View Full Version : [REQ] Scramble after X amount of won T rounds.

07-09-2016, 01:29

I'd like to request a simple plugin, I know that there probably are simular plugins to what I request, however they include some features I do not want.

I'd like a plugin that would scramble the teams after X amount of won Terrorist rounds. It'd be prefered if it was read from a config file where I could alter the value of the amount of rounds required.

Feel free to ask any questions if there are any uncertainties.

Contact: Kurt (http://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialKurt/)

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Ended up using This (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=182473) plugin instead, had to disabled all the other features.
EDIT2: This plugin was not working properly, it would scrample randomly, sometimes even a couple of rounds in a row.

Thanks for the help!

07-09-2016, 07:07
#include <sourcemod>
#include <cstrike>

Handle roundCvar = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle teamScore = INVALID_HANDLE;

public OnPluginStart()
roundCvar = CreateConVar("sm_sc_after_wins", "8", "after .. rounds teams will be scrambled");
HookEvent("round_end", Scramble);
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.scramble", "sourcemod");

public Action:Scramble(Handle: event , const String: name[] , bool: dontBroadcast)
if (CS_GetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_T) == GetConVarInt(roundCvar))
PrintToChatAll("Teams was scrambled, beacuse Terrorits won %i rounds", roundCvar);

I wrote with author this topic, It's working, but mp_scrambleteams isn't good, beacuse it's restarting game too, if someone know how to scramble teams please write it there.
I tried

for (int i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
new randomTeam = GetRandomInt( 2, 3 );
ChangeClientTeam(i, randomTeam);

but It chosed the same team for all.

07-11-2016, 12:49
I am still in need of this request, Camdisco is having some issues that he want some help with.

07-11-2016, 14:48
would help but eh it's kurtan.

07-11-2016, 15:19
Cow, everyone knows that you're a scammer, you befriend community owners with "sponsorship".

Source: 1. (http://https://web.archive.org/web/20160319150044/http://doctorg.pw/2016/01/19/leaked-maps-copy-pasters-and-the-community/) 2. (https://archive.is/bVi6j)

07-11-2016, 15:34
Kurt those are irrelevant and B2R (the 2nd post) has added me and said sorry about lying. The old owner of the community was straight delusional. I stopped hosting for them because that owner tried to take away my own access from my server box.

07-11-2016, 15:54
Yes because everything you say is true.

07-11-2016, 23:40
I would suggest you two to take the discussion about your hate to each other elsewhere.

If you have nothing useful to contribute with, leave the threads on AlliedModders alone.

07-12-2016, 00:12
You should just use https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=182473 and disable the features you do not want.

07-12-2016, 00:20
Well, that is plan B, however, it'd be easier with a plugin for 1 feature, instead of many features disabled.

07-12-2016, 15:31

Current state of code.

10-10-2016, 16:06
Looking to get this fixed. Anyone feel like helping me?

10-10-2016, 16:50
What seems to be the actual problem?

10-10-2016, 19:57
What seems to be the actual problem?

I am getting help from a user. I can explain the current issue with this though:

1) When scramble occours, if you are a T and get scrambled to CT you will get slayed.
2) Using mp_scrambleteams which restarts the game.
3) Uneven scrambles when mp_autoteambalance is 1
4) It has occoured that a player(Bots were mostly used when testing this) is being kicked for reasons unknown

There might be other issues, it was a long time ago since I tested this particular version.