View Full Version : [CS:GO]Disabled command still works

10-07-2014, 21:40
Original post on the wrong board:
I am having some problems with this code:

AddCommandListener(BlockKill, "kill");
public Action:BlockKill(client, const String:command[], args)
if (GetConVarInt(deathrun_enabled) == 1 && (GetConVarInt(deathrun_block_suicide) == 1))
PrintToChat(client, MESS, "kill blocked");
PrintToChat(client, MESS, "join spec");
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;

This is from the Deathrun Mod plugin, I am currently trying to fix it but nothing seems to work, I even tried to return Plugin_Stop but the user still suicides.

New info: Ok so after posting that on the wrong place i decided to do another test, i changed the second plugin_ thing to plugin_handled and now it works, i don't really know what is going on, after the first print the if statement just ends and it goes to the rest of the code which is the plugin_continue? Is this a problem with sourcemod or is the code wrong?

10-08-2014, 00:13
The code appears to be fine, however I'm not sure what "MESS" is. Is there anything being printed to your error logs?

10-08-2014, 00:39
The code appears to be fine, however I'm not sure what "MESS" is. Is there anything being printed to your error logs?

#define MESS "{GREEN}[DeathRun] %t"

Just some prefix stuff, the code is now working, i don't really know why but adding an else statement made it work.

public Action:BlockKill(client, const String:command[], args)
if (GetConVarInt(deathrun_enabled) == 1 && (GetConVarInt(deathrun_block_suicide) == 1))
CPrintToChat(client, MESS, "kill blocked");
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;

10-08-2014, 10:48
strange that works.
usually you need a return at the end of the function. But i guess the "else" catches that.

10-08-2014, 11:54
strange that works.
usually you need a return at the end of the function. But i guess the "else" catches that.
It will work without it, but will return warning during compiling.

10-08-2014, 17:28
It will work without it, but will return warning during compiling.

talk about warnings...

But the ones from line 28 to 51 are because of this array, what's wrong with it?

new RadioCommands[][] =

10-09-2014, 00:32
Need to tag that as a String.