View Full Version : Force Round End

12-15-2016, 14:25
I need a plugin which forces round to end.
(Round Terminator doesn't work properly, tried everything)
And I dont want to slay anyone either, just force round to end depending on mp_roundtime or whatever.


If its possible to do something like this:
First detect, when round timer is 0.00 (or detect mp_roundtime).
Then force it to make #CTs_Win or #Target_Saved event (like creating an objective in a map, that doesn't have any) ?

Plugin should work especially for knife maps without objective.

12-15-2016, 20:19
Why it doesn't work properly? Because it can do what you're asking.

12-15-2016, 21:07
Works perfectly for me. Make sure you have all of the orpheu signature files in place.

12-15-2016, 23:16
I tried to disable the plugins that might cause the problem, but its still same. I also renewed orpheu files. Can't figure out the cause, haven't tried other maps tho, but I assume it won't do any change.

12-16-2016, 12:01
I tried to disable the plugins that might cause the problem, but its still same. I also renewed orpheu files. Can't figure out the cause, haven't tried other maps tho, but I assume it won't do any change.

Are you using an older hlds build?

12-16-2016, 12:42
I'm not.