View Full Version : LR for 2 players

08-18-2016, 15:12
Hello, I have bug on sm hosties, 2 peoples have acces to lr.

08-18-2016, 15:27
It's not a bug, should've checked the hosties cfg first.

sm_hosties_lr_ts_max "1" instead of "2"

08-22-2016, 06:57
In retrospect, it was kind of silly to jump through so many hoops to get more than 1 LR at a time since the name of it was "last" request. But some severs were offering it to the last 2 or so people, so I wanted to have the option available. That the default value was probably because it was such a pain to get more than 1 LR at a time and I wanted people to know about this feature.