View Full Version : Fİx İt please!!

06-23-2016, 15:49
İ Made İt But İts'not Respawn
Sorry For My Bad English! ty

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>

public Plugin:myinfo = {
name = "Jailbreak İsyan Rev",
author = "Mithat Guner",
description = "Jailbreak İs Rev",
version = "1.0",

public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_isrev", isrev);
if(GetEngineVersion() != Engine_CSS && GetEngineVersion() != Engine_CSGO && GetEngineVersion() != Engine_TF2)
SetFailState("Only CSS, CSGO, TF2 Support and DODS with DODHOOKS");

public Action:isrev(client, args)

if (GetClientTeam(client) == 3) // İstenilen Oyuncu Eğer CT İSE
if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) // Eğer Hayattaysa
PrintToChat(client,"\x01[REBELS] \x04Revlenmek Icin Olu Olmalisin. !!");
else // Eğer Ölüyse
CreateTimer(10.0, res);
PrintToChat(client,"\x01[REBELS] \x04Komutcu 10 Saniye İçinde Revlenecek.");
else // T Den Komut Girilirse
PrintToChat(client,"\x01[REBELS] \x04Bu Komutu Kullanabilmek Icin CT Olmalisin.");

public Action res(Handle timer, client)

06-23-2016, 16:35
Give this a try, you can see the differences here: https://www.diffchecker.com/wgo0srav

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>

public Plugin:myinfo = {
name = "Jailbreak İsyan Rev",
author = "Mithat Guner",
description = "Jailbreak İs Rev",
version = "1.0",

public void OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_isrev", isrev);

public Action isrev(int client, int args)
if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT) // İstenilen Oyuncu Eğer CT İSE
if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) // Eğer Hayattaysa
PrintToChat(client,"\x01[REBELS] \x04Revlenmek Icin Olu Olmalisin. !!");
else // Eğer Ölüyse
CreateTimer(10.0, res, GetClientUserId(client));
PrintToChat(client,"\x01[REBELS] \x04Komutcu 10 Saniye İçinde Revlenecek.");
else // T Den Komut Girilirse
PrintToChat(client,"\x01[REBELS] \x04Bu Komutu Kullanabilmek Icin CT Olmalisin.");

public Action res(Handle timer, client)
if(IsClientInGame(client) && !IsPlayerAlive(client))

06-23-2016, 16:52
Thanks <3