View Full Version : Enums & passing an element as a parameter

03-15-2016, 09:42
Hey there fellas,

I have a nested enum data structure and I am trying to alter values by passing an element of the enum as a parameter.

Look at the "set" function and the commented line below so that you get an idea of what exactly I'm trying to achieve.

#include <sourcemod>

enum Info

enum DataType

enum Struct

new g_Data[MAXPLAYERS+1][Struct];

public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_teststruct", SM_Test);

public OnClientPutInServer(client)
g_Data[client][Data][Type1][Info1] = 0;

public Action:SM_Test(client, args)
// set(client, DataType:Type1);
return Plugin_Handled;

set(client, DataType:param)
g_Data[client][Data][param][Info1] = 10;
g_Data[client][Data][param][Info2] = 20;

The problem is that it doesn't work and I'm trying to find a solution.
DataType:Type1 itself is an "array". Is there a way to tell the function which element/block of the DataType enum I want to modify?

I've tried adding brackets / untagging the param:
"error 028: invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts): "Type1""
"warning 215: expression has no effect"
"error 001: expected token: ";", but found: "]""
"error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero"

I'd be grateful if somebody can explain to me why this is not working. Also, I don't mind any dirty math solutions. I just want this concept to work.

Neuro Toxin
03-15-2016, 18:36
What about using this (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=270519).

Dynamic data = Dynamic ();
data.SetInt("Info1", 10);
data.SetFloat ("Info2", 20.0);