View Full Version : [Issue] Inventory/loadout problem

08-20-2015, 16:12
Hi, I'm using the newest store, and this plugin (attached) which gives titles and title colors to chat. But sometimes (more often than not) players have wrong items in chat even though they dont have them equiped (or even bought). It looks like they are just given random loadout of another player. Where do you think could be the problem? In the plugin? In some settings? In a mysql...(i reinstalled the database, yet the problem persists so i dont think it's in mysql)

08-21-2015, 16:07
I added this to public action on chat message

if (g_clientTitles[author] == -1 && g_clientNameColors[author] == -1)
bChanged = true;
Format(name, MAXLENGTH_NAME, "\x03%s", name);

maybe it will solve it out, going to try it