View Full Version : TF2 HLStats / HLXCEServ / Daemon not working

01-17-2016, 13:49

Something has gone very wrong with my installation of the items in the subject.

I have spent the last 7 hours configuring, going to 2009 threads, broken links and I have given up - I have been beaten by software :(!

I really need help so if someone could teamviewer with me and fix whats going on that would be really appreciated.

This is my TF2 Server Plugins folder https://gyazo.com/486f8c32cae888150b0b01095c5dad6c
This is my TF2 Server Scripts folder https://gyazo.com/f9019a7629d0c90605f126bc45250344

Hope the above links proved useful - This is just showing you my setup (like every server admin, now to show you the code)

P.S This is where the HLStats is being stored: http://steven-reynolds.com/TF2MeleeAcademy/hlstats.php

This is my HLStats Web Config (This works correctly)


if ( !defined('IN_HLSTATS') ) { die('Do not access this file directly'); }

// DB_ADDR - The address of the database server, in host:port format.
// (You might also try setting this to e.g. ":/tmp/mysql.sock" to
// use a Unix domain socket, if your mysqld is on the same box as
// your web server.)
define("DB_ADDR", "localhost");

// DB_USER - The username to connect to the database as
define("DB_USER", "xxxxx");

// DB_PASS - The password for DB_USER
define("DB_PASS", "xxxx");

// DB_NAME - The name of the database
define("DB_NAME", "xxxx");

// DB_TYPE - The database server type. Only "mysql" is supported currently
define("DB_TYPE", "mysql");

// DB_PCONNECT - Set to 1 to use persistent database connections. Persistent
// connections can give better performance, but may overload
// the database server. Set to 0 to use non-persistent
// connections.
define("DB_PCONNECT", 0);

// INCLUDE_PATH - Filesystem path to the includes directory, relative to hlstats.php. This must be specified
// as a relative path.
// Under Windows, make sure you use forward slash (/) instead
// of back slash (\) and use absolute paths if you are having any issue.
define("INCLUDE_PATH", "./includes");

// PAGE_PATH - Filesystem path to the pages directory, relative to hlstats.php. This must be specified
// as a relative path.
// Under Windows, make sure you use forward slash (/) instead
// of back slash (\) and use absolute paths if you are having any issue.
define("PAGE_PATH", "./pages");

// PAGE_PATH - Filesystem path to the hlstatsimg directory, relative to hlstats.php. This must be specified
// as a relative path.
// Under Windows, make sure you use forward slash (/) instead
// of back slash (\) and use absolute paths if you are having any issue.
// Note: the progress directory under hlstatsimg must be writable!!
define("IMAGE_PATH", "./hlstatsimg");

// How often dynamicly generated images are updated (in seconds)

//define("DB_DEBUG", true);


This is the perl command run through hlstats.pl


Trying to run the HLServerInstall.cmd just gives me this and closes the console straight away


I think thats as much information as I can give you - I wish someone is able to help me!

When I join the server too, nothing regarding HLStats pops up:(

Again, anyone who can fix this over skype/teamviewer will be my superhero


01-20-2016, 04:45
First 3 (unrelated) things:

For showing installed Plugins you can type

sm plugins list

into console and just copy paste output.

You do not need to provide the files in scripting folder, they are just sourcecodes and do not to be copied to the server at all.

Third thing:
Do not use superlogs_generic AND superlogs_gamename. Use superlogs_Gamename (in your case superlogs_tf2). Superlogs_generic is for games where is no other superlogs_file

Now to your problem:

Regarding this (https://gyazo.com/307b5a88166001c03d74ad6020c48a6d) link you got 2 Problems:
First is, that something with your hlstats.pl is wrong -> try to reinstall that file

Next Problem is the last line about your UDP socket. Try to disabled Windows firewall and see if it is happen again. If not you have to forward the ports