View Full Version : Sourcemod Windows ~ TF2 game server not working.

10-25-2014, 02:44
Hi, I am a new member, and not exactly good at using computers and programming. I have followed some instructions on how to install a server, and it is working fine. The problem arise when I installed the Sourcemod. I installed both metamod 1.10.3 and Sourcemod 1.6.2 (all for windows), and followed the instructions on these 2 videos
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA9hVAEJ-AM (this one uses the exact same version that I used)
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ0QAHTR0GE&src_vid=crp9p8t8KpQ&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_828328 (I tried out with this one too)

After installing the metamod, the server was able to work, but when I installed the Sourcemod, there were some problems.
Below are some pictures when After I added in the Sourcemod files (without editing anything) (in attachments)

Capture 4, 5 shows the folders with the sourcemod and metamod files.
Capture 3 Shows the Shortcut I made of the Srcds and Things I added into the Target.
Capture 1 Shows when i clicked on the shortcut, and Capture 2 shows when i clicked "start server", and shows the loading screen. After that, the loading screen disappears and nothing else happens. This is the main problem I have been facing. I am using Windows 8 and if anyone can help, i would appreciate it a lot. :D

10-25-2014, 02:53
You don't start the server with the gui, you use a command line like
Start run srcds.exe -game yourmod -players 16 +map something
Look on the wiki for examples

10-25-2014, 09:50
you need the latest stable snapshot of mm and sm for tf2
or atleast sm 1.6.3-git4580, mm 1.10.4-git923

10-26-2014, 02:30
Thanks for the replies, I used the latest snapshots and it worked :D