin[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ iColorAndCoords ];
new gBeamcolor[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ iColorAndCoords ];

new Float:gDispenserHealthOff[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new bool:bDispenserBuild[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];

public plugin_init( )
register_plugin( "Build Dispenser", PLUGIN_VERSION, "tuty" );

register_event( "TextMsg", "EVENT_TextMsg", "a", "2&#Game_C", "2&#Game_w", "2&#Game_will_restart_in" );
register_logevent( "LOG_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );

static szDispenserClassname[ ] = "info_target";

RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, szDispenserClassname, "bacon_TakeDamage", 1 );
RegisterHam( Ham_TraceAttack, szDispenserClassname, "bacon_TraceAttack" );

register_think( gDispenserClassname, "DispenserThink" );
register_clcmd( "drop", "CommandDispenserBuild" );

gCvarEnabled = register_cvar( "dispenser_enabled", "1" );
gDispenserCost = register_cvar( "dispenser_cost", "1500" );
gCvarDispenserHealth = register_cvar( "dispenser_health", "900" );
gCvarBuildTime = register_cvar( "dispenser_buildtime", "5" );
gCvarReplenishRadius = register_cvar( "dispenser_radius", "300" );
gCvarSpinDispenser = register_cvar( "dispenser_spin", "1" );
gCvarMaxHealth = register_cvar( "dispenser_playermax_health", "100" );
gCvarMaxArmor = register_cvar( "dispenser_playermax_armor", "100" );

gMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

gHudSync = CreateHudSyncObj( );

public client_connect( id )
bDispenserBuild[ id ] = false;

public plugin_precache( )
gHealingBeam = precache_model( gHealingSprite );
gMetalGibs = precache_model( gMetalGibsMdl );

precache_model( gDispenserMdl );
precache_sound( gDispenserActive );

new i;
for( i = 0; i < sizeof gDamageSounds; i++ )
precache_sound( gDamageSounds[ i ] );

public CommandDispenserBuild( id )
if( !is_user_alive( id )
|| get_user_weapon( id ) != CSW_KNIFE
|| get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnabled ) != 1 )

if( !( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
client_print( id, print_center, "You must be on ground to build a Dispenser!" );


if( bDispenserBuild[ id ] == true )
client_print( id, print_center, "You already have build a Dispenser!" );


new iMoney = cs_get_user_money( id );
new iCost = get_pcvar_num( gDispenserCost );

if( iMoney < iCost )
client_print( id, print_chat, "[Dispenser] You don't have enough money to build a Dispenser... Need(%d$)", iCost );


new Float:flPlayerOrigin[ 3 ];
pev( id, pev_origin, flPlayerOrigin );

new Float:flHealth = float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarDispenserHealth ) );

new iEntity = create_entity( "info_target" );

if( !pev_valid( iEntity ) )

set_pev( iEntity, pev_classname, gDispenserClassname );
engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, gDispenserMdl );
engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iEntity, Float:{ -12.0, -10.0, -12.0 }, Float:{ 12.0, 10.0, 12.0 } );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_origin, flPlayerOrigin );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_TOSS );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_health, flHealth );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_YES );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2, id );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser3, STATUS_BUILDING );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.1 );

gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ x_r ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 0 ];
gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ y_g ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 1 ];
gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ z_b ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 2 ];

gDispenserHealthOff[ id ] = flHealth;
bDispenserBuild[ id ] = true;

set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarBuildTime ) ), "BuildDispenserSolid", iEntity );
cs_set_user_money( id, iMoney - iCost, 1 );

client_print( id, print_center, szBuildingMessages[ random_num( 0, charsmax( szBuildingMessages ) ) ] );


public bacon_TakeDamage( ent, idinflictor, idattacker, Float:damage, damagebits )
new szClassname[ 32 ];
pev( ent, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );

if( equal( szClassname, gDispenserClassname ) )
new iOwner = pev( ent, pev_iuser2 );

if( pev( ent, pev_health ) <= 0.0 )
new szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( idattacker, szName, charsmax( szName ) );

new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
pev( ent, pev_origin, flOrigin );

UTIL_BreakModel( flOrigin, gMetalGibs, BREAK_COMPUTER );
set_pev( ent, pev_flags, pev( ent, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );

if( idattacker == iOwner )
client_print( iOwner, print_center, "You have destroyed your Dispenser!" );

client_print( iOwner, print_center, "[Dispenser] %s destroyed your Dispenser!", szName );

client_cmd( iOwner, "speak ^"vox/bizwarn computer destroyed^"" );
bDispenserBuild[ iOwner ] = false;

gDispenserHealthOff[ iOwner ] = float( pev( ent, pev_health ) );
emit_sound( ent, CHAN_STATIC, gDamageSounds[ random_num( 0, charsmax( gDamageSounds ) ) ], VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

public bacon_TraceAttack( iVictim, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, Float:flDirection[ 3 ], iTr, iDamageBits )
new szClassname[ 32 ];
pev( iVictim, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );

if( equal( szClassname, gDispenserClassname ) )
new Float:flEndOrigin[ 3 ];
get_tr2( iTr, TR_vecEndPos, flEndOrigin );

UTIL_Sparks( flEndOrigin );

public DispenserThink( iEnt )
if( pev_valid( iEnt ) )
new iStatus = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser3 );
new iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );

switch( iStatus )
set_rendering( iEnt, kRenderFxDistort, 255, 255, 255, kRenderTransAdd, 70 );

new id;
for( id = 1; id <= gMaxPlayers; id++ )
if( is_user_connected( iOwner )
&& is_user_connected( id )
&& is_user_alive( id )
&& cs_get_user_team( id ) == cs_get_user_team( iOwner ) )
new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );

if( get_distance_f( gDispenserOrigin[ iOwner ], flOrigin ) <= float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarReplenishRadius ) ) )
if( UTIL_IsVisible( id, iEnt ) )
UTIL_GiveWeaponAmmo( id );

// people will ask why i didn't used if and else if...
// because i want to recharge health and armor and ammo in same time if needed :D

if( get_user_health( id ) < get_pcvar_num( gCvarMaxHealth ) )
set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + 1 );

if( get_user_armor( id ) < get_pcvar_num( gCvarMaxArmor ) )
set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + 1 );

UTIL_BeamEnts( gDispenserOrigin[ iOwner ], flOrigin, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] );

set_hudmessage( gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], 0.0, 0.21, 1, 6.0, 0.2 );
ShowSyncHudMsg( iOwner, gHudSync, ">>>[ Dispenser ]<<<^n^nHealth Status: [%d]", floatround( gDispenserHealthOff[ iOwner ] ) );

if( get_pcvar_num( gCvarSpinDispenser ) == 1 )
new Float:flAngles[ 3 ];
pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flAngles );

flAngles[ 1 ] += 1.0;

set_pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flAngles );

set_pev( iEnt, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.1 );

public BuildDispenserSolid( iEntity )
if( pev_valid( iEntity ) )
new iOwner = pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2 );

if( is_user_connected( iOwner ) )
switch( cs_get_user_team( iOwner ) )
case CS_TEAM_T:
gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ] = 255, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] = 0;
set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], kRenderNormal, 3 );

case CS_TEAM_CT:
gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] = 255;
set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], kRenderNormal, 3 );

set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser3, STATUS_ACTIVE );

engfunc( EngFunc_DropToFloor, iEntity );

emit_sound( iEntity, CHAN_STATIC, gDispenserActive, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

public EVENT_TextMsg( )
UTIL_DestroyDispensers( );

public LOG_RoundEnd( )
UTIL_DestroyDispensers( );


stock UTIL_DestroyDispensers( )
new iEnt = FM_NULLENT;

while( ( iEnt = find_ent_by_class( iEnt, gDispenserClassname ) ) )
new iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );

bDispenserBuild[ iOwner ] = false;
set_pev( iEnt, pev_flags, pev( iEnt, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );

stock UTIL_BreakModel( Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], model, flags )
engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin, 0 );
write_byte( TE_BREAKMODEL );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 0 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 1 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 2 ] );
write_coord( 16 );
write_coord( 16 );
write_coord( 16 );
write_coord( random_num( -20, 20 ) );
write_coord( random_num( -20, 20 ) );
write_coord( 10 );
write_byte( 10 );
write_short( model );
write_byte( 10 );
write_byte( 9 );
write_byte( flags );
message_end( );

stock UTIL_BeamEnts( Float:flStart[ 3 ], Float:flEnd[ 3 ], r, g, b )
engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flStart );
write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 0 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 1 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 2 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 0 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 1 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 2 ] );
write_short( gHealingBeam );
write_byte( 5 );
write_byte( 2 );
write_byte( 1 );
write_byte( 80 );
write_byte( 1 );
write_byte( r );
write_byte( g );
write_byte( b );
write_byte( 130 );
write_byte( 0 );
message_end( );

stock UTIL_GiveWeaponAmmo( index )
new szCopyAmmoData[ 40 ];

switch( get_user_weapon( index ) )
case CSW_P228: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_357sig" );
case CSW_SCOUT, CSW_G3SG1, CSW_AK47: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_762nato" );
case CSW_XM1014, CSW_M3: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_buckshot" );
case CSW_MAC10, CSW_UMP45, CSW_USP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_45acp" );
case CSW_SG550, CSW_GALIL, CSW_FAMAS, CSW_M4A1, CSW_SG552, CSW_AUG: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_556nato" );
case CSW_ELITE, CSW_GLOCK18, CSW_MP5NAVY, CSW_TMP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_9mm" );
case CSW_AWP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_338magnum" );
case CSW_M249: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_556natobox" );
case CSW_FIVESEVEN, CSW_P90: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_57mm" );
case CSW_DEAGLE: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_50ae" );

give_item( index, szCopyAmmoData );

stock UTIL_Sparks( Float:flOrigin[ 3 ] )
engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin, 0 );
write_byte( TE_SPARKS );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 0 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 1 ] );
engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 2 ] );
message_end( );

stock bool:UTIL_IsVisible( index, entity, ignoremonsters = 0 )
new Float:flStart[ 3 ], Float:flDest[ 3 ];
pev( index, pev_origin, flStart );
pev( index, pev_view_ofs, flDest );

xs_vec_add( flStart, flDest, flStart );

pev( entity, pev_origin, flDest );
engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, flStart, flDest, ignoremonsters, index, 0 );

new Float:flFraction;
get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, flFraction );

if( flFraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( 0, TR_pHit) == entity )
return true;

return false;

End of Code

12-22-2016, 06:57
I would request you to help me on this forum i am not on facebook.

12-22-2016, 06:59

12-22-2016, 08:03
I already made this. Search in my posts. Please use [php] tag instead of [code].

12-22-2016, 08:28
register_clcmd("say /destroy","destroy");

public destroy(id){
new iEnt = FM_NULLENT;

while( ( iEnt = find_ent_by_class( iEnt, gDispenserClassname ) ) )
new iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );
bDispenserBuild[ iOwner ] = false;
set_pev( iEnt, pev_flags, pev( iEnt, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
