View Full Version : [L4d2] Trouble in Terrorist Town

03-18-2016, 19:51
Since my post made no progress on plugins request and idea so i'm gonna make a new one based on TTT Garry's Mod. I'm just new to source pawn , so after a week with tinkering and twisting i still made no progress at it and i know it will take a whole lot of time to make such plugins . :bee:

The main idea is choosing random player based on total player ( real client ) on the server , half of them will be special zombie disguise into survivor with main purpose to incap or kill them. The infected can transform to both survivor and zombie and can use weapons , skill but smaller damage.
Game win condition is when all survivors died/incap or all zombie team died/incap. :wink:

It's a good idea to make the game more fun , i think , and the game can play on all mode :)

03-18-2016, 20:26
Well, first off this "Scripting" section is for plugins in the making with problems, or plugins that stopped working, there is a section for "requests and ideas" that you should stick to for this subject.

That being said...

If you really want this plugin to be made, your probably gonna have to pay since time is money and no one want's to code something this big without wanting it themselves.

03-19-2016, 02:50
Well, first off this "Scripting" section is for plugins in the making with problems, or plugins that stopped working, there is a section for "requests and ideas" that you should stick to for this subject.

That being said...

If you really want this plugin to be made, your probably gonna have to pay since time is money and no one want's to code something this big without wanting it themselves.

I will when it seem impossible to me , but first i will need basic step to make that plugin , because i don't know where to begin xD

03-19-2016, 12:26
I will when it seem impossible to me , but first i will need basic step to make that plugin , because i don't know where to begin xD

Before you can start this type of script, you'll have to be pretty knowledgeable when it comes to sourcepawn, else it's not gonna work.

Also you don't have to start the script by yourself if you are going to pay for the script anyway :up:

03-19-2016, 12:44
You could start with a command (say, !transform) that switches a survivor's model and weapons to an infected's. It doesn't seem too hard.

You can study my Save Weapons & survivor_character_select plugins to learn how I save/load weapons, models & props.

Then, you can make it so that only certain players can use that command. You just make a global boolean vector that holds the status of the player (survivor or disguised infected) & allow the !transform command only for the disguised infected players.

To check the win condition you can just have a timer check who is alive every few seconds, and if one team is dead, you show a victor/loss message to the related players.

So the basics don't seem very hard, but it may take time to polish it.

EDIT: I found out the name of the weapons for the infected:

- Hunter: weapon_hunter_claw
- Boomer: weapon_boomer_claw
- Spitter: weapon_spitter_claw
- Jockey: weapon_jockey_claw
- Smoker: weapon_smoker_claw
- Charger: weapon_charger_claw
- Tank: weapon_tank_claw

Which can be equipped through

int i_Ent = CreateEntityByName("weapon_hunter_claw");
EquipPlayerWeapon(client, i_Ent) ;

However it doesn't seem to give the secondary ability of the special infected.

An alternative would be to simply make !transform simply change the person from survivor to infected, teleport them where they were as survivor, and spawn them. However you'd have to find a way to hide the teams.

03-19-2016, 17:23
@xines : Well , to pay a plugins for fun are also based on finance situation and how much money based from how complicated the plugin cause , I don't know tho . [ Brain Exploded ]

@Merudo : Thanks , now i know what to do , not all of them . xD

03-19-2016, 17:39
@xines : Well , to pay a plugins for fun are also based on finance situation and how much money based from how complicated the plugin cause , I don't know tho . [ Brain Exploded ]

Yes indeed correct, luckely there is people like Merudo whos willing to give you a push in the right direction, i can't since i know nothing about L4d2 :bee:

03-20-2016, 01:01
Here is a quick example of a !transform command you can try out in versus mode.

If you type !transform, you'll "transform" into infected, and if you type it again, you'll transform back into a survivor.

Of course it's not perfect, but it may be a start.

03-20-2016, 16:32
I had some thoughts and one big problem I see with this idea is that the HUD just provides too much information for the survivors. With it they can know who transforms, who gets killed, etc.

There is a basic way to turn off the HUD with SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", 64, 4), unfortunately it removes too much including player names & menus.