View Full Version : [CSGO] +maxplayers don't work?

03-13-2016, 16:01
Hello. I have my CS:GO server with "20" slots.

I set 20 slots in gamemodes.txt, gamemodes_server.txt and gamemode_competetive.txt

When my server is turned on i see in console "maxplayers set to 64".

My server looks like this: 21/20 ; 25/20.

20 players can play, 5 more are in spectator and can't join to team.

Any help?

I have -maxplayers_override 20 in start line.

(Sorry for my English)

Neuro Toxin
03-13-2016, 18:37
Have* you changed reserved slot settings in sourcemod.cfg?

03-13-2016, 18:39
Yes, sm_reserve_type 1 (kick high ping)

Neuro Toxin
03-13-2016, 21:36
Can you post your settings out of sourcemod.cfg?

03-13-2016, 22:22
show us your gamemodes_server.txt

03-14-2016, 10:44
// To use this file, rename it to GameModes_Server.txt
// Values here override the default gamemodes.txt



"maxplayers" "20" // Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block.
// Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd line.
// Any config files listed here will be executed after the ones in gamemodes.txt.

"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mapgroupsMP" // List of mapgroups valid for this game mode ( competitive )
"mg_bomb_se" ""


"maxplayers" "30"

"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mapgroupsMP" // List of mapgroups valid for this game mode ( casual )
"mg_bomb_se" ""



"maxplayers" "10"

// These are the configs that get executed when a game mode of this type is created
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mg_armsrace" ""

"deagle" { "kills" "5" }
"awp" { "kills" "5" }
"knifegg" { "kills" "1" }

"deagle" { "kills" "5" }
"awp" { "kills" "5" }
"knifegg" { "kills" "1" }


"maxplayers" "10"

// These are the configs that get executed when a game mode of this type is created
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mg_demolition" ""

"m4a1" { "kills" "1" }
"awp" { "kills" "1" }
"Scar20" { "kills" "1" }

"ak47" { "kills" "1" }
"awp" { "kills" "1" }
"g3sg1" { "kills" "1" }


// Map groups
// To use a mapgroup, it needs to be defined in a keyvalues
// block such as the example below, as well as listed in the
// 'mapgroupsMP' block within the game mode that will run it,
// such as the example above.
// Then launch the server with '+mapgroup MAPGROUPNAME'
// Example:
// srcds -game csgo +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb_se +map de_nuke_se
// Check the developer wiki for updated community info
// https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers

"mg_bomb_se" // mapgroup definition
"name" "mg_bomb_se"
"de_dust_se" ""
"de_dust2_se" ""
"de_nuke_se" ""
"de_train_se" ""
"de_inferno_se" ""
"de_aztec_se" ""


// SourceMod Configuration File
// This file is automatically executed by SourceMod every mapchange.

// Specifies how admin activity should be relayed to users. Add up the values
// below to get the functionality you want.
// 1: Show admin activity to non-admins anonymously.
// 2: If 1 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 4: Show admin activity to admins anonymously.
// 8: If 4 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 16: Always show admin names to root users.
// --
// Default: 13 (1+4+8)
sm_show_activity 13

// Specifies whether menu sounds are enabled for menus created by SourceMod.
// Menu sounds can be further configured in addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_menu_sounds 1

// Specifies how long of a delay, in seconds, should be used in between votes
// that are "public" or can be spammed. Whether or not this delay is obeyed
// is dependent on the menu/command.
// --
// Default: 30
sm_vote_delay 30

// Default datetime formatting rules when displaying to clients.
// For full options, see: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/strftime.html
// --
// Default: %m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S
// 12 hour format: %m/%d/%Y - %I:%M:%S %p
sm_datetime_format "%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S"

// Sets how SourceMod should check immunity levels when administrators target
// each other.
// 0: Ignore immunity levels (except for specific group immunities).
// 1: Protect from admins of lower access only.
// 2: Protect from admins of equal to or lower access.
// 3: Same as 2, except admins with no immunity can affect each other.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_immunity_mode 1

// Sets how many seconds SourceMod should adjust time values for incorrect
// server clocks. This can be positive or negative and will affect every
// system time in SourceMod, including logging stamps.
// --
// Default: 0
sm_time_adjustment 0

// Specifies the amount of time that is allowed between chat messages. This
// includes the say and say_team commands. If a client sends a message faster
// than this time, they receive a flood token. When the client has accumulated
// 3 or more tokens, a warning message is shown instead of the chat message.
// --
// Requires: antiflood.smx
// Default: 0.75
sm_flood_time 0.75

// Specifies how the reserved slots plugin operates. Valid values are:
// 0 : Public slots are used in preference to reserved slots. Reserved slots are freed before public slots.
// 1 : If someone with reserve access joins into a reserved slot, the player with the highest latency and
// no reserved slot access (spectator players are selected first) is kicked to make room. Thus, the reserved
// slots always remains free. The only situation where the reserved slot(s) can become properly occupied is
// if the server is full with reserve slot access clients.
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserve_type 1

// Specifies the number of reserved player slots. Users with the reservation
// admin flag set will be able to join the server when there are no public slots
// remaining. If someone does not have this flag, they will be kicked.
// (Public slots are defined as: maxplayers - number of reserved slots)
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserved_slots 0

// Specifies whether or not reserved slots will be hidden (subtracted from max
// slot count). Valid values are 0 (Visible) or 1 (Hidden).
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_hide_slots 0

// Specifies whether or not non-admins can send messages to admins using
// say_team @<message>. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basechat.smx
// Default: 1
sm_chat_mode 1

// Specifies whether or not "timeleft" will automatically be triggered every
// x seconds. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) to 1800 seconds.
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_timeleft_interval 0

// Specifies whether or not chat triggers are broadcast to the server or just
// the player who requested the info trigger. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or
// 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_trigger_show 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// "hint" box (near the bottom of the screen in most games).
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_hintbox 1

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// chat area. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_chat 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress in the server console.
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_console 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// client console. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_client_console 0

03-14-2016, 16:45
This is a pretty well-known bug. There might be a plugin to fix it, but I don't care enough to know.

03-14-2016, 17:01
CS:GO's devs had the bright idea that maxplayers should always be set to 64 and the maxplayers setting in the gamemodes config (or +maxplayers_override command-line setting) just updates the number of visible players.

03-16-2016, 15:02
So, what I can do to fix this?

03-16-2016, 15:32
So, what I can do to fix this?

reserved slots should work. I had same issue but if you add reserved slot and hide it than you should not get that problem. My providers did always shut down my gameserver because more people could join the server than available slots. I could fix it with reserved slot.

If you want that only 20 players connect to your server change next values to 1

// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserved_slots 0

// Specifies whether or not reserved slots will be hidden (subtracted from max
// slot count). Valid values are 0 (Visible) or 1 (Hidden).
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_hide_slots 0

Neuro Toxin
03-16-2016, 18:14
// Specifies how the reserved slots plugin operates. Valid values are:
// 0 : Public slots are used in preference to reserved slots. Reserved slots are freed before public slots.
// 1 : If someone with reserve access joins into a reserved slot, the player with the highest latency and
// no reserved slot access (spectator players are selected first) is kicked to make room. Thus, the reserved
// slots always remains free. The only situation where the reserved slot(s) can become properly occupied is
// if the server is full with reserve slot access clients.
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserve_type 0

// Specifies the number of reserved player slots. Users with the reservation
// admin flag set will be able to join the server when there are no public slots
// remaining. If someone does not have this flag, they will be kicked.
// (Public slots are defined as: maxplayers - number of reserved slots)
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserved_slots 1

// Specifies whether or not reserved slots will be hidden (subtracted from max
// slot count). Valid values are 0 (Visible) or 1 (Hidden).
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_hide_slots 1

03-18-2016, 16:22
CS:GO's devs had the bright idea that maxplayers should always be set to 64 and the maxplayers setting in the gamemodes config (or +maxplayers_override command-line setting) just updates the number of visible players.

pretty sure that the gamemodes_server.txt file configuration works
the stock one is broken

i'll paste my own one:
"maxplayers" "10" // if i don't have it set the server crashes :/ same for gungame/etc

"maxplayers" "24"

"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mg_casual" ""

"maxplayers" "26"

"maxplayers" "26"

"name" "mg_bomb_se"
"de_dust_se" ""
"de_dust2_se" ""
"de_nuke_se" ""
"de_train_se" ""
"de_inferno_se" ""
"de_aztec_se" ""

"imagename" "mapgroup-active"
"nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_active"
"tooltipID" "#SFUI_MapGroup_Tooltip_Desc_Active"
"tooltipMaps" ""
"name" "mg_active"
"grouptype" "active"

"de_cache" ""
"de_mirage" ""
"de_train" ""
"de_dust2" ""
"de_inferno" ""
"de_overpass" ""
"de_cobblestone" ""
"de_dust" ""
"de_nuke" ""